The Admiralty
Dignity had been breached, reputation besmirched. Ovmar never had any qualms with [member="Lucien Cordel"] the man had always seemed refreshingly efficient, surprisingly competent and generally a pleasant man to converse with. Noble blood, calm when needed, furious when the time demanded such a thing.
So it had been a shame when Jared had to report on him too those weeks ago. Had it been possible? He would have tried and shielded Lucien from the reports. But the Duke’s presence on Lipsec had been too heavily established, there had been no way to hide such a fact and the Lord of the Fringe found it beneath either of their dignity to lie about such a thing.
With that being said, it would have seemed as if Lord Ovmar wished to damage Cordel personally, and if he had been in Cordel’s shoes? He would have taken personal offense, perhaps try and find a way to repay the act in kind. Such things were not strange in the cruel and hard world of the Fringe Confederation.
And so it was that Lord Ovmar contacted the Duke Cordel for a meeting on his estate on Annaj, a simple walking stick in hand, no lightsabers to speak about the elderly Sith Lord stepped foot in Cordel’s household and waited to be admitted.
He was prepared to wait as long as needed, Lucien would probably make him wait a while… to make a point perhaps, or maybe he wouldn’t. Who knew these days?
So it had been a shame when Jared had to report on him too those weeks ago. Had it been possible? He would have tried and shielded Lucien from the reports. But the Duke’s presence on Lipsec had been too heavily established, there had been no way to hide such a fact and the Lord of the Fringe found it beneath either of their dignity to lie about such a thing.
With that being said, it would have seemed as if Lord Ovmar wished to damage Cordel personally, and if he had been in Cordel’s shoes? He would have taken personal offense, perhaps try and find a way to repay the act in kind. Such things were not strange in the cruel and hard world of the Fringe Confederation.
And so it was that Lord Ovmar contacted the Duke Cordel for a meeting on his estate on Annaj, a simple walking stick in hand, no lightsabers to speak about the elderly Sith Lord stepped foot in Cordel’s household and waited to be admitted.
He was prepared to wait as long as needed, Lucien would probably make him wait a while… to make a point perhaps, or maybe he wouldn’t. Who knew these days?