Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Judge


  • Name: Mentyor
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Spacebound
  • Language:
    Speaks: Basic, Trandoshan, Yuuzhan Vong
  • Understands: Hutteese, Mando'a, Sith'ari

[*]Average Lifespan: Estimated 40-60 years
[*]Estimated Population: Unique
[*]Description: Standing a little over 2 meters tall, Mentyor is built rather heavily. Muscular frame with bones that still seem to poke out here and there along his joints, back, fingers and toes. Weighing in just shy of 85 kgs. Elongated and iris-less eyes, teeth to eat you better with, an a tongue that can writhe and shape to his command. The mass of red and black flesh seems to almost always be covered in some form of a liquid as his skin has a sheen when in the light. Sharp claws and a piercing scream worse than nails on a chalkboard.
  • Breathes: Type I,
  • Average height of adults: 2.04 meters
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Mix of red and black
  • Hair color: None
  • Distinctions: The iris-less eyes, sharp claws, teeth, red and black mass of flesh.
  • Races: N/A
  • Strengths: [2 minimum]
    All the better to eat you: Sharp claws and teeth can rend through flesh, thick hides, and can damage some scaled creatures. Can puncture through lighter armor weaves. All in the name of feeding himself and killing his one true foe.
  • Dead: Force Dead, Mentyor cannot be sensed through the force, and has very low resistances to mental manipulation. A Master could break through given enough time.
  • Vong Biots: Mentyor has various Vong biots that were installed in him. These are listed as follows. Steng's Talons(Various places), Fighting Claws(Fingers and toes), Cloak of Nuun(Permanently attached), Provoker Spineray(Attached underneath the skin), Yhun-Lik(Tongue),
  • Biot abilities: Utilizing both Steng's Talons and fighting claws allow for Mentyor to use his body as a weapon. Clawing through lighter armors and even some medium armors depending. Using the Cloak of the nuun allows for Mentyor to become invisible, as well as slightly shift his appearance. While limited to near human species, it aids him in his assassination and bounty hunting. Unknown to him though, a Provoker Spineray was implanted into him to prevent him from remembering his master's face, name, location, or anything else about him. Other than the mission that he was given to hunt one particular Force user.
  • Shifting: Mentyor can change his gender, or a variation thereof. This allows a better transition and better usage of the cloak of the Nuun as it can make him appear as a normal human, or near human species. However, if someone were to come into contact with him and found out he is in fact not a female, it would be difficult for him to blend in with the galaxy. Thus his outside muscular frame can shape and bend to match a female or a male frame. However, his skin does not change color. Thus why he requires use of the Cloak of Nuun to completely change his look.

  • Allergies: Mentyor has quite the list of allergies. Coming in contact with Barbfly stings, Sparkbees, Baffor Pollen, and Lambent Crystal, being injected with Bacta as a use of a drug is also a cause for concern.
  • Sensitive Skin: Mentyors skin or hide is rather sensitive. Where a human could barely feel the difference in a texture, Mentyor can tell the difference. While this may help him in some aspects, is more of a weakness due to being in battles often. Pain is very easily felt. A simple punch that would barely hurt one human would cause quite a bit of pain to him. He is more susceptible to feeling physical pain. Thought to be twice as much so as a human.
  • Electrifying!: While Mentyor is closely attached to vong biots but is also force dead, one of the force powers that can cause major pains to him is force lightning. While other variations such as Electric judgement, and Alter Environment's use of lighting can also do the trick in a pinch.
  • Armor Limitations: For some of the biots to be used, Mentyor would require himself to be out of armor. However, with him mostly staying inside his armor to hide his true face, it would be difficult to use said weapons or items to his advantage.
  • Sticks and Stones: Without his armor, Mentyor is very fleshy. He can still be injured quite easily through the use of various means of weaponry. At best, he may be a little resistant to scratching due to the cloaker. Otherwise, he can be just as easily killed as any other near-human species.
  • Near blind: While Mentyor does have special eye biots graphed into him, Mentyor's vision without them is rather poor. Nearsighted and only able to see within a couple feet in front of him. The Maa'its can allow him to see normal distances when used, and even see in infrared vision. However, on a normal basis, he is quite impaired.
  • Shifting: While he does have the ability to shift his frame to match that of a male or female. His skin does not change color. Thus, if he were not using the cloak of Nuun, he would appear the same, just as a feminine or a masculine form. He can also change his form to be an amalgamation of the two.
  • Concentration: In order to shift his frame, turn invisible, or use various biots within his body, Mentyor needs to have control over his faculties. If he is in a pure rage, or if he has been drinking, or is subject to drugs that mess with his motor functions, there is a high chance that he may attempt to change into a male, but only half change, or use one particular biot, and it fail to be used.
  • Infertile: Mentyor is unable to create offspring in the natural sense. While his DNA can be taken and used in artificial uses, or even cloned, he cannot reproduce naturally.
  • Substances: Mentyor cannot hold his liquor, nor can he handle drugs very well. He can very easily get drunk after just one or two beers, and drugs are thought to be three times more effective to him. Where as a human may take a low dose of the drug to sedate pain, Mentyor would feel completely numb over his entire body when taking the same dosage. This also translates to poisons that he is not immune to taking the same effect. He barely needs any kind of a dosage that would kill a human to kill him.
  • Mental Powers: Masters of the force using mental powers can still affect him. More over, Since there are various vong biots within his body, Vongsense can also be used against him and affect him depending upon the use of the ability, and the strength at which one knows the ability at. Master level characters will have an easier time to affect him, while knight and apprentice will be hard pressed the less skilled they are in these abilities.

  • Diet: Carnivorous, Likes the taste of force sensitive flesh. While force sensitive creatures can sedate that hunger, Force using sentient creatures are best.
  • Communication: Spoken languages, non-verbal actions and emotions.
  • Technology level: Galaxy Equivalent, however tends to use as little of it as possible.
  • Religion/Beliefs: His master, is God. His master's word is law and what he will hold himself to. Mentyor was created by an unknown Sith at this time. Given tools for him to perform a task of hunting down a Sith who is his permanent target. While he was told that he could take all the time he needed to find said person, he is allowed to perform other bounties and assassinations per his discretion. Having a vong biot graphed into him to prevent his memory of his master other than they, being his creator, and to hunt down one person in particular.
  • General behavior: In one word, Rage is the pure idea that comes to mind when speaking about Mentyor. Given free reign of his emotional state, and told to use everything as a tool to get him closer to his goal of hunting down one particular force user, Mentyor uses most often his pain and rage to fuel him much like a Sith would. He is capable with various forms of weaponry and will use them whenever necessary. However, if he can, he tries to limit his use of higher technology. Most notably with his armor that is created mostly of bones and biological textiles. With a very limited use HUD.
Mentyor is an enigma. All he knows is that one day he was born into a twisted body that was not his own. He had no memories of his past. However, he has small flashes of memories being trained to fight and how to use weapons. He has flashes of him literally eating a persons face off. More than that, he knows that his master talked to him. Spoke to him only once. During his creation.

"You will hunt one man down. You know his scent. You know his face. I want you to find him, and bring him to me. Even if you die trying."
"Yes My Master."
"Your memories will be wiped of my existence. You will not remember my face, where I am, or who I am. However, know this. I know who and what you are. I know what you are capable of. If you try to find me, I will kill you."
"You want me to hunt a man down when you could so easily kill him yourself?"
"Yes. I have other tasks to deal with. I have others who are in need of me. You are a waste of time, space and breath. The gear that lays here is provided for you. Use all of it. Use any or none of it. Anything else you acquire along the way is yours to keep."
"Very well Master."
"You shall fall asleep, and when you wake, you will only remember these words. They will echo in your skull."
"Consider it done."

Once he had fallen asleep, Mentyor woke up and did as he was told. Knowing his Master, his God, would bring down fiery punishment upon him. Left behind was a datapad that he read over. Giving him details of his creation, what was inside of him. He believes his master left some things out to keep him somewhat in the dark, but understands as his God wants to be left in the Shadows.

Now, Mentyor, a name chosen by his master, is rampant upon the galaxy.

A couple of things:
  • Please put the image into spoilers or scale it down according to the new Codex rules.
  • I also need you to hyperlink to the Deviantart page of the artpiece of the artist in the image credit.
  • Please add the fact that master-level mentalism does affect him in the weaknesses.
  • It is my understand that those eye-biots replace the eyes rather than enhance the current ones. That means using this biot would effectively remove its near-blindness. Either remove the weakness or remove the biot, but do note that if you remove the weakness I will take that into account while looking for the balance in the submission.
Tag me when you do these things and we will take it from there.
Factory Judge
  • Please put the image into spoilers or scale it down according to the new Codex rules.

[*]I also need you to hyperlink to the Deviantart page of the artpiece of the artist in the image credit.
  • Edited in as "Image Credit"

[*]Please add the fact that master-level mentalism does affect him in the weaknesses.
  • Added in the mentalism, as well as Vongsense since I neglected to do so earlier.

[*]It is my understand that those eye-biots replace the eyes rather than enhance the current ones. That means using this biot would effectively remove its near-blindness. Either remove the weakness or remove the biot, but do note that if you remove the weakness I will take that into account while looking for the balance in the submission.
  • Removed the biot from the submission.

[member="Jairus Starvald"],

Mentyor said:
Shifting: Mentyor can change his gender, or a variation thereof. This allows a better transition and better usage of the cloak of the Nuun as it can make him appear as a normal human, or near human species. However, if someone were to come into contact with him and found out he is in fact not a female, it would be difficult for him to blend in with the galaxy. Thus his outside muscular frame can shape and bend to match a female or a male frame. However, his skin does not change color. Thus why he requires use of the Cloak of Nuun to completely change his look.
Does the shaping and bending to match different frames change its strength in any way?
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