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Master Gardener? (Jedi Academy/Jensaarai)

Open to anyone from the JA who might have interest in visiting the Jensaarai/Academy enclave on Susefvi. Found here:

Susfevi, not far from the sea. He could hear it murmuring softly in the distance, a constant swish that many used to aid their meditation, both the more traditional Jedi way and the more active methods favored by the Jensaarai. Veino stood on the top of the compound wall, staring out to the faintly lit horizon, clothes still soaked with sweat and his heart-rate still pounding a little too fast. The dream had been so vivid this time. Clearer even than his memories of the battle. Clearer even than the surreal experience in the Netherworld. The smell of blaster-burnt air and flesh, fire and acrid smoke, blood. So much of it, almost drowning him in its thick metallic stench.

Pain slipped through his hands and he tore his gaze away from the burgeoning sunrise, His fingers had gone white as they dug into the wall, trying to crack it open the way he was trying to crack the dreams away. That wouldn't do. Pain was the path of the Dark Side. They channeled it the way a blaster channeled gases into a bolt. Always moving the Sith were, because anger demanded action and to stop and think would give it time to die down. Tranquil stillness was the fuel for the Jedi. They drew strength from peace the way an oak tree drew strength from its roots to weather any storm. But the Jensaarai now, and Veino especially, were an order of action, blending the calm of the Jedi with the movement of the SIth, like the sea on a calm day. Soothing repetitive movements with a focus on creation were the go-to cure all for restlessness and angst. For some, they created art. Others tinkered and repaired machines. Many drove themselves into intense workouts. Veino, and others, chose to work in the compound greenhouses, drawing strength from the Light Side energies that gathered in places of growing things.

He headed there now, hurrying down the steps and past the few Jensaarai apprentices out on their early morning workouts. They gave him surprisingly reverential nods as he passed. He was a full Defender and the first Jensaarai recognized with the rank of Master by another Order in centuries and had seen more combat than most of the others put together. It was strange coming home and seeing how everything was the same and a gang of speederjackers and bank robbers were considered a serious problem. It was surreal. For so long now, a serious threat had meant a SIth invasion fleet and hundreds of Sith. What was a group of thieves who never killed anyone? But that wasn't his problem. While at home, his responsibilities were related to the embassy between the Academy and the Jensaarai. There were rumors of installing him as the warden of Yumfla, but that hadn't happened yet. He wasn't sure it would.

He paused at the cabinet in one of the greenhouses and studied the datapad there, noting what needed done, and then grabbed the tools for it. Debudding. He grabbed a small metal bucket and a pair of clippers, just in case. No need for gloves, really. He had enough callouses from his lightsaber drills to protect his hands. Then he strode down the center and knelt amidst the plants that needed work. Vegetables not yet ready for their fruit. He took a deep breath, settled himself in the Force, wrapping himself in its cool depths that flowed with the universe, and set to work, testing the plants, connecting with them, and then delicately removing the offending bud, giving the plant a nudge to assist in sealing the injury and begin growing out further.

Mist settled across the ground as the dew began to evaporate and the rest of the compound came to life with a bustle of machinery, voices, and movement, all hurrying about their business, and for those capable of feeling it, the Force everpresent and ever-shifting, tying them all together, and with the rest of the inhabitants of the system.
Closer to the world of his birth than his current home, but still many sectors away stood Suarbi 7 and one of its thirteen moons, Susevfi. It was his first time this far to the southwest in the galaxy and a rather unlikely visit for him, given his responsibilities now with the Praxeum at Yavin IV, to his soon-to-be student, and at times to the Mando'ade; he wanted to see more of the other locations that held ties to the network. This one in particular, with the Jensaarai, appeared closest to his path as a guardian outside of the specializations of the Praxeum - though he would have visited Cato if it was still operational, if he had known anything about it, if [member="Avalore Eden"] had invited him. His work was with his hands, his sheer strength on its own a boon, a tool he knew inside and out and thus used only exactly as he intended - it was but one of the ways his body gave advantage.

Advantage that the Force took and made frightening to those that needed to be affected by it, and for all that it was menacing (His face and size did much of that without his intending it to, these days. The acid scarring at one edge of his features and feline orange eyes gave quite an air of disrepute to the average citizen on most worlds. It was something he chose not to have 'fixed'.), he had learned to enhance his strength first in the the plowing of land with a beskar plow. The seeds of an idea had been planted in his mind that day, the consideration of taking up farming - at the very least as a hobby - due to his experience with Ordo was made a very real consideration. It was this that had him making his way to the greenhouses as a point of interest, an item near the very top of his 'list' for this visit.

It also helped that he'd been told the Academy's contact in this place was also there, though in which greenhouse was information that could not be provided. The name of the man wasn't one he had any familiarity with until he'd been able to connect the name with a picture and realize that he had at least seen this one in passing at some point in the intervening years between his beginnings as a Jedi and now, so he poked his head in at every greenhouse that he had to until he found the man in question.

"There you are," he said in a soft, low volume of voice, the roll of his voice only so vaguely apparent, "Master Garn."

He cast a glance up at the ceiling, and around at others present in this greenhouse.

"This is pretty different from the scale of earth-work I've gotten used to."

[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Meeristali Peradun"]

Veino frowned, studying a plant with holes and spots across the leaves. Fungus? Insects? He marked it for later examination by the actual master gardener and moved on to the next, adding a few handfuls of soil to top off the pot. The enclave was coming even more alive now. Starship engines coughed to life over in the hangar and two training fighters arc across the sky above them. He couldn't tell if they were planetary defense force trainees or their own Ring Defender trainees. They all shared and shared alike here, although the defense forces were unaware of any Jensaarai affiliation at all. Or even their existence. To the government, they were an eccentric, but nonthreatening, educational commune and academy. Newer than other ones, but respectable and looking to innovate in the face of grand changes in the galaxy, much as young politician Mya Jesel seemed to be doing, if the word from the spacers were correct.

Veino stood slowly, twisting from side to side, wincing as his back popped and cracked. His heart rate had decreased and the sweating had stopped. Only a linger nausea and chill remained from the nightmares. That, like the mist that floated across the grounds, would burn off with the sun. It always had before, at least. He paused, midstretch. A presence was approaching, Jedi by the feel of it, slightly lost, but searching for something. Probably him, to be honest, and soon enough the other individual walked in. Veino had briefly met him before somewhere but he couldn't quite tell where. He brushed his hands on his shirt to knock the dirt off as he walked towards the other man and held his hand out in greeting.

"Yep. That would be me, but just Veino, please. My only real title here is Defender, and we don't use those often either," He paused in front of the man, and rolled his shoulders to work the stiffness out, and turned to survey the gardens at the comment about the size. He smiled. "With the limited resources we have, it is quite an impressive construction. But for a truly commercial operation, we aren't close to being large enough yet." He turned back to his guest, "What size earthworks are you familiar with then? Oh!" He stopped and gave a lopsided smile, "And I apologize, but I'm afraid I don't know your name." He considered a moment, studying him, "And while I certainly appreciate your interest in our gardens, I don't believe many Jedi would travel all the way here just to see them."

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