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Men of power (Cordel)

The Admiralty
Dignity had been breached, reputation besmirched. Ovmar never had any qualms with [member="Lucien Cordel"] the man had always seemed refreshingly efficient, surprisingly competent and generally a pleasant man to converse with. Noble blood, calm when needed, furious when the time demanded such a thing.

So it had been a shame when Jared had to report on him too those weeks ago. Had it been possible? He would have tried and shielded Lucien from the reports. But the Duke’s presence on Lipsec had been too heavily established, there had been no way to hide such a fact and the Lord of the Fringe found it beneath either of their dignity to lie about such a thing.

With that being said, it would have seemed as if Lord Ovmar wished to damage Cordel personally, and if he had been in Cordel’s shoes? He would have taken personal offense, perhaps try and find a way to repay the act in kind. Such things were not strange in the cruel and hard world of the Fringe Confederation.

And so it was that Lord Ovmar contacted the Duke Cordel for a meeting on his estate on Annaj, a simple walking stick in hand, no lightsabers to speak about the elderly Sith Lord stepped foot in Cordel’s household and waited to be admitted.

He was prepared to wait as long as needed, Lucien would probably make him wait a while… to make a point perhaps, or maybe he wouldn’t. Who knew these days?
The door to luciens little slice of traquility, on a planet of secrets and political machinations , was opened by lucien annaj butler. Lucien called her Hardich that was not her name, however in the intrests of duty she answered to it. She seemed suprised that [member="Jared Ovmar"] had actually shown up ,but ever the dutiful servant she swiftly repressed such the trivial emotion becoming once more robotic. "Lord Cordel is expecting you , I will fetch him, please await him in the drawing room" she pointed to the room immediatly to her right before heading upstairs.

The morning after the night before had found lucien some what less tense than he had been the last few days. His coversation with Ashin had put him at ease.He doubted his conversation with Jared would have the same effect , that being said it wasn't everyday one got a face to face with arcitect of their demise. As such lucien tore himself away from the holo net and went down stairs scandelously underdressed , having not changed from his lounge wear.

"Lord Ovmar I would like to say it's a pleasure" it wasn't but that went unsaid. Lucien glanced at the time then advanced on his drinks cabinet muttering that it was 8 o'clock somwhere "would you like a brandy councillor" he asked as any polite host should, before opening the patio doors to let in the light breeze rolling off the lake.Finally he lit a cigar and sat down "what can I do for you"
The Admiralty
Jared accepted the drink, utilizing art of the small on the fly to make sure there was no poison. He doubted Cordel would go for such an distasteful method, but he had been surprised before and being careful costed him nothing. Only after making sure it was clean did he take a little sip, savoring the taste and giving a nod of thanks. What could [member="Lucien Cordel"] do for him? Why was he here? Bribes? Offer of apologies? All of at was expected and the Sith Lord was not a man who enjoyed being expected.

Putting the cane to his side, letting it lean against the chair he sat down and silence reigned. This stayed for a while, an uncomfortable pause in the tide as both men took the opportunity to take each others measure. Finally then, Lord Ovmar spoke, old voice, still deep and rich in oratory function.

'How are you, Lord Cordel?'

The one question that seemed out of place in this specific moment, perhaps because of this it was the right question at the right time.
Lucien would be lying if he said the silence didn't trouble him, a silent man was a dangerous man. None the less he sat there and endured until Jared broke the silence ... With an all togher unexpected question . Lucien choked on his brandy, he didn't see that coming. Taking a moment to recompose he finally spoke

"I could be worse, it isn't nice to be fired from your job and be made to appear like a fool, and all in a secret meeting that I wasn't invited too... That's all part of the game though I suppose, I had a good run"

He looked at Jared he had gotten old , it was perculliar a topic he might broach later

"Now Lord Ovmar I'm sure you didn't come here to have me tell you things you already know so shall we get to brass tacks" of course lucien was more than happy to continue pussy footing around the elephant in the room. We're it not in poor taste lucien would have taken great pleasure in bludgeoning the smug Sith sat across from him with a fire poker. Such vulgar thoughts had no place in civilised conversation however so lucien dismissed them.
The Admiralty
"I am not here to offer apologies or bribe you, Lord Cordel.' the Sith Lord replied after contemplating that which had been spoken and that which had been left unspoken. In the grand scheme of things, with or without a century spend in the Monolith, Jared was a mentalist at heart. Few if anything could be really hidden from him, and Lucien wasn't trying to do that anyway. The man had a right to his anger, in his place... had he been younger? He would have started a war at only at the impression of his honor soiled.

But [member="Lucien Cordel"] seemed to be a nobler man than the young Ovmar or perhaps just more careful in the face of one defeat.

Another sip from the exquisite brandy, an appreciative nod and then he spoke again. 'But you do deserve an explanation. I felt it necessary to remove Sivas from power, you can agree or disagree on the necessity, it makes no difference now.' Calm blue eyes studied Lucien as Ovmar spoke and the Lord of the Fringe did not seem concerned. Neither was it apparent if it bothered the man, that he had given up enforcing security on the capital. 'Truth to be told, I respect you, Lord Cordel, but I did not know how friendly you were with her.'

A shrug.

'Making contact with you would have create the very real possibility of Sivas being tipped off, had she known what we were planning? Civil war was not out of the question.' It was clear that Jared truly believed this, there was no smugness or glee in some kind of malicious plot won, there was simply an old man. A man happy that an ugly possibility had been averted. 'Lord Cordel, I hold no ill feelings towards you and yours. I understand if you cannot say the same, but at the very least I hope you will come to understand why I did what I did.'

His piece said, Ovmar leaned back against his chair and simply took another sip from his brandy. Content on letting Lucien digest that which had been said.
The Admiralty
"I am not here to offer apologies or bribe you, Lord Cordel.' the Sith Lord replied after contemplating that which had been spoken and that which had been left unspoken. In the grand scheme of things, with or without a century spend in the Monolith, Jared was a mentalist at heart. Few if anything could be really hidden from him, and Lucien wasn't trying to do that anyway. The man had a right to his anger, in his place... had he been younger? He would have started a war at only at the impression of his honor soiled.

But [member="Lucien Cordel"] seemed to be a nobler man than the young Ovmar or perhaps just more careful in the face of one defeat.

Another sip from the exquisite brandy, an appreciative nod and then he spoke again. 'But you do deserve an explanation. I felt it necessary to remove Sivas from power, you can agree or disagree on the necessity, it makes no difference now.' Calm blue eyes studied Lucien as Ovmar spoke and the Lord of the Fringe did not seem concerned. Neither was it apparent if it bothered the man, that he had given up enforcing security on the capital. 'Truth to be told, I respect you, Lord Cordel, but I did not know how friendly you were with her.'

A shrug.

'Making contact with you would have create the very real possibility of Sivas being tipped off, had she known what we were planning? Civil war was not out of the question.' It was clear that Jared truly believed this, there was no smugness or glee in some kind of malicious plot won, there was simply an old man. A man happy that an ugly possibility had been averted. 'Lord Cordel, I hold no ill feelings towards you and yours. I understand if you cannot say the same, but at the very least I hope you will come to understand why I did what I did.'

His piece said, Ovmar leaned back against his chair and simply took another sip from his brandy. Content on letting Lucien digest that which had been said.
Lucien nodded "I expected nothing less" he replied "I also understand your actions some times one must cut off the arm to save the body " the nessesity In the case was debatable but Jared was right had he known of the plot he would likely have told Andra and followed her to civil war. He repayed loyalty , Ashin has now shown him loyalty and as had Jared to an extent, he would not be sparking civil war anytime soon "Politics can get dirty" he said but your respect means jack to me he thought, "if we only played cleanly we would both be dead ... However do not mistake my understanding for an acceptance , I am warning you now if the opportunity presents itself to me I will pay you in kind" there was no use in hiding his intent Jared already knew Lucien's mind

He scanned Jared in much the same way as he was himself being examined [member="Jared Ovmar"] gave nothing away he never did, lucien supposed he could respect that and lucien appreciated those who appreciated good brandy. " For now Lord Ovmar I am content to declare a truce with you , I have wounds to lick and allies to reaffirm ." After all fights required heavy investment and he need to get some powerful freinds back into his pocket so he wouldn't be caught off gaurd again. Lucien appreciated the explains toon. It amused him to think that he had now been visited by two of his three ... Humbling influences. one had given him the reason for his temporary disgrace , the other a reminder that he was still valued. if the final one came what would he bring ... Lucien could only ponder. This time silence was not uncomfortable the air was clearing and that was enough for now.

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