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Private Meeting over Kamsul

Kreasus Dragontooth


space station city

Arzon City Station
Over Kamsul

Arzon City Station was a massive space station constructed by several corporations with the backing of Galactic Alliance Officials. Built over the world of Kamsul within the Stenness Node because of the world's less strategic position in the grand scheme of things. The Galactic Alliance had stationed patrols throughout the node but they were shifted after a few months to engage with the Brotherhood of the Maw. Leaving the station and planet open to occupation by hostile forces. Although such a scenario didn't happen as of yet due to mysterious politics working within the background. A small garrison of alliance militia had been assigned to act as the police force of the station.
Officially on paper it was a gathering place for refugees displaced by the Brotherhood of the Maw and the Bryn'adul. This new settlement would be a resting place until the Galactic Alliance could find new planets for them to reside on. Although with the amount of refugees pouring into the station city due to the constant struggle with the Brotherhood of the Maw. It was becoming apparent that the city could no longer support such a massive population and they had to turn people away. Such despair and squalor was commonplace for the rise of syndicates and criminal gangs. Each district within the city found itself under the control of new syndicates that controlled the operations within made up of refugees that turned to a life of crime . These syndicates would be called Kazem's an ancient word meaning "Venom".
Each Kazem controlled their own operation within their district and gang wars between them was commonplace resulting in some places of the city being deemed off limits by the Alliance Militia on board the station. Enforcers of the Kazem's would wear armbands to signify loyalty instead of tattoos or items. The more armbands that an enforcer wore the more power they had within the gang. Boss's of the Kazem's would have five armbands with their personal signal and gang color upon them.
Underneath their leadership, Arzon City Station would slowly devolve into a criminal haven. The Small garrison was largely confined within the barrack section of the city, not having enough numbers to push out against the gangs that in effect controlled the city. The Oggor Merchant Empire intervened in the struggle between criminal gangs due to their merchants being within the city. These merchants provided the backbone of the merchant empire's power within the Stenness Node region.
Trademaster Kreasus Dragontooth had arrived within the City Station along with his small army of Oggor Guardsman. These hulking mass of muscles would prove more than a match to keep the kezem's in line and away from the more profitable areas.
Dragontooth had taken up residence within the local fighting pit, dubbed "Tutardus". This fighting pit would gain legendary status due to the rumors being spread by the Kazems that it was the residence of the Big Boss "The Gluttonous" which made many avoid it all together. Although mercenaries entered into the den of the gluttonous to gain contracts and business opportunities.
Kreasus would lounge upon his giant lounger within his temporary throne room, directly in front of the fighting pit. Being 20 feet in height and 5,000 pounds of pure weight. His three chins would be dotted with the remains of food and grease, a short white beard adorned his face although it was covered in crumbs. Royal chains adorned his neck and went down over his massive beer gut. Not to mention his shining crown filled with gemstones and royal cape.
If anyone was to enter and speak with the "Gluttonous" they would have to bypass the Oggor Guardsman at the door. Two massive azzaroni oggors with armored forms, having brass knuckles to punch down any who tried to enter. Although getting past them was an option.
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