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Private May I Have Some Superweapons Please?

Location: Eriadu

As he walked through the streets waiting for the last security system to shut down, thoughts began to swirl inside Velran's mind. He had a desire to break away from the bloated Empire that mired itself in decay. They placed so many arbitrary rules that prevented him from doing what needed to be done in order to become a true conqueror. The Empire was more interested in looking benevolent and lawful while hiding their more ruthless nature. Problem was that a blind man could see that the Empire was lying through their teeth, but they insisted on placing on a facade. It was pathetic and it led to stagnation over innovation.

The night sky darked Velran's view while he waltzed towards the building his glorious moustache hidden beneath his brown hood. At last, he arrived at the Blast Tech building, security was tight but Velran worked his magic and sliced into their systems shutting them down in preparation for his grand entrance. His last raid kidnapping the lovely and squirmy scientist Akiya Orime Akiya Orime went well without a hitch. Right now, she's in New Alderaan creating his Grand Army of the Empire. But what is a great army without its arsenal? There was one woman, who was gifted in creating weapons of mass destruction. Moda Dorn Moda Dorn a prodigy just like her father in creating Blasters, Slugthrowers, and any kind of weapon that can efficiently take out the enemy.

The large doors opened in front of Velran as he entered seeing the woman wearing a skintight uniform overseeing some last minute diagnostics before retiring. She'll be a wonderful person to create Velran's arsenal. All that's left is taking her.

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Location: Moda’s office, Eriadu
Outfit: Work Uniform
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

Moda was hard at work on her latest innovation when the doors to her lab opened. Moda had a very disturbed look on her face as she lifted her gaze from her project. No one was authorized to be in her lab at this time of day. She guessed technically her boss, the owner of the company, could come and go as they wished, but Moda’s boss was no scientist. The boss didn’t do anything except call meetings to make sure a project stayed on schedule and more importantly on budget.

”No one is allowed to be here,” Moda stated flatly as her eyes settled on Velran. ”Please do me a favor and leave. I have a lot of work to do and your presence will not be of any help. I can guarantee that.”

"Why hello there Miss Dorn," Velran smiled interlocking his fingers together. "You do have a lot of work to be done, it'll be under my watchful eye!" Velran immediately walked towards Mora and grabbed her waist hoisting her up over his shoulder and began to carry her out of the facility.

"Don't bother calling for security!" Velran said cheerfully. "I've made sure to shut off all systems before I came grab ya! I'm gonna need a new weapons specialist after I executed the last guy who said my Moustache looked like a dead Porg! I LOVE PORGS! AND HE INSULTED THEM!"

Velran took a deep breath remembering what "Sabe" told him about controlling his anger. "Sorry!" Velran said. "Lost the happy! BUT THE HAPPY IS BACK! And I found a brand new weapons maker right here!"

Moda Dorn Moda Dorn


Location: Moda’s office, Eriadu
Outfit: Work Uniform
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

The man didn’t leave. This made Moda quite irritated. When he called her by name that made her give a slight growl. She looked up again when he said she would be working for him and tilted her head to the side. ”Me working for you? I somehow doubt that. I don’t even know who you are. And I doubt you’ll be willing to match my salary here.” Her words were probably not even heard as the intruder strode forward and scooped Moda up over his shoulder starting to walk out.

”Security? I’m a weapons engineer,” Moda responded, pulling out a Stunner and pressing it to Velran’s neck while pushing the activation button. Nothing seemed to happen. ”I said I’m a weapons engineer!” she repeated and pressed the activation again. Again nothing happened.

Moda tossed the useless weapon aside and started trying to use her weight to throw Velran’s hold off balance. ”A weapons engineer who evidently doesn’t keep up with her own arsenal. Are you sure you don’t want to move on to the next choice on your list? I’m obviously not good at my job, for the obscene paychecks I cash.”

Moda came to the quick realization that there would be no reasoning with the man who was carrying her off. ”Porgs are quite cute. And your mustache looks nothing like one….I mean not that it isn’t striking, just in a different sort of way.” She wasn’t sure if he would listen if she told him that she hadn’t worked on a single project that would be considered a super weapon so Moda didn’t waste her breath, she just struggled against his grip.

”Since you’re already making off with the assets, we should probably talk about compensation,” Moda gave the appearance that she was giving into his demands, but she continued to struggle. ”I don’t want to upset your ‘happy’, believe me. But I’m not exactly cheap as I’ve already said.”

Velran felt something cold weakly hit his back, it didn't hurt but it was more of a minor nuisance if anything. Velran turned around and saw a stunner get thrown towards the wall small sparks cackling against the device. Velran shrugged and continued to carry Moda towards the exit of the facility. Yet carrying her was more of a challenge considering she was thrashing around trying to throw Velran off balance. It almost worked keyword: Almost but Velran quickly regained his footing. Handling her was going to be a challenge compared to Akiya Orime Akiya Orime .

"I know they're cute!" Velran said. "Which is why I had my servants make a Porg statue right next to me back in New Alderaan! It's pretty nice!" Velran loved Porgs but it was delicacy in New Alderaan. The first decree Velran declared was banning the killing of Porgs and those who did was blown up by an AT-AT.

"Don't sell yourself short Miss Dorn!" Velran said exiting the building. "You've created plenty of powerful weapons ranging from Pistols to downright superlasers! You're the best damn weapons engineer this side of the Galaxy! And I need you to create powerful weapons for my army!"

He glanced behind Moda. "We can talk about pay right now though! How much is your salary?" Velran asked. "I assure you my Empire will more than double it!"

Velran won't, but it's best to humor her.

Moda Dorn Moda Dorn


Location: Moda’s office, Eriadu
Outfit: Work Uniform
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

Moda thought she was going to be in a position to run from her captor when he momentarily lost his center of balance. Velran was quick to correct that and like the stunner Moda’s efforts didn’t work out. That didn’t mean that she was going to stop of course. She was a scientist though. She continued to shift and move in Velran’s grasp, but she did it with forethought. She wasn’t just going to flail around like a crazy person, that wouldn’t get her anywhere either. Physics always worked.

Moda gave a bit of a laugh when Velran stated he had a statue of a Porg placed next to his own. That he honored himself with a statue was no shock. Moda had been in his presence for a matter of minutes when she could tell that he was a selfish man. That he would share his stage with a Porg was a bit more surprising, and quite frankly funny. ”So you like Porgs that much huh? Maybe I’ll name the first weapon I make for you after them. I’m sure that I can make Porg into an acronym for a weapon.”

Hearing that the crazed man had heard of her exploits made Moda proud, but at the same time she questioned her field of specialty. Would a toy maker be kidnapped in this manner? Well, perhaps Velran would if the toy maker specialized in stuffed Porgs. Moda snickered to herself as Velran asked her salary. The soft laughter stopped immediately. If he was the ruler of a planet he might actually be able to make true on his claim. But, he was crazy so whatever he said couldn’t be taken with any reliability. ”Akron pays me three quarters of a million galactic credits. So for you my salary is one point five a year. Nothing to laugh at is it?”

Moda was going to name the first weapon AFTER a Porg?! Now that was something that got Velran's attention. Porgs were the greatest creatures in the Galaxy and those New Alderaanian savages would treat them as food. Those uncivilized scum deserved to get their tongues pulled out and then shot. Something that Velran did to the cooks who made fried Porg, their tongues were used as food for the Porgs he saved in the farms. "Great!" Velran said nearly stumbling when Moda continued to squirm over his shoulder. "I want the weapon to be as big and powerful as possible! Maybe a Missile Launcher? WAIT! Perhaps an explosive that could imitate a Porg scream when activated."

Velran exited the building, still stumbling with each move that Moda made while slung over his shoulder. Akiya Orime Akiya Orime was never this methodical compared to Moda. The Geneticist would always go all out while Moda was more strategic with struggles. "Oh yeah!" Velran said. "That's a lot of credits but I can do better like I said!"

He stopped and held his hand up. "What if I can offer something that is more than just money? What IF I can give you...... exposure? And the chance to be working for an Emperor?!"

Velran nodded. "Sounds great don't ya think?" He chuckled. "Moda you gotta admit it's a great pitch!"

Moda Dorn Moda Dorn


Location: Moda’s office, Eriadu
Outfit: Work Uniform
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

Moda regretted joking about naming a weapon after a Porg. There was no going back now. She started thinking about words she could use in an acronym. Proton. Orbital. Photo. Phase. There were many possibilities it seemed, Moda just needed to figure out the right combination and how to make it into a viable weapon system. She never thought the day would come that she would design a weapon based on the name she would have to give it once complete. But she never would have voluntarily worked for a crazy man like Velran, such was life she supposed.

Moda sighed when Velran started giving his suggestions. They were so…outlandish, just like Velran was. ”I said I would name it after the cute guys. I did not say I would make it scream like one. Some sort of massive bomb that could be launched from orbit would be a good start though.” Moda smirked. If he agreed “orbit” would fit in as the O in P.O.R.G.

Moda recognized the exit to the building her lab was in. She also could tell that her tactical attempts to loosen Velran’s grip or throw his balance off were becoming more effective. She was hopeful that the mad man would come tumbling down before they could reach whatever method of escape he had planned. If that happened Moda was ready to run off and get as far away as possible. Hearing that Velran was planning to do better than her statement about salary made Moda laugh, she held her hand over her mouth to stop it and stopped her movements as she composed herself. Did this man seriously have that kind of credits and yet walked into her lab and threw her over his shoulder to begin employment?

”Working for an emperor making superweapons, is usually the sort of thing that gets a scientist killed not noticed in this galaxy,” Moda scoffed at the idea. ”What do you offer in the way of security? I don’t really like the idea of being hunted down by militant Jedi upset because I designed something you used to destroy a planet or something. I’ll need bodyguards.”
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Handling Moda was like trying to control a malfunctioning Star Destroyer, with her constantly moving around shifting side to side it was tough to balance her. Velran stumbled around like a drunk nearly hitting the wall in the process but thankfully Moda stopped struggling for the time being and Velran can get to his ship already. "NO!" Velran yelled when Moda said she was going to name weapons after cute guys she probably met. "The only time you get to name a weapon is if I SAY SO! So in other words.... NEVER! So your pretty little self better add Orbit to P.O.R.G and make sure to make it give the Porg scream!"

Moda expressed her concerns regarding superweapons which gave Velran some pause. Though Velran wasn't fond of them given how expensive and time consuming it was to build, given the state of Velran's crumbling Empire, Superweapon could prove quite useful. Velran was proud of his fleet, but they needed an edge if they were to take on the Galaxy. A superweapon will give them an edge in battle but it wouldn't be like the Death Star, oh no it'll something more...... sophisticated.

"The Jedi are too busy spreading their influence on the other side of the Galaxy!" Velran said. "They're not going to waste time on a planet that's isolated on the Tion Cluster. You'll be safe in New Alderaan surrounded by my elite soldiers."

They exited the building and Velran made his way up the hill towards his ship. "It's not going to be a planet destroying space station," Velran said. "It's going to akin to the Eclipse! I presume you've heard of it?"

Moda Dorn Moda Dorn


Location: Moda’s office, Eriadu
Outfit: Work Uniform
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

Moda could sense Velran’s struggles as she gave calculated movements, but it wasn’t enough to get free so there was little joy in the small victory. When he snapped out regarding the name of the weapons that Moda was being tasked to create she put her hands up. ”There your weapons man. I’ll call them whatever you want. If making the device scream will make you happy, I guess I’ll figure it out. Not like I’m in a position of power here. You’re in command.”

Though Moda said it, when it came to the work she’d do things how she always had. She was a leader in her field because she had a process and she would be sure to make Velran know that process was for the benefit of his weapons systems. To stray from it for his whims would end badly.

”Jedi find a way to be everywhere when chit hits the fan. If you give them a chance. I’ve seen them in action. You cause enough of a hoopla and they’ll come after you,” Moda gave a shake of her head. ”Not sure where your elite soldiers come from. But I’m not betting my life on a squad against a Jedi. As I said however, you’re the one holding the leash. So I guess I’ll be doing what you want. Just not going to be happy about it because you are an Emperor supposedly outside of the Jedi’s touch.”

Super weapons didn’t have to destroy a planet. They were just special and higher powered. Hearing Velran’s request Moda gave a nod. ”A super command ship worthy of being commanded by the greatest Emperor and Admiral that the galaxy has ever seen,” Moda was exceptionally good at hiding her sarcasm with a serious “scientific” tone. She hoped Velran would believe it. ”I can certainly come up with a few ideas. Though remember I’m just the weapons expert. You’ll need someone else to make it fly.”
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"Jedi are also easily distracted," Velran said still carrying Moda over his shoulder. "The last time they've tried to invade the Tion System to rescue New Alderaan but I single handedly beat them back! I've beaten the New Jedi Order AND the Silver Jedi Order in space!"

It seemed that Moda did not get it, Velran was always a step ahead of everyone. It's what made him brilliant on the battlefield and why he missed it so much. Ruling was boring and filled so much pitfalls that Velran much rather be an Admiral again. Even kidnapping high level people was starting to lose its luster despite how necessary it was. "Oh yes I am a genius!" Velran said when Moda mentioned super star destroyer that he wanted her to make. "But I also have other plans for you!"

He dropped Moda inside of the dropship and immediately closed the ramp behind them. "You're going to build me tanks, weapons, everything to supply my Clone Army!" Velran said. "And don't worry, I'll test them myself! If it fails and I die, my soldiers have orders to shoot you on sight."

Velran lips formed a smile. "No pressure right dear?" He said.

Moda Dorn Moda Dorn


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