Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mathieu Bahreiko

NAME: Mathieu Bahreiko
FACTION: Galactic Alliance
RANK: Lieutenant
SPECIES: Human, Corellian
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.88 meters (6' 2")
WEIGHT: 90.7 kilograms (200 lbs)
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown



Galactic Alliance Space Operations Training
Extensive training within the GA SpaceOps has granted Mathieu the expected excellence of a soldier; drilled reflexes, various combat and survival training regimines, and a drive to suceed no matter the odds. He is familiar with most weapons, armors, and personal gear utilized by the Galactic Alliance SpaceOps.

Battlefield Strategist
"Exalted is the warrior who achieves victory without battle." Although rare is the fight fits that idea, Mathieu is a man who never stops making a plan for combat. To him, every person is valued, every piece of equipment vital. If sacrifices must be made, they should be worth it. Between his background and training, he is somewhat unorthydox is his methodology and tactics; a razor's edge that has won him numerous victories and saved him from many defeats.

Barroom Blitz
For all the formal military training, Mathieu is still a scuff Corellian at heart. That means that he is bullheaded and has a chip on his shoulder. Though he's learned to channel his frustrations and energies into more constructive paths, there is still that temper within. A litany of bar room brawls lines his personal records, indicative of his short-comings. Anger means he doesn't think things through like he normally would, and that invites mistakes.

Not a Space Wizard
For all his talents and training, Mathieu is not a Jedi or a Sith; he does not wield a lightsaber, and has no known connection to the Force. This means that he must tread carefully around those who wield powers and weapons far beyond those of his own.

To Come

Born on Corellia in 826 ABY, Mathieu only has the dimmest recollections of a life without war. By the time he was a small child and beginning to turn his eyes towards the galaxy and his future, the galaxy was embroiled in war. The Clockwork Invasion and Dark Harvest scarred the galaxy, and quickly taught the young Corellian that life would not be easy. Nothing in life was guaranteed, save that if he did not fight to survive he would be swept away. This sort of constant warfare eminently shaped the boy's psychology; war was inescapable. If he wanted to put an end to it, he would have to participate. His parents were not thrilled, but they understood as parents that they could not shelter him forever.

By 844 ABY, Mathieu was a young man ready to tackle the galaxy. And that was when everything challenged. Untold billions disappeared. Overnight, whole political and military blocs collapsed. Any of this could be endured... but then the worst happened. Corellia was sundered. In the blink of an eye, Corellians were made near extinct. Rage boiled in the boy, and Mathieu was quick to direct that rage at anything in his way. For more than a year, he wandered the galaxy's shadiest hives and bars. He fought as a mercenary, taking credits to do what he could to help those in a galaxy transformed by loss and forever trapped by the horrors of war.

When the Galactic Alliance formed, for the first time in a long time Mathieu felt like there was something he considered worth fighting for. Enlisting, Mathieu trained for years to become a soldier. Early on, he displayed an aptitude for strategy and tactics that won him commendations and attention. Almost as frequent were the reprimands for disorderly conduct. More than once, his military career was considered and poised on a knife. In the end, it took a few older men and women in the Galactic Alliance sitting him down and beating it into his head that he had more to offer than a pair of fists but he finally took the message to heart.

More than anything in the world, Mattieu wants the galaxy to be at peace. It is a dream he does not expect to live to see happen, either from old age or being killed in battle, but it is a dream he fights for every day.

Standard Galactic Alliance Trooper Armor

BlasTech A320 Blaster Rifle
IA\GA-HBS-01 Heavy Blaster Pistol



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