Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meditation Through Combat (OPEN)

He would lower his blade once she would ask her long question, signalling that it was the end of the duel since she seemed more concerned about his facial expressions then the battle itself. A curious mind was fine, of course. Knowledge was power. Knowledge was a key thing for a Jedi to covet. There was no reason to inhibit the gaining of knowledge when they could simply spar another time.

"I'm a warrior, Padawan. While I try to avoid battle if I can help it, preferring non-violent methods to situations as Jedi should... I feel my heart beating wildly as I battle, and I'll admit I love it. But... Juyo. Vaapad. They can be good for those who know to use them, use... But they're dangerous. They require the use of aggression, of emotions, of a yearning that not all Jedi can handle. Jedi are taught about it, yes, in order to deal with it if it comes up. But to be taught it directly for offense is rare."

He took a breath and looked her over.

"Rarer still for a Padawan."

That was it, really. He questioned the logic of, even if she was Echani, for her to be taught to use it directly at her current level.

"It's risky" He remarked bluntly. "Echani or not. If the Padawan fits the style, that's something for them to look into when they hit Knighthood. When they're at a point where the risk is less and they know better how to regulate their desires, regulate their emotions, know restraint. Otherwise... Well, it's as I told you before. Losing control is far too easy, especially for a Padawan."

"But..." He began, and scratched his head. "I'll trust your Master's judgement. If it leads you to ruin, then they'll answer for it. As, obviously, will you."

He would pace the room a moment, collecting his thoughts. He would deactivate his blade and then look back at her.

"All I can offer is advice. Be cautious at all times. And never, never overestimate your abilities or your capabilities. Your bit about being Echani so you know you can handle it? Take that out of your head. Overconfidence will ruin you. It can ruin any Jedi. Retain caution, find your limits. Otherwise... The path of a Vaapad user is a very risky one, one that walks a fine line between light and dark. If I'm being honest with you, it confounds me as to why your Master would allow you to use it offensively at your current state. Especially when your mind is clearly clouded due to the situation with your lover. It just seems like a recipe for disaster to me, and the last thing I want to see is for it to lead to your downfall. Or worse, your fall in another matter."

The next words were blunt, but it was clear that he said it because he cared and wanted nothing to happen to her. It was clear in his tone of voice, even if strict - but moreso in his eyes. His eyes always betrayed his thoughts.

"The last thing I want to do is to have to strike down another Jedi, turned or not. I never want to go through that. Never again."

He looked to his lightsaber for a moment before returning it to his belt.

"I almost had to strike down my own Padawan not long ago. Impatience, lack of caution, thinking he could take things that he really could not. I almost lost him. There is generally a way to come back from the path... But it's not easy. Sometimes, it's impossible. That's a close call I do not wish to repeat, and certainly not a close call, or worse, that I want to see befall anyone else.

Just... Do me a favor, and be careful, alright? I'm not asking this as a superior, as a Jedi Master, as any of that. I'm asking you as a friend, to take caution, never overestimate yourself or your abilities, and be patient. I'm not saying to give up Juyo or Vaapad, but... Learn your limits. Know your limits. And know when you need more training and more instruction before you can trust yourself to apply it in the field. You're dealing with dangerous elements, Padawan. Echani or not, it's incredibly risky. And even as a Knight, or Master... The risk remains. The only thing that keeps us safe should we use it, is knowledge. Control. Restraint. Patience. Knowing ourselves and our limits inside and out. When we lose our control... We become but monsters. We become the things that the Jedi exist to fight, to protect people from. The things you wish to protect people from."

He didn't approve of the path she had chosen at her current stage. But he'd trust her to see it through and come through better for it. He just hoped that what advice he could offer would benefit her. He knew by people he'd worked with how dangerous Vaapad and Juyo were... And he'd seen the best of them fall to temptation, fall to what it brought out of you... And in turn, fall to a dark path that not many can walk away from once they had started on it. In a way, he just wanted to protect her. Even if he was coming off as strict without meaning to.

But... Whatever got the message across. And whatever kept her from making a mistake that could cost her. Jedi didn't have a lot of room for mistakes on the field. Sith didn't let them make mistakes. One generally led to a lightsaber in the gut.

As he lowered his blade and deactivated it I did the same clipping my sabers back to my belt. I listened to him and after his rather lengthy explanation before I spoke again. "I understand the concern Master by all accounts I shouldn't be able to have Force-sight either."

I paused considering the wisdom of telling him more and decided it couldn't hurt. Continuing my though I said, "The woman who taught me my skills with blades was a Miraluka named Selene she was of the opinion that before I ever picked up a blade I should learn to see without my eyes. She was also rather insistent that I learn multiple styles of dueling. Single blades, dual blades, staff, spear and so on. And how to use them for defense as well as offense. She talked about tempering the normal way Juyo and Vaapad were used and recommended I learn Jar-Kai as my normal style of dueling. She counseled caution as well while using the styles of Juyo and Vaapad."

Pausing momentarily I looked back at Master DragonsFlame and said, "care to try unarmed combat against me Master?"

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
He just ignored the Force sight part. He didn't know the circumstances and he just didn't bother opening that can of worms. What her Master did was what her Master did until it was quite cleared she had karked up. It wasn't -clear- just yet.

He still didn't seem impressed by her explanation. Nor amused. The Jedi would fold his arms, quirking a brow. "That doesn't soothe my concerns whatsoever. Knowing them to a degree in order to know how to defend against any style is fine. It's a basic training regiment. But going more into the offensive side of Juyo's path is still odd for a Padawan" He would explain. "I've seen it used once, by a Padawan, now Master, named Saki. Granted, her tale seems like it was written by a teenage girl trying to self insert into fiction, but she was able to pull it off, but not without issues. I still question her tactics and behavior at times and some may tie it back to her style. I wouldn't recommend it. It's possible, but certainly not recommended and certainly not safe."

He would let out a sigh. "But it's not like I'm going to stop you. It's on you and your Masters' blasted heads if you kark up. I'm supposed to be the friend, not the strict superior" He remarked with a casual shrug, a tongue in cheek reference to his attempts to comfort and understand her before. "Unless you force my hand, of course. Don't make me do that, darling. I hate being boring."

To her offer though, a brow raised high in turn. And then a light chuckle escaped him. "Hand to hand? Don't the echani train and spar unarmed without clothing?" He would inquire. "Is this an attempt to see me in a state of undress, Padawan? Because if it was, you could have just asked directly" He joked. He really was rather casual for a Master. But there were times when he needed to be the strict teacher, and there were times where he could just be Josh. This was a situation that needed Josh.

His comments about how it was my fault if I karked up weren't wrong. I trusted the people I'd trained with and against as well as my own slightly askew moral compass. By now I'd run into people using Force Lightning defensively as well as crime lords with hearts of gold. He asked about Echani dueling customs for hand to hand rather jokingly which I appreciated rather than judgement on my styles of fighting.

It was however a serious matter however, Echani did spar unarmed and without most clothing. Narrowing my eyes I said, "My traditions are not to be joked about Master this way of sparring is how we choose people to fight beside us in any given situation. It's also how we choose our partners though if I had wanted to see you in a state of undress I would have asked. No not all clothing is removed, to remain decent both men and women are permitted to keep on undergarments. No sabers, no weapons, no Force Powers of any type. The bare minimum is what we would work with, in this case that would be my undergarments still on mind you and whatever you wear under those trousers."

Continuing my thought I said, "I'm still waiting Master, will you do me the honor of sparring with me in the Echani ways?"

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
When she would explain that it was indeed serious, he would nod his head in turn, and while he did listen to her explanation, he didn't seem to be taking in the information. It was as though he already knew. "Understood, Celiana" He spoke calmly, notably changing his wording to accomodate her real name instead of her title. The question was, why? He had addressed her as Padawan, and her addressing him as Master, even during his casual way of doing things and trying to help her more as a friend then as a superior. There was something he knew. Celiana might catch on quickly or otherwise not so, but there was something that he knew.

"I accept" He spoke, his tone calm, serene, without entanglements - but at the same time as blunt and straightforward as Josh generally was. "Though I do suggest locking the doors" He would suggest, motioning towards the doors. "It's too much paperwork to explain to Thurion that I'm Echani sparring if someone happens to walk in" He half-joked with a casual shrug.

He took a breath after that. This wasn't what he'd been expecting to do today. Yeesh, if Shmi wasn't working with the Defense Force and was with the Silvers, this might not be an easy explanation. He figured the first person to see him in a state of undress anytime soon would be her, not Celiana. It was kind of awkward, sparring Echani styled with a Padawan, especially a young woman, but at the same time he understood how important and personal the art was to those who actively studied it. It was the main reason why he had accepted. He knew she wouldn't ask lightly. If there had been any underlying intent, he would have picked up on it by now.

His statement of "I accept" was good. Joshua's comments about paperwork because of this and locking the doors was understandable too. To those who didn't know how traditional Echani dueling was done the sight of two barely clothed people fighting could raise eyebrows and cause conflict where there was no need for it. Especially if the people dueling had romantic partners and the outsiders didn't understand the intent behind the duel.

Raising my left palm I made a quick flicking gesture with my hand closing and locking the doors with The Force. Turning back to face Joshua I bowed slightly before saying, "time to disrobe Joshua, I will do so myself and we will meet on the training mat."

Turning I walked several yards away and unbuckled my combat belt laying both my Echani staff, sabers and blasters down on the bench I stood in front of. Then I pulled off my shirt leaving a plain black sports bra with lime green accents on and unbuttoning my cargo pants I wriggled out of them folding them and setting my shirt atop them on the bench as well my tattoos were in nearly full view along the V-line of my lower abs. There was a slight bit hidden under my panties, black with emerald green accents.

Turning I padded over to the mat barefoot and knelt waiting for Joshua to walk to the other side and begin our duel.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Time to disrobe? Geez, he thought this was a spar, not something else, he thought as she said that. Jokingly, of course. He understood Echani traditions, while others would not. Of course, the question still hung in the air of... How? He seemed knowledgeable of Echani traditions and how important their art was to them. But again, how? Regardless, Josh would step to the side once she had locked the door and just casually throw off his Jedi Robes. Notably, he wore armored boots, which would clank when he would drop them. Unlike women of course, men weren't really to wear bras, so he simply stood shirtless. It was here that the secret behind the Jedi robes was revealed. The Jedi Master was quite the muscular sort, and clearly put in training beyond the usual training for combat and keeping in shape as a Jedi. Something Shmi would find out sooner or later.

After that, he would walk over to the mat, having dressed down to having no shirt, and wearing a pair of shorts that had been under his Jedi Robes. He would crack his neck, before nodding toward her motion to begin. And with that...

He would drop into an Echani stance of his own.

As he disrobed I couldn't help but blush slightly. He belongs to another though and this is so he can learn to see through my way. The Echani way. As he dropped into a combat stance I said, "Before we begin close your eyes and see with The Force. No Force powers can be used to aid in combat but this is so you see how most Echani do in combat and why we see the beauty in combat. Why I'm not afraid to use Juyo or duel in Jar'Kai style, pay attention to the emotions and before long you'll see how combat can be colorful."

Closing my eyes he appeared as a mix of blue, green, and orange. Serene and at peace yet the anticipation of the sparring was the orange hue. I hoped he'd be able to see this way, it was something unlike most others would ever experience and the fact that he'd dropped into an Echani stance held hope for this. Bowing slightly I went into my own combat stance and waited for him to make his move.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
The Jedi Master gingerly looked her over once, but not past that. She kept herself in good shape at least. Granted, so did he, and he noted the tinge of pink on her face, but did not make any remark toward it. With a breath, he would close his eyes. He could see colors, he could see things. Seeing without his eyes came natural to him at this point, since he'd been trained to do so since he was a small child. Unlike many Jedi here, really, who came to these Temples as teenagers or even as adults. This had been his life for as long as he could remember.

A breath escaped him as he would quickly strike, a mix of an Echani styled strike and that of other martial arts styles. It seemed that the young man knew a good deal of hand to hand, and likely being physically strong by the way he looked probably helped as well. The strike would come in the form of a spinning roundhouse kick aimed right to the side of the temple, before quickly bringing his foot forward and stepping into close quarters, with his back facing her as an elbow would fly toward the left side of her midsection, another arm at the ready to counter if need be.

Josh, of course, wasn't near as experienced in the Echani arts as Celiana was, and certainly was rusty when it came to fighting with the Echani style in comparison to his opponent, but Josh most likely had the advantage when it came to hand to hand combat overall, between experience and the learning of various styles. His natural ability - from training it for so long - with being able to see using the Force allowed him to fight with these styles as though it were the same as the Echani.

It would be interesting then, how this would pan out. He had his bases covered here, and seemed to be able to think quickly alongside every move - just as though he were fighting with a lightsaber.

Well he it was clear he knew how this worked and I saw a flick of movement towards the right of my face. His foot came back down into closer range and as his back was turned he threw an elbow to the left side of my ribs. He was fluid but jerky, the reason I normally gave my opponents the first move was it gave me something to base my counter-strikes off of. The skill of Firedancing was its deceptive fluidity and surprising brutality. It also mixed very well with the Mandalorian way of combat.

I moved back away as the first kick came and as he came into range and threw the elbow I caught it and having caught it I dropped my body-weight back onto my ass and kicked out at his shins dropping him. I lost his arm though as he went down and my only handhold slipped the fact that I was very well versed in Mandalorian ground-fighting wouldn't help me if I couldn't get hands back on him quickly and pin him down...

OOC: Sorry if that was hit-calling I tried to make it work by having me lose my grip and give you a chance to respond.
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
You know, if Shmi were to walk in at this point, and see her trying to pin him down while wearing a sports bra and panties, while he was shirtless and wearing shorts, he didn't know if even he could talk his way out of this one. Something told him that under that sweet and innocence, there was a chance that there was no "Echani" explanation in this universe that would save Celiana from whatever Shmi might have under all that sweet and innocence. Josh? He might get off with a warning, probably. Sure, he was a flirt, but she knew full well by the time they had spent together that the moment he had sworn himself to her, he was playing for keeps.

But with doors locked and Shmi likely light years away, this awkward situation wouldn't play out, thank god. He didn't know if he could stomach risking his relationship. At least that meant he was cheat-proof. Of course, despite her clever ploy, Josh wouldn't stay down long. He landed on his back, but it wasn't long before the Jedi Master had somersaulted backwards and sprung back to his feet. Despite his muscularity, he was quick on his feet. But that was normal when one trained with a lightsaber, generally. Still, she'd done well and near had gotten him down if not for losing her grip on him.

Back to stalemate now, his foot would come up in a twisting side-kick, which turned out to be a feint as he would try and mimic her tactic from before, his arms being busy as when the leg would stop and come back, his arms wrapped around her waist to try and bring her down with the strength advantage.

Seeing through The Force I saw the color of indigo. I saw uncertainty, his thoughts drifted towards his loved one. Probably thinking how she'd react to this from of sparring....I'd come back to my feet but with the quick kick towards my face which was a feint as well Joshua was able to wrap his arms around my waist. It was a bold move but he'd left his legs shoulder-width from each other.

Hooking my legs around his I jerked my head back into his nose and as he recovered I quickly wrapping a leg around his waist and one around his neck then I jerked my body-weight back bringing our combined weight down. Moving quickly as he fell I used his body as my cushion and pressed my knees down into his chest as he fell and wrapped both legs around his neck in a vise.

Planting my hands out and away from his body while my thighs were clamped around his neck I moved and still gripping his neck I moved out to the side with my hands exerting extra torque on his neck.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
There was one fatal mistake she had made - Never headbutt the headbutt master. In his hayday, it had been an antidote to unwanted advances that his looks got him into trouble with. Now, it was better suited in the heart of combat. Her head was aimed for his nose, but instead it hit his forehead as he had countered immediately with a hard headbutt of his own, having been thinking the same the moment he'd seen her head rearing itself forward to conk back. Of course, while they would both be rattled, Celiana's decision to use the back of her head would come back to bite her as - logically - the back of the head was far more sensitive, and far more vulnerable to damage then the front. Josh knew better then to use the back of his head for headbutts, it usually hurt him more then it hurt his opponent to do so. A lesson he had learned the hard way.

Well, at least it rattled away his fears of Shmi getting the wrong idea, at least. His mind was now focused on the battle at hand again. He could see colors, but the Force was his ally here. But it didn't stop her from getting her legs around his neck. Of course, she wasn't able to stop him from standing as he had done before with the spring. Even with her knees pressed to his chest, he was able to keep his balance and stay standing upright.

While she tried to torque his neck, keeping his arms wrapped around her waist after having grabbed them again when they were back to base kept them both at a stalemate. "Okay, this position I wouldn't be able to explain either" He joked aloud. It was true though, and kind of funny considering that the writer didn't even set up this position on purpose, it was what came to mind upon putting together the moves of both sides. But two options posed themselves in Josh's mind. One, this put her in position for him to straight out powerbomb a schuz. But something told him that wasn't part of Echani fighting. If he wanted to wrestle, he'd ask Rianna where the jello wrestling station was, and take Shmi there. The other option...

His hands quickly released her waist, quickly grabbing the lower half of her legs and tailbone (As wording it as groping is just awkward) before using his shoulders to edge off and break the grip her legs had on his neck. With that, he would toss her forward using what physical strength he had, giving enough height for her natural athleticism as a Jedi to kick in and allow her to land on her feet.

Stalemate again.

Cracking his neck, he took a deep breath. She was good, he'd give her that. She had the advantage when it came to Echani style fighting, of course. Josh though, was more experienced with hand to hand combat in general, which did balance it out.

"Geez, I almost thought you wrapped your legs around on purpose" He joked casually as he stretched his shoulders, seemingly without a care in the world. Maybe he'd teach Shmi the Echani style a little, for a few sessions, for kicks... At the very least, it'd give him an excuse to clear his conscience a little. Even if he wasn't actually doing anything wrong. But that was Josh for you, really. The smallest things, and he'd ask himself if he was doing right by Shmi. It was something he took very seriously. But it didn't stop him from at least making a joke or two in the name of humor and witty banter. "Are you trying to tell me something, Celiana?"

Like that one.

Of course, even with his seemingly carefree attitude, every inch of his being was on guard, waiting for the next attack. Make no mistake about it.

His comment of having my legs around his neck on purpose was slightly amusing as he was joking around. "Master believe me the move to wrap my legs around your neck was meant to choke you into submission and make you tap out. If I'd wanted to do so for fun well that'd would be a different position entirely. Besides I don't make it a habit to do so for pleasure if the other party is involved with someone in a steady relationship."

I was still within distance but his guard was up I could tell. The deceptive fluidity was what I needed now. I wanted to land at least one victory in sparring against a Master. It wasn't likely but there was always a chance. Dancing into range I went down to one arm and swung my weight around with the hypnotically graceful way of my gymnastic training. I kicked out at his shin with my left foot and brought my right around in a hook to trip him him up. Just as he danced back away I brought my weight back around and planting my other hand I shoved off into a quick move with my right foot towards his left thigh.

All of this was a feint it brought me into range where I wrapped my arms behind his neck and laced my fingers together. Wrapping my left leg around his waist I drove a knee hard up towards his VERY impressive abs. If his partner noticed any of the bruises from this I hoped she'd be understanding. I could tell the determination in the colors around him blueish-green of peace and a red of desire but not for me for his partner. Utter devotion, that was nice to see i hadn't seen that in anyone in awhile. I wondered what he saw color-wise or emotion-wise from me or if he would remark on it during this session...

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
It really was just meant for amusement, after all. Sure, don't get him wrong. Celiana was cute and all. But he was completely and utterly devoted to his dear Shmi, and if he was to take anything from this encounter, it would be ideas to fire toward her later. Who knew that the Jedi Master had a side like that in that mind of his? Well, Shmi probably didn't. He probably should tell her sooner or later. That and how much he seemed to think about her constantly. That would be a sound thing to bring up with her as well. He really did dote on her so. This whole thing just seemed to highlight how much she really was on his mind.

But what colors did he see when he saw Celiana? To be honest, he wasn't sure. The Echani style of seeing colors was a newer thing to him then to her. He was still figuring out what each color meant. It hadn't entirely been on his mind, obviously, since he had plenty more fighting styles to rely on, while she had much more experience with it in the field.

He didn't move much when she would strike first. He watched, even with eyes closed, and he waited. Even with her feints, he did not move. It was a calculated risk, with the idea that he would strike at the very last moment. That moment never came, and her move would prove to be a feint, at least until arms wrapped around his neck, and a leg wrapped around his waist, a move that he noted appearing to be becoming a bit of a habit. It was when her knees came up, that he finally made his move. A simple move, really, grabbing her leg with his free hand.

"And yet, you appear to be so fond of wrapping your legs - or leg around me" He commented dryly, knowing that even with her arms around him, he had the power in this position here. He slowly began to lift her leg up higher and higher, knowing that her balance would falter. And with it, he would use the leg he clutched to shove her back. But instead of letting her collect herself, this time he would strike. He kicked out with a hard roundhouse, aimed straight for her left shoulder, and then attempted to follow up with a knee to the abdomen the moment that the other leg touched the ground, successful or not.

I was tired emotionally, physically I was was fine but I was growing irritated at his continued dodges and catches then he threw a round-kick to my left shoulder which I didn't try to avoid. It landed with jarring force and then he threw a knee to my stomach. That was it! I was done toying around and having not landed a hit. I realized he was a Master for a reason but I was done utterly with this. No Master would allow me to touch them unless it was their idea of a teachable moment. I wanted to learn something from this duel and all I'd found was how utterly devoted Josh was to his partner.

Bringing my leg up in front of my stomach I felt the jarring impact of his knee against mine and then I brought that knee up tucked against myself as I launched a pushing front-kick. At this point having dueled with sabers and having gone hand to hand there was only two things I could think of that would get any kind of response. Questioning how faithful he really was or getting him to question that. Midway through my kick I pulled it and danced up underneath his guard. Then I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before dancing back out of immediate range. I wanted to learn something of myself through another's eyes. I hoped he get something about me from all of this...

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Honestly, it was her fault for trying to learn something from this duel combat-wise, if that was her intention, when she was more experienced then he was in the Echani arts. She had learned something personal about him, which really when it comes to Josh himself, is a miracle. Even Shmi knew next to nothing about him until they began to talk as people instead of as business partners - and that was only because he knew and trusted Shmi enough to even say a damn thing about himself. But it was a common thing, most people that Josh had met didn't know a damn thing about him except that he was a flirt, and a warrior. A former Grandmaster of the Jedi Order in it's heyday. And one of the youngest, at that. But nobody really knew who Josh was outside of that. Even Shmi had only just begun to learn who he was outside of his job as a Jedi, and if she didn't know much about him, what were the odds anyone else knew much more?

Josh's kick struck and it struck hard, as did the knee that followed. But instead of trying to protect herself, she simply took the hits and countered afterword. Even with Jedi reflexes, Josh couldn't really stop that, and was about to take the kick head on when she would stop midway through and move through his guard. While he knew his reaction time might not be enough, he still tried to guard himself from an attack, but instead she went and did something even he couldn't predict - and pecked his cheek.

Now, this was the part where her speed probably saved her hide. Because while it only missed by about an inch thanks to her having the foresight to dance out of the way before he could respond, Josh had thrown a punch with his dominant hand, with a lot more strength thrown behind it then anything else he had thrown so far, and with the speed and velocity the blow had flown with, it was pretty clear that most likely had it connected he likely would have broken bones or flat out knocked her teeth out of her mouth.

Now, if she'd done this prior to him finding his way to Shmi, the Jedi Master honestly probably would have laughed. It wouldn't have phased him whatsoever, and he'd have probably found a way to quickly pay her back in kind, whether with a peck of his own, a lick of her lips, or even a hard smack on her rear end. But this was a different Josh entirely, one that while he was still a slight bit of a flirt here and there, there was one thing he very much valued and it was his commitment to whoever he was with. Especially Shmi, who had proved to be someone more special then he ever could have possibly imagined. An attack on that unwarranted brought about an attack in response that was more instinctual then anything. Something she could tell if she looked at him right after he'd thrown the missed punch. His gaze, his expression was all serious. His eyes were as fierce as though she had just tried to kill him. But after a few seconds, they relaxed and he took a deep breath as his hand stopped clenching into a fist. He seemed to calm himself down rather quickly. He placed a hand on his cheek, and a smirk crossed his lips as he shook his head.

"You little vixen" He would tease with a light chuckle. "You're quick, I'll give you that. And resourceful too."

Well, it seemed she'd gotten what she wanted in learning what he saw in her after all. At least in terms of her skillset.

Just as I danced back away I saw the punch fly towards where I'd been. I was grateful of the slight edge that precognition gave me because the look on Josh's face even with my eyes closed was completely different than his joking or gentle behavior. That punch and everything with it told me quite a bit. There'd been a cold blue hue followed by an instinctive primal flash of red rage nearly. My peck on the cheek had unbalanced him even if only slightly.

Eyes still closed I said, "Now you understand why I fight the way I do Master. That primal response just now, the vicious punch you just threw? That was instinctive a response to the peck on the cheek which proved what I've suspected that even a Master can be unbalanced even with the years of training. You felt if even for a moment that I threatened your relationship and you reacted accordingly trying to terminate the threat. I'm glad you didn't land that blow but now you understand why I use the style of combat I do. It's instinctive."

Moving back into range towards him I placed both my hands out palms down with my left leg chambered in a half-chamber as I continued, "One move brings me into the next in the style of my people. Firedancing, it's an extension of ourselves through whatever weapon we pick up. It's instinctual, primal, and elegantly brutal. Juyo is a branch of that practice, though I'm learning more of Makashi so perhaps that will help I've heard that many Jedi prefer Makashi. Though I'm wondering as to if I should learn both Makashi and Niman I wonder what your thoughts are on that Master?"

He'd called me a little vixen, quick and resourceful too. I wondered what his next move would be...I realized then where he was coming from with his partner wherever she was and him alone here with me. I wondered how Aria would feel about my dueling someone other than her in traditional Echani style. Suddenly I felt slightly guilty, I wasn't dueling him to court him but it still somehow felt wrong... Hopefully he'd move soon and we could end this duel before much longer.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

I wondered what his next move would be...
For the first time since they had met, she'd managed to rattle him. She' actually rattled him. It took quite a bit to rattle the Jedi Master, but as she spoke, he listened, and then he smiled. She was right, he'd allowed her to rile him up and strike without thinking. Sure, it was a sweet sentiment and all. He loved Shmi with all of his heart, but his reaction to her approach could be dangerous, as it was in a way, a weakness. He took a breath, processing this for a moment. She was certainly a crafty one, to say the least. It was a weakness he hadn't realized he held before. He knew now though, even in times where something might flare up his emotions, he needed to know to be calm, and to control himself at all times. Of course... There was nothing wrong with letting yourself be driven by those you love. But control.. Control was something he had told her to master as well.

But he knew full well that even Masters had much to learn. And he'd learned here too. Sure, it was sweet to act out when someone made a move like that, on Shmi's behalf... But it wouldn't do well for him to die when she wasn't even there to see the sentiment. And she would certainly prefer him alive.

"Learn what you can" He spoke softly. "Learn all that you can. And use what you feel will help you most."

He didn't move though. He could sense it himself, in the colors given off. She was feeling the same as he had earlier when it came to the dress-less, physical and slightly intimate nature of these spars. He allowed her to strike first, or to end the spar, if she wished. He would only attack if she chose to continue.

Lowering my chambered leg I opened my eyes and brought my left palm open-faced vertically against my horizontally facing closed right fist. Then I bowed to him "the duel is over Master. I think we've both learned something of ourselves and each other and that more than anything is why Echani have traditional duels such as these. It's a way to better understand ourselves and others, a way to learn of other people. I'm glad you chose to accept the duel though it showed me a great deal about myself and about your ideals. The galaxy needs more men and women like you Master. Faithful to those they care for."

Bowing off the mat I padded over to the bench where I'd left my clothes and began getting dressed while I asked over my shoulder. "Master I'm curious, what did you learn of me? One of the most important things is what we learn of the person we're dueling. So what did you learn of me throughout this whole session of Sabers and the Echani duel?"

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

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