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Approved Planet Melody

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Name: Melody

Region: Unknown

System: Clef System – Treble is the Green Super Giant that is the center of the system, Orbiting it in order is Harmony (3 M Km), Form (10 M Km), Rhythm (24 M Km), Timbre (92 M Km), Melody (1 AU), Acoustic (2 AU), Bass (3.5 AU) Past Bass is an asteroid field that surrounds the System

Suns: Treble - Green Super Giant (10x sun), Bass - Red Giant (5x sun)

Orbital Position: Habitable Zone, 5th planet from Treble, 1 AU

Moons: A-Major, B-Major, C-Major, D-Major, E-Major, F-Major, & G-Major

Coordinates: U,19 very center.

Rotational Period: 32 galactic hours

Orbital Period: 1000 Rotations

Class: Terrestrial Giant

Diameter: 1.5x earth

Atmosphere: Type-1

Climate: Temperate

Gravity: 1.5x Standard

Primary Terrain: Land with two Giant lake with a ton of smaller lakes around. The Two Giant lakes takes up 25% of the planet.

Native species: Musicians & Logno

Immigrated Species: None

Primary languages: Musical Sequence

Government: Theocracy

Population: 10 million

Demonym: Musicians

Major cities: Woodwinds, Strings, Brass, Percussion, & Keyboards

Major imports: Technology & Instruments

Major exports: Music & Tourism

Affiliation: Any Musical Factions

Important Events:
The New Years Ensemble – Every New Years (1 planet orbit), at midnight, All the Musicians Start to play a song,This song could be heard throughout the planet. In fact, cloaked ships had actually come to the planets just for this event.

The 2 Year Dance – When a Musician turns 2, The force guides the young Musician in choosing the instrument they will learn how to play. After the child chooses, their family & friends dance the night away.

The 5 Year Performance – When a Musician turns 5, they perform in front of family and friends to show them what they have learned.

Wedding Ceremony - The Wedding Ceremony on Melody is a giant ball with all family and friends being there.

Religion: The religion of this Planet is quite interesting. They believe that the music that they create is used by the force to live. In exchange, the force leads their people on the path the force wants them to go. Because of this, they follow both the light and dark side of the force. As such, they are neutral in the force. The force also helps them when they need it.

Motto: Music is the soother of souls and the keeper of peace.

The Force: The Force is, to them, a guide for their life. Of course they can choose what they do, but the force is there to nudge them in the right direction. Some of them follow the force without question, others are more lenient and consider it there just to show what paths they can take. They can also use the force to help out with physical labor as they play their music.

Society: They are a unified people. As such, they have come together to make music constantly.

Everyday Life: While there are many jobs out there for the Musicians, one thing is constant for them. They are always playing music. Some songs that they play are meant to help control the force as they work while others are for communication. The ability to do work through song using the force was discovered way before they even left their planet's atmosphere.

Art: Besides music there isn't much in terms of art. The only other “Art” is the architecture that was made for great acoustics.

Clothing: They have an extremely formal look to them. In fact, they almost look like they are in a uniform.

Technology: They are quickly catching up to the rest of the galaxy due to importation of Technology from other planets. They are expected to reach Galactic Standard in three orbits.

Major Events & Eras: These are the events & eras that are most important for the planet. All years are Galactic Basic not Planet Years.
Creation: 10 Billion Years Ago: Started out just like any other Terrestrial Planet, as a giant ball of molten rock to eventually cool into a rocky planet. It eventually receives freshwater from a ton of comets striking it. These waters eventually settle into the many lakes and rivers that are found all over the planet.

Lake's Life Era: 5 Billion Years Ago – 30 Million Years Ago: During this Time The Lakes housed the most amount of life on the planet. The only thing that lived on land was plant life.

First Bacteria: 5 Billion Years Ago: The first Bacteria was the Silver Slime. It covered the planet's lakes for quite some time making the lakes look like it was melted silver. There are still small colonies of this algae in some of the lakes today.

First Plant: 1 Billion Years Ago: The first Plant was a shore dweller. It was known as Gloarn. Gloarn looks like a small rock. However, it is soft to the touch.

First Land Plant: 80 Million Years ago: It's quite funny that Melody Grass was the first plants to appear on land. This grass actually whistles in the wind. It was actually this whistling that attracted the person who created the first woodwind instrument many years later.

First Flower: 70 Million Years Ago: The first flower was the Little Lilac. It was a small flower that resembled a lilac in shape just smaller.

First Tree: 60 Million years ago: The first tree was the Majestic Pine. This pine tree was over 100 feet tall and 50 feet around. It's needles long and thick.

First Fish: 40 Million Years Ago: The first fish to swim the lakes of Melody was the trumpet fish. This fish sent out sound waves that would reflect off anything that got in its path, kind of like echolocation.

Trumpet Fish Goes Mute: 35 Million Years Ago: The trumpet fish had lots of trouble since it could hear the sound of every fish in the lake. This caused mass confusion which eventually made the fish go mute to compensate for small area.

First Predator: 34 Million Years Ago: The First Predator of the Trumpet Fish Emerged. It was known as the silibas. It had the ability to hear the Trumpet Fish swimming from 300 Km away. The silibas is also the Ancestor of the Musicians. In order to sneak up on its prey, the silibas was also mute as well as having a body that made as little sound as possible as it swam through the lakes of Melody.

First Insect: 33 Million Years Ago: The First Insect was a water living insect known as lipoli. It was long and thin and would attach itself to fish. Whether it was a symbiotic or a parasitic relationship is currently unknown.

Giant Insects Era: 33 Million Years Ago – 25 Million Years Ago: During this time, giant insects controlled the earth. They would eat most of the other species that found its way onto land. However, they were regulated when 29.9 billion years ago when the logno first appeared. However, they stayed as the top till the First Mass Extinction.

First Insect to Leave the Water: 33 Million Years ago: A flying insect known as the plero was the first animal to leave the water. They were omnivorous and would eat each other as well as the plants around them.

First Fish to Walk on Land: 30 Million Years Ago: The first fish to walk on land was the klion. The klion was a fish that had grown legs that made it easier to move on land. However, they needed to stay close to the water for now. The klion looked like a salamander.

First Predator to Walk on land: 29.9 Million Years Ago: A Predator known as the logno found its way on land. This creature looks almost like a giant reptilian frog and is still around today. It loves to sit on logs and observe its surroundings it is also well-known that nothing gets withing reach of this creature as you are likely to be eaten... unless of course you get its permission. Some say they are Sentient as it can understand humans/musicians and even respond to them, yet they have never built anything in all the years they have lived. Many logno actually live to be 140 Planet Years(511 Galactic Years).

First Mass Extinction: 25 Million Years Ago: The extinction of almost all animals on the planet occurred due to a meteorite strike. Logno were the biggest creatures to survive the distinction, mainly because they took shelter underground. Over 90% of all species that lived on the planet at that time went extinct.

Giant Reptiles Era: 24.9 Million Years ago – 20 Million Years ago: As Expected this is the Era when Reptiles Ruled with the main reptile being the logno who have survived and thrived the First Mass Extinction.

Second Mass Extinction and The Ice Age: 20 Million Years Ago – 19.9 Billion Years Ago: The Second Mass Extinction happened due to a drop in temperature. Yet again the logno went underground where the temperature is constant. A few other smaller species also went underground. About 75% of all species to live at that time went extinct.

Giant Mammalian Era: 19.9 Million Years Ago – 10 Million Years Ago: This Era still had the logno as the top dog. However, by number of species the giant mammals outnumbered any other group of animals.

First Musicians: 12 Million Years Ago: The first Musicians were tribal. They hunted for meat in groups with spears just like humans did. They also had a sense of where they had to go to get food so they never went hungry. The Jedi Counsel has confirmed that they used the force to hunt and forage.

Lagno & Musicians First Contact: 11 Million Years Ago: The lagno and musicians made first contact 11 Million Years ago. The musicians at this time only used body language to communicate while the lagno used the force to mentally connect with one another. It didn't take long for them to understand each other. The lagno became surprised when the musicians bowed down to them only later to be discovered that the musicians consider them gods. Most lagno denied it though they never turned down the free food that the musicians would bring. This meeting sparked a friendship between the lagno and the musicians which later kept the musicians alive as the lagno warned the musicians that a drought was on it's way.

Third Mass Extinction & Great Drought: 10 Million Years ago – 9 Million Years Ago: Musicians and logno both took refuge near lakes during this time, especially Lake Forte and Lake Fortissimo.

Clap Communication First Found: 9.5 Million Years Ago: The first clap communication came to be due to the fact that it actually confused prey as well as gave them the ability to talk to someone even if they were not looking at them. It confused some Musicians at first but they quickly came up with a form of communication. Also snaps were added later on. They also created a Force clap that replaced their bows and spears to take down prey. Of course they all thought it was a gift from a god who loved their clapping.

First Instrument: 9.4 Million Years Ago: The first instrument was a drum made out of a wooden box covered in animal skin. They also discovered that The First Soul can travel on their sound waves and will only affect those that they want it to affect. This became a primary weapon for the musicians. A weapon that is still used today. They also discovered that if you beat the drum a certain way then you can move objects any way you want.

First Town: 8 Million Years Ago: The first town was set up near one of the Logno's logs. They would hunt and fish and gather food not just for the Musicians but also for the logno whose name ruffly translates to Kimimo.

The Empire Era: 7.5 Million Years Ago – 1 Million Years Ago: During this time, the planet was plunged into war between many empires. Also, the logno was quiet during this time, only willing to talk to those who were friendly. However, when a logno got hurt they had enough and demanded that the Musicians must create a single government and must follow the rules of no violence unless in self-defense. Advancement in structures and technology had advanced greatly during this time. All the way to the point of being able to reach G-Major.

The World Government Era: 1 Million Years Ago – 1000 Years Ago: This era was run by a single world government that is led by a council with a single logno and a group of 20 musicians. The council is re-voted upon every planet year and has completely new members each time. No one who had already been on the council may be placed on the council a second time. This is so that greed can not set in on a council member. Science also continued to grow until finally the first Hyperdrive was made.

Force Use Banned: 700,000 Years Ago - 699,999 Years Ago: An attempt to get the Musicians to stop using the force in everyday activity, The Force Use Ban only lasted a year. This is because some of the things they do can only be done through the force. This Ban caused riots throughout the planet which made them repeal it a year after it was initiated.

The Single Currency Act: 500,000 Years Ago: It took 500,000 years to get to this point, but finally the single currency was chosen. Translated the currency is called Notes, the notes are split up into Whole, Half, Quarter, & 8th Notes. Of course this tells you how much each note is worth. In the Republic System The 8th Note is worth 5 Credit, Quarter is 10 Credits, Half is 50 Credits, and Whole is 100 Credits.

Force Pandemic & Execution of Music Free Force Users: 5000 Years Ago-5500 Years Ago: This was an awful time for both the logno and musicians. A disease had spread on the planet through the force. Many Musicians thought the "First Spirit" was angry at them because some of the Musicians started to use the force without giving the "First Spirit" an offering of music. The logno had also received the sickness and had requested the musicians to see if they could find a medical reason for it. The musicians refused and instead killed the ones who used the force without giving music to the "First Spirit". A few years later the pandemic stopped spreading and while it was still present, they gained an immunity to it.

Clef's Destruction Prophecy: 2000 Years Ago: The logno had a huge scare in the force. They saw Treble go supernova and wipe out the entire solar system with the exception Bass who grew three times it's current size. However, what is worse is the fact the after the supernova ended, Treble suddenly shrunk and formed a black hole which pulled all the material in the system into it. This pushed the logno to actually looking into ways of leaving the planet along side the Musicians.

First Hyperdrive Invented & The Jedi Council First Contact: 1000 Years Ago: The first hyperdrive was invented 1000 years ago. Due to the force being strong on the planet, the Jedi Council has kept a close eye on the planet and waited for the Musicians to create a hyperdrive. Once they did, the Jedi Council came to Melody and to try to bring them into the order. However, the Musicians refused starting “You dare to control The First Spirit without giving him and offering!? We shall never join you!” The council left deject as well as a little bit unsettled. They believed that the Musicians were dark users. However, it came to be discovered later that it wasn't the case. Instead, they are neutral in the force. The first contact with the logno was no better as the logno refused to leave their home for any reason whatsoever, though they did offer two children as consultants, which the Jedi accepted. Little did they know that the two children will breed when they turned 10 and they would get 25 more logno to keep watch over Coruscant.

The Republic, Empire, & Hutt First Contact: 1000 Years Ago: The three major groups came to Melody, right after the Jedi, to try to convince them to become part of their group. The republic promised freedom and a place on the republic council. The Empire promised power and strength for all eternity. The Hutts promised wealth, slaves, & entertainment. Needless to say, it didn't work out as planned. The Musicians said that they are willing to be a neutral territory in all conflicts. All three factions were allowed to send people to their planet to set up shops. However, the fee for doing so is a new technology each year. Also, they must agree to follow every law on Melody or else that person will be exiled from their planet.

The Cantina Fiasco: 1000 Years Ago: This is classified as one of the funniest events to ever happen in the galaxy. As soon as permission was given, The Galactic Cantina Company Set up shop on Melody. However, opening night for their cantina was a disaster. Turns out that the main music played in most cantinas around the galaxy is actually an insult on Melody. Roughly translated the song is saying, “You are as dumb as a mindomog,” which is the dumbest creature on Melody. Because of this, a giant fight broke out in the cantina and since then the cantina has been careful to only use local music on Melody.

The Melody Shipyard & Docking Site Created: 500 Years ago: The first shipyard and docking site was created 500 years after first contact, the reason for this is because they wanted to make it big enough to house the biggest ships. The size of the Shipyard and Docking site is so large that makes a ring around the planet just outside G-Major's Orbit. Before it was complete they had designated landing areas for small shuttles.

Notable PC's: None Yet

Intent: Future Character Home World as well as the main location of his first adventure.

Theme Music

It's good to see somebody who also knows something about music, but there are some problems with this submission.

Please change the suns to two normal ones. Two huge stars wouldn't allow such a planet to exist the way you want it.

This means, that you'll have to cut down the rotational and orbital periods.

Please cut down the size of the planet and make it just terrestrial.

Gravity so strong is unbearable. It's clearly too much, so please cut it down to something closer to standard.

A planet must have oceans to support life like that.

Alright, the language kind of makes sense, but replace the 'music' with 'musical sequence language' or something similar (pardon my wording).

Please explain: what is this 'orchestral government'?

The population needs to be cut down to match the new size of the planet.

All the Musicians Start to play a song, this song can be heard out to the outer edge of the solar system
Impossible. Please remove it. If you want too keep the context please, change it to something like 'the song can be heard from all around the planet'.

Culture is not only some important events, but society, everyday life, religion, arts, languages, the Force, the way the government works, etc. Please extend it.

Also they have Gravity suites used to allow tourists to come to their planet without being crushed.
You can remove it now that the gravity is reduced.

The current history is not long enough. It gives us basically no information at the moment. Please expand it.

Also, please process it through a word processor to get rid of all grammar and spelling mistakes.
History still being thought up. But also need to know, do you want it done in a timeline format or a basic overview of important events?
@[member="Darth Malificete"]
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