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Medical Advice for Anora?

Factory Judge
Take a look at what I have done, or any feedback you would like to give me since I started playing her? Let me know.

If there is anything I have done that you would like to point out so I can learn from it as a writer, or just to change or to make Anora a better character, let me know.
Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
[member="Anora Shaw"]

Had a look at a few of your latest posts and your bio; doesn't look too bad so far.

Medical RP is tricky, because it is easy to both oversimplfy and to overcomplicate things. Videogames and books often show characters recieving brutal punishments and walking away from them with no major issues. In reality, recieving a bullet (or blaster bolt) can be debilitating, and most people would not be able to fight nearly as effectively (or at all). However it severely impacts the flow of the story if you get wound up spending a lot time fixing another character.

Quick tips I would give are follows:

General medRP:
- Don't give a cure-all drug, even in star wars this isn't really possible.
- Is healing a priority right now? Don't focus on treating another if it threatens your life or the patient's life.
- Don't do complicated treatments if they are not needed. Are you doing surgery on a battlefield? Does this character really need to lose an arm? Extreme medical treatments make a good focus for entire topics, but complicate things when there is another direction to the thread.

Force medRP (this can be tricky):
- It works better if your character quickly becomes exhausted while healing, because they are using their own energy to heal another or themselves.
- It is tempting to use the force as a cure-all, but when using the force it makes more sense to only be able to heal major damage.
- Decide how you are focusing your healing energy. Is it to numb pain? To remend a broken bone? To regrow skin? Because it is unlikely that healing power could fix everything at once.
- Give yourself a limit of your power, because at a point it becomes unrealistic. Could you heal an entire arm? If you can you better send memos to Anakin and Luke Skywalker.
- Give the healing some time to work. I do not mean hours, but don't make it an immediate effect. Even in reality, the body responds to quick growth/healing with some pain, so you can imagine the pain if you, say, regrew a chunk of flesh in 3 seconds.

Finally, my last tip is: don't get too hung up on getting everything perfect. Your character is a trained professional, capable of working efficiently - so you don't need to spell out everything you do for the other writers. All those tips can be overwhelming, but it fits together really neatly, I have an example below:

"After the fighting had died down, Luther worked on Anora's broken arm. Dipping into the force, he exerted his power to repair and realign the bones. Anora gasped in pain as she felt her arm shift back in place. After several minutes, Luther stopped the power and collapsed on the ground. He was exhausted, so decided to give her cream for her burned skin, rather then try and summon the force again."

- I study Laboratory Medicine.
- I have roleplayed as a doctor/medic on other sites.
If possible, don't use the Force to heal.

So many people think of Force Healing as a panacea, but it's more of a miracle than a medicine. If you're looking at tissue that's mutilated beyond repair, that's when you start dipping into mysticism; you're just using it in order to make things you couldn't feasibly do otherwise feasible.

As stated above, take time to heal. I don't know how many people I've seen try to heal grievious injuries over the course of a thread, when logically it would take several lengthy months of rehabilitation to get them back on their feet at all. What's the point of being injured if you don't learn and grow from it? It's no different, at that point, from completely dodging everything thrown at you.

People can be healed and still not go completely back to the way they were. It's entirely acceptable to say, "you're still alive, that's pretty hard to believe in and of itself." Remember, you're the healer, if what's being asked for isn't possible, do what you can and leave it to lie.

It's not your fault they want a(n unrealistic) second opinion.
[member="Anora Shaw"], do you have any specific threads we could look at? :)

Going to echo the sentiments of [member="Luther Ando"] (Med Lab Tech fistbump!) and [member="Alkor Centaris"].

It’s kind of hard to place what should be appropriate in terms of healing in the SW universe. We’ve got bacta, a magic substance that accelerates healing. We’ve got the Force which lets skilled healers close wounds and numb pain. We’ve got a myriad of non-descript drugs and medical techniques that are pretty much just background noise. So I’d say that it’s up to the writer to determine just how much of an impact their ability to heal and operate medical technology has.

Like Luther and Alkor, I’m a fan of making things a bit more realistic (re: painful) in terms of healing and being healed. Healing takes concentration and energy as any Force ability does, and should be scaled to the user. Master healer? Maybe you manage to keep someone’s lungs from collapsing but start to feel faint from the exertion. Fresh faced apprentice? Have trouble closing even the tiniest wounds without struggling. Try using it for diagnostic purposes before going in with medical tools to flesh things out more and not just use the Force to fix it. Get creative! ;)

I do support the idea of healers not being a cure-all for major ailments. If someone gets impaled in the chest, they’re not going to be up and walking next post, Forcer or not. Realistically they’d be hooked up to machines and spend months doped up in bed on life support provided they don’t die at some point, but you also have to take this with a grain of salt—this is a fantasy universe, and there’s always going to be a bit of a fuzzy line between what’s realistic for Star Wars and what isn’t. Force Adepts tend to recover quicker from injuries, and there’s a myriad of different species who react differently to certain types of damage, diseases and poisons.

Tagging [member="Julius Sedaire"] as our resident EMT, might have something to add.
[member="Anora Shaw"]


Best advice is to familiarize yourself with non force real life techniques. For example in the Army they teach us CLS which is basically stopping bleeding and patching up gunshot wounds until we can get em to a real Medic.

You can learn some of this by just reading up on it. Depending on your level of dedication to realism you could download a pdf on EMT stuff and reference it for a specific injury when you come across it.

A good source would be skimming through a Wilderness Medical Book. Any gaps in knowledge can definitely be filled by the Force. Just don't overdo it.
Factory Judge
[member="Luther Ando"], as you stated, I agree with all that you have said. I know that the force can't heal all. Hence the sky walkers and their tenderness for missing limbs. And yes, the force is a mystic tool, but as with all magical forces, they require a price that you so adiquately put. It reminds me of the inheritance cycle book series about the healing powers and incantations they had within the books lore. Requiring a metric crap ton thought.

[member="Alkor Centaris"], as always my dude I trust you, and agree. I wanted to know more about the force, but in limited forms because it was going to act as a backup if she couldn't do anything else. Or could only resort to using the force, as well, limiting blood flow in the body with a few skin/veins is a lot better than trying to heal an entire gsw.

[member="Joza Perl"], all the best you can do with healing is preventing death for a time when more precise medical attention can be applied. Hence why EMTs have well playing jobs. I was hoping to have Anora be along those same lines as a battlemedic. She's on the front lines like everyone else, but only prevents the worst from happening, while the big wigs in the hospital rooms deal with the not so... imperative detailes.

[member="Seraya Whisperwind"], Eagle scout, trained in CPR by my detective uncle, wit his wife as a radiologist, and have been living in a family who's gig is all about being prepared for the worst to happen. However, I can always learn more, and do more to learn about the medical field. Thank you for pointing me in that direction. (I will do it all after I come back to the site.)
for force healing ( IE it's magic i don need ta explain Sh't)
it is best to use real science to explain the process.
my other character had a brain tumor and had a jedi medic perform force chemo on her.
From a standpoint of TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) the main thing in a fight is to get fire superiority over the enemy, then treat the patient. Stabilizing the patient and stopping bleeding is the only thing you should be doing while you're under fire. If you're ever confused, following the acronym of

M assive hemorrhaging
A irway
R espiration
C irculation
H ypothermia

to treat your patient in a combat scenario. But your main goal as a medical asset in a combat zone is to extract the wounded to a more secure area to further treat them, or get them to a higher echelon of care.
Factory Judge
[member="Gna Grimwasp"], I havent been able to respond until now. but thank you for the input.

As much as the force can do so much, what gets me is the quote, "The force is infinate, you are not." So I was wanting more accurate medical tech and advances from RL situations so that if she can't use the force, or can resort to not having to use the force, then she can still heal others.

[member="Kaiden Rohn"], The last bit about ending the threat before healing is kind of a common sense thing. Not sure if you have heard of it, but I have heard the term as "Board house rules." Everyone gets firsts before seconds. Same goes for medical, or battle situations. Anyways, I will look more into this MARCH to get a better understanding. Thanks!
[member="Anora Shaw"]

Be an angel of Mercy. Put them all out of their misery. Here are a few examples.

Internal hemorrhaging: put them down
Shattered spine: put them down
Disembowelment: put them down
Loss of appendages: put them down
Headache: put them down
Hang nail: put them down
Splinter: put them down
Annoying: put them down
Factory Judge
[member="Muad Dib"], So uh...




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