Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Master of the Knights of Ren


In the beginning we shine so bright, guided in our misdirected passions, blinded by youth. We clinged to our ideals of what could and should be, never questioning our judgements until it was too late. When darkness found us, we faced it, alone. Perhaps that was why we fell so far, became what we fought so valiantly, so vigorously. You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

The Voice of the Maw turned his wretched gaze away from the scenic overlook of lava plains that was Mustafar. He looked upon the image of a man, if one would consider him as such anymore, he was a walking plague upon the galaxy, an unholy abomination to the Living Force. A wicked grin spread from ear to ear across the Voice's face, he basked in the miasma of darkness that surrounded the being and inhaled deeply.

Adorned in ritualistic garb of a dark prophet, the Voice stood before the abomination with an aura of dread emanating from his body. He had prepared for this moment, all the pieces were in place as was predicted. The Brotherhood was gathering, and soon they would make war upon the galaxy. The Knights of Ren had come, extending their services and loyalty to the Brotherhood as they pillaged colony after colony, building their resources as they went. Soon they would be able to challenge the powers of the galaxy and even the Jedi Order itself. Yet, even with the strength of the Knights of Ren they needed more. The Knights needed a leader, only one was suitable for the job, and he was dead.
Well, kind of.

"Kyrel Ren."

The Voice hissed, pressing his hands together as he spoke, "We meet at last."

Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

Kyrel had been one to wander the galaxy following his resurrection. He was alive but dead, a wound itself in the Force. Manifesting a sickly aura of dark side energy around him. Yet the Master of Ren wandered without purpose all over the galaxy. He was denied death, and could not die, for those that brought him back, two mad Sith made sure that when he died, he would only come back in another body. His spirit itself was denied the release of death and denied from Chaos itself. If he were to die he would only remain as a dark entity.

The walking abomination returned to Mustafar, the ruins of his holdout remained, wreckage, bodies, and the evidence of battle had remained when this world was sieged. Setting up within the ruins of Fortress Vader, not much was left as in the time of being gone. The native Mustafarians had made sure to take down every last brick. Only a few walls and a chunk of the upper level remained. The tuning forks now spread out as rubble while the lava stream had only grown into a mighty river.

His plans were ruined, for years he had known only of failure. The First Order still ruled, the Sith while facing a war on two fronts still remained. The New Imperial Order would kill him on sight since kyber dark was in effect. He now only remained as a wanderer, consuming those to feed his body. For he was now nothing more than a monstrosity. The last Knight of Ren destined to walk as a wound in the Force.

During the time on forging a new set of armor for the creature to wear. He heard a voice reach out, startled and surprised to hear a voice that didn't belong to a native mustafarian. He turned his head back quickly to gaze upon those that would greet him. His right hand clutching his lightsaber as he turned and saw what looked to be a sickly man, dressed as some sort of priest. At first, he thought it was one of the Mustafarian shamans, but his aura in the Force resonated something akin to an alien. Something of which he has not felt before. Curious yet cautious he still clutched his saber, even activating the crackling crimson blade that hungered.

Kyrel looked upon the being, he himself only wearing dark robes, a hood raised that hid most of his deformed face as he spoke as if irritated at first. "Who dares enter my domain?!

The Messenger The Messenger


The Voice stood silently, hands still pressed against each other as he studied the Master of Ren. The crimson blade crackling in the darkened chamber illuminated a red glow over his form as he slowly approached the dark warrior. "I am the one who speaks to both the living and the dead. My world is blood and fire, my words cold and piercing like ice. I am the chosen one, the shepard of my people, the wisdom of my gods. I am the Voice of the Maw."

His body nearly touched upon the blade of plasma, his hand rose and hovered along the blade as if he was caressing it. A sinister scowl came upon his face as his upper lip curled, he stood tall, straightening his posture and spoke, "I speak for the Brotherhood of the Maw, a confederation of warlords and marauders who follow the Scripture of the Hidden Maw, our holy text. You will find the 'Ren to be nearly the same in philosophy, I come to you now with an offer, a chance to rise once more from the ashes and claim your destiny. I have foreseen it."

The Voice outstretched his hand outward toward the ruined outlook, his dreaded gaze followed as he peered out into the hellscape before them. "You stand on the precipice of greatness, a choice comes before you here and now. A chance to be whole once more, a chance to rejoin your brothers.." He smiled deviously, "..yes the Knights of Ren live on. In the Unknown Regions within the Brotherhood of the Maw. They aid us in our crusade, our purpose to purge this galaxy of life so that the Hidden Maw, what you call 'Bogan', may reign eternal."

The Voice beckoned softly, "They need their leader, their mentor, their master. Join us, together we can set the galaxy aflame and begin a new era. Join us, with the aid of the Heathen Priests we will find a way to restore your body to some semblance of your former self, and with this immortal shell you still hold.. You. Will. Be. Unstoppable. Join us."

Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

While at first cautious of the mysterious man's intentions. Yet he stayed as how he was now in a defensive posture. Even as the man gave a grin, and stepped forth touching the blade of Vader's Bane. As if the man himself was immune to the blade. Something that even surprised the Master of Ren. Listening, the being spoke as if he was a holy man. Someone that acted on the behalf of a religion. Listening further it seemed that was what he was. Yet with such a being that spoke with such charisma and humbleness of a holy man. Kyrel didn't feel the need to kill him just yet. Only wishing to hear him out.

With the being that spoke of the Hidden Maw, it had him immensely curious. The Hidden Maw sounded like much o what the Unknown Regions was, or he knew when the First Order rose again they had to deal with pirates, raiders, forgotten Rakata technology. Yuuzhan Vong. So many other threats there was. But the Hidden Maw was not what intrigued Kyrel. It was the mention of the Knights of Ren. Causing Kyrel to finally break his silence and speak as if taken aback by the reformation of the Knights. "The... The Knights of Ren remain? The true Knights of Ren, out there.... Not like the ones that came from the First Order." While yes there already were Knights of Ren, the ones that came from the First Order were nothing like the ones rumored to be among the Unknown Regions. Yet shocked at the news Kyrel became more intrigued.

The being continued to speak, about being part of a group known as the Brotherhood of the Hidden Maw. With the promises of the Knights of Ren reborn anew, and the likes of a new era from the Unknown Regions. He started to fathom what such a thing could come to pass. Would he be able to kill all of his enemies? If he is cursed to walk the galaxy, could he bring about the death and rebirth of the galaxy underneath a new ruler. One that didn't come from Imperial, Jedi, or Sith. But something that measured in savagery and brutality.

Even the promise to restore some level of humanity to his dead body seemed too good to pass up. There was only a moment of silence that passed before he finally began to speak.
"I see, you could restore some form for me eh? More importantly, can you bring the galaxy to heel? Destroy all my enemies, and forge a new era? Answer me that and if you say what I need to know. I will come with you." He said looking the man in the eye, showing more of his stitched face.

The Messenger The Messenger


"Yesss." The Voice hissed, "The Knights of Ren endure, forged in the fires of combat from the darkest corners of the Unknown Regions, they grow in strength." His gaze turned away from the overlook back to the undead form of the Master of Ren, his red head piece covered his eyes and shrouded much of his facial expressions. It appeared as if he was pleased, perhaps even thrilled by the conversation unfolding with Kyrel. He stood still, quietly contemplating the words that followed from the dark warrior's tongue as the Voice's dark form continued to pollute their surroundings with a malignant aura. The Dark side was strong with them both, the air was cold and icy to the touch, if one sensed this meeting through the Force they would know a meeting of giants was underway. Masters of the dark, vessels of power.

"Through the Hidden Maw anything is possible, there are many paths and many abilities from which the Maw grants us.." The Voice cocked his head slightly, his gaze fixated on the Master of Ren, "..some considered to be unnatural." He extended his hand and waved out over the distant landscape of Mustafar, "So it shall be, for all life must be purged from this failed experiment, this broken cycle must be corrected. Everyone must die.. this I promise you. Come with me, together we will bring a new era. An era.. of..." The Voice rose both arms slowly overhead, stretching out into the empty space above as he reached, "..death."

The prophet slowly brought his arms down to his sides, his sight drifting to the stitches and revealed deformities from his resurrection. "I promise you, so says the Voice of the Maw, speaker of the void, mouthpiece of the gods."

Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren


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