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Approved Tech MDL-2 Janitor Droid

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Intent: To fulfill a contract between Andromeda Electronics and the Boolon Foundation.
Image Source: 'Drones - Beyond the Start' by 'Yury Krylou' (Both images)
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: Silkworm Construction Droid


Manufacturer: Andromeda Electronics
Model: Janitor MDL-2
Production: Limited
Modularity: None.
Material: Durasteel and Droid Components

Classification: Second Class Droid (Maintenance work)
Weight: 35kg
Height: 1.7meters
Movement: Repulsorlift
Armaments: N/A
Misc. Equipment:
  • Life Form Indicator, for noticing life.
  • Aural Scanners, for hearing vocal input.
  • Voice Modulator, to be able to speak to people.
  • Miscellaneous building equipment and tools for maintenance.
  • Tools for any situation. From brooms to welding guns.
  • Miniature Miniature Tractor Beam.
  • Simulated Personalities

Miniature Miniature Tractor Beam - As a reimagined version of the Silkworm-class Construction Droid, the Janitor MDL-2 houses a smaller and weaker version of its predecessors miniature beam. What this means is that it cannot lift heavy items alone, but it can when several units work together on a single object. Although more often than not it is used to help the droid lift tables for vacuuming. Nifty.

Simulated Personalities - Each unit has a personality of its own that it collects from a database stored within a console close to its own maintenance area. This personality is very basic and is limited to very basic functions such as storing a person's biometrics for identification, greeting them if they greet the droid at first, and at times, whistle a happy tune. This also means it simulates emotions as best as its algorithms allow it. If you are mean to it, it will be sad and if you are nice to it there will be a smile on its Person-to-Droid Interface screen.


No Shields - The MDL-2 does not have any fitting for shields or anything of the kind, leaving it very vulnerable to most kinds of assaults on its chassis.

Miniature Miniature Tractor Beam - The version installed in the MDL-2 cannot lift items heavier than 50kg. To lift anything heavier the droid would need to find a second droid to help out with the effects being additive per droid involved in the lift. That is to say, if you want to lift a crate that weighs a tonne (1000kg) you would need 20 units working in symbiosis. It is simply not cost effective and is not what the droids were made for.

After the growth of her company, as well as some growth for herself Kaili continued to put work into her company despite the fact that, well, it wasn't really how she had envisioned herself spending her days. Having met for a contract with Rosa Gunn to have a partnership between Boolon Foundation and what was known at the time as Andromeda Electronics, Kaili quickly came to realize that the Boolon Foundation had a need for refurbishment in the temple that they had chosen to set up camp in. She was no stranger to how this worked, having already built a droid for similar jobs prior, and as such there really was no need for Kaili to reinvent the wheel.

Grabbing the old schematics for the Silkworm-class Construction Droid, Kaili began to ponder how she could improve upon it and how she could make it meet Rosa's needs. The first thing that came to mind was a personality matrix. While most droids had functions similar to this, Kaili wanted to really cash in on what Rosa had promised her during their meeting: that droids would be treated as equals amongst those who resided on the temple grounds. Well, what easier way was there to achieve that than to make sure the droids reacted according to what the users said. If you were nice to it, it was nice back. If you were mean to it, it frowned and showed the abuser how it felt about being abused via emotional feedback.

Then there was the miniature tractor beam. Weaker than it's parents' version, but still able to lift things a bit heavier than themselves. It couldn't lift pieces of metal to the same size as the Silkworm could, but when several units worked in unison it was more than able. However, the more units were added, the more the work efforts would risk falling apart. As the saying goes: Too many cooks spoils the soup.

Beyond that the MDL-2 was yet another child spawned from Kaili Talith who hoped to continue spread her droids across the galaxy if she so could.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
<p>Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.</p>


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
A cleaning droid that can vacuum under tables? That's awesome. I can barely get mine to sweep the corners of the room. Most everything looks good to go. If you could go ahead and provide a link to the manufacturer in the appropriate place, we'll bump this up the chain.

[member="Kaili Talith"]
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