Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mayor Devlyn Kane


NAME: Devlyn Alxandre Kane

FACTION: The Coruscanti People's Union; The Family

RANK: Mayor of Coruscant


AGE: 52

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 200 Lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Light Brown

SKIN: Fair



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

[SIZE=9pt]* Uncorrupt: Devlyn always has the best solutions for Coruscant at heart. He's one of the rare good politicians, who has managed to not let power inflate his ego.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]* Charismatic: Devlyn always seems to know what to say to either deescalate a situation or stir back up a stalling talk. Many find his presence commanding, but not in an overwhelming way, and instantly likable. Currently, he has few influential supporters, but that is bound to change due to his personality.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]* Self-control: Devlyn has vices, like anyone. While he is disciplined in almost every other part of his life, professional and personal, he cannot help periodically indulging in his vices.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]* No Combat Experience: Devlyn relies on trusted bodyguards and the police to protect him (and his family?) at public and private functions. While he does keep a blaster in his desk at all times, as recommended to him by the Secretary of Security, he barely knows how to use it. [/SIZE]

Tall & handsome, with a ready wit and an easy smile. Dresses well, but not "too well" - prefers similar styles of business attire to most business-owners and industry leaders across Coruscant. He can easily blend into a rally, a factory, or a boardroom. His brown hair is always kept short and his face is kept shaven (though on the weekends, he likes to allow a few days of stubble to accumulate before his monday morning visit to his barber)

A Coruscanti Native, Devlyn has spent his entire life living & working in the great City-Planet. He has witnessed the rise & fall of countless administrations, has personally suffered during the great turmoils of the past few decades, and loves its' people dearly. He believes Coruscant is the greatest planet in the Galaxy for its' ability to bring members of all species together in relative peace - he, and many others, saw Coruscant First's rise to power as antithesis to what he believed Coruscant stood for, and chose a few years ago to take a more active role in combating their xenophobic, cruel, and often arguably suicidal tactics for alienating and ruining the lives of the innocent.

His childhood was simple; both of his parents worked for the City in public service, and he has grown up from a middle-class upbringing to a position of power. Following a 15-year career as a pilot, he heeded the call to public service much like his parents had before him... though his calling would be toward loftier goals. His way with words, his humble approach to life, and his charismatic drive to stick up for the underdog has earned him a powerful following amongst Coruscant's varied classes - he is liked by the poor & middle-class for his championing of causes important to them, is respected by the Upper-Class for his views on Corporate Rights, and has done nothing to alienate himself from the Elite - no enemies, yet few supporters at present time.




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