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Approved Tech Masquerade Infiltration Droid

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[SIZE=9pt]Image Source: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] To develop a brand new infiltration droid for Aurora Industries to sell to trusted clients [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Development Thread:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Manufacturer: [/SIZE]Aurora Industries
[SIZE=9pt]Model: Masquerade Infiltration Droid
Affiliation: Open-Market (requires massive background checks to purchase one)
Modularity: None
Production: Limited
[SIZE=9pt]Material: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Electrum, Mimetic Hydrargyrum, artificial keratin fibers[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Classification: Fourth Degree[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Weight: 100kg
Height: 1.7 meters (can vary depending on what disguise the droid is using)
Movement: Bipedal
[SIZE=9pt]Armaments: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Can turn its arms into blades[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Misc. Equipment: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Disguise Matrix – allows the droid to shift shapes to take on the appearance of any humanoid it has come into physical contact with, including copying the voice of the copied subject[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]+ Can shift its shape to that of any humanoid figure it comes into contact with, including copying their voice if they hear the subject speak. Simulates the texture of skin and hair through the use of the keratin fibers introduced into the liquid metal body[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Resistant to EMPs and Ion Weaponry due to its liquid metal body and the ability to channel electricity through its body without frying the droid brain[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Can incorporate slugthrower rounds into its body, repairing damage done to it that way.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Can take several blaster bolts[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Can get past most droid scanners due to the fact it lacks many of the components the scanners look for[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Can get past some lifeform scanners that are tied to detecting heartbeats due to the constant pulsing of the droid brain and the electrical current it emits to maintain its body[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]+ Due to the electrum based droid brain, the droid is expensive to produce even though its body is not[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Cannot mimic non-humanoid shaped objects, so no rocks, tress, shrubberies, creatures, etc. or advanced machinery such as a blaster or slugthrower[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ While it can withstand blaster bolts, each shot taken will evaporate part of its body[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Lightsabers will severely evaporate large parts of its body if struck[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Extreme heat and molten materials will cause the droid’s body to lose coherence and melt[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Extreme colds will disable the droid until its temperature rises[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Corrosive agents, such as acids, will destroy the droid in a rapid fashion[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+ Can be detected by more sophisticated lifeform scanners and any chemical scanners[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]For Aurora Industries’ next major droid project, Taeli wanted a brand new type of infiltration droid developed. But not just any old Human Replica Droid, she really wanted to push the boundaries of droid technology and infiltration technology. Hiring an Anomid and his team named Doctor Votoc to head the Advanced Droid Research division at the company, she gave him free reign in how to go about this goal. The result was the Masquerade Infiltration Droid.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The core of the droid is the electrum based droid brain that is inserted into each 100 kilogram mass of Mimetic Hydrargyrum. A side note is that this mass of Mimetic Hydrargyrum is also infused with artificial keratin fibers to allow the droid to mimic the feel of skin and hair when it is in disguise. The droid brain is developed with a polycrystalline structure, similar to advanced micro-electronic microprocessors made of silicon, that holds all of the key features of the droid. The brain is the size of a standard cred coin, and holds a complex memory matrix that allows it to store the voice patterns and shapes of any humanoid figure it comes into contact with. The droid brain is also pre-programmed to be able to simulate human emotions and any observed behavioral quirks of the subject they are copying, such as nervous twitches, tells when they are lying, etc. The droid brain is powered through the use of a kinetic motion energy converter as it is constantly being moved around by the liquid metal mass, and to maintain its shape or form disguises, it emits a constant pulse of electricity on par with a volt to maintain its shape due to the gallium and indium in the base alloy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Masquerade Infiltration Droid is also able to harden its body into a solid state if need be, with this feature mostly shown when it morphs its hands and arms into bladed weapons if it detects a need to defend itself or assassinate a given target.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Due to its liquid metal nature, and its ability to manipulate its body through electricity, EMPs and Ion weaponry cannot disable the droid as it can channel the overload of energy away from its only vulnerable component by shifting its interior mass. It can incorporate slugthrower rounds that impact into its body to repair damage done to itself, but it will dilute the liquid metal alloy the more it does so, while it can take several blaster bolts. Normal droid scanners will not detect the droid, due to the fact it lacks the vast majority of droid components that these scanners look for, and it can get past some lifeform scanners that look for heartbeats due to the constant pulsing of the droid brain emitting its control current.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]However, the Masquerade droid does have some weaknesses and limitations. Its disguise matrix cannot copy anything that isn’t a humanoid shaped being or advanced machinery that has moving parts, so it cannot copy things like inanimate objects. Due to the electrum based droid brain, the droid is expensive to produce due to the high value of electrum. The Masquerade droid can also be picked up on more sophisticated scanners, including chemical scanners. While the Masquerade can take several blaster bolts, each one it takes evaporates part of its body due to the heat on impact, and lightsabers have no problem going through the droid and evaporating large portions of the liquid metal alloy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Masquerade droid is also weak against extreme heat and cold. Extreme heat and molten materials will cause the droid’s liquid metal body to melt and lose coherence, destroying it. Extreme cold, such as cryoban weapons or carbonite, will cause the droid to become brittle and shatter, disabling the droid until its temperature rises again. Corrosive agents, such as acids, will also completely destroy the Masquerade droid.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Primary Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)[/SIZE]
<p>RESEARCH REVIEW<br />-----<br />Star Wars Canon:<br />Pending initial review<br />------<br />Starwars Chaos:<br />Pending initial review<br />------<br />WITHOUT DEV THREADS<br />Pending initial review<br />------<br />WITH DEV THREADS<br />Pending Initial review<br />------<br />SUGGESTIONS<br />Pending Inital review</p>
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

OK, so it's a multi-configuration infiltration HRD that isn't as good at beating scans but can soak up a good bit of damage, type permitting. Limited production sounds just right. Yew got yurself a stamp thar.
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