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Approved Tech Mask of the Dark Lord

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Intent: To create a flavor item for a specific member of the One Sith, allowing them to explain the ability to easily change appearance.

Development Thread: If needed

Manufacturer: Dark Lord of the Sith, Reverance, [member="Sage Bane"]

Model: N/a

Affiliation: One Sith

Modularity: No

Production: Unique

Material: Alchemized titanium, alchemized electrum, alchemized dallorian alloy, alchemized durasteel

Classification: Anti-Blaster, Anti-Lightsaber, Anti-Slug

Weight: 0.5 kg

Quality: 7, only protects the head

Special Features: Mask is resistant to damage from cutting items such as knives and swords, lightsabers, etc. Mask is resistant to damage from lasers and slugs. However, the damage only extends to penetration and does not negate the power of kinetic damage as weapons disperse energy across the surface of the mask.

Description: The Mask of the Dark Lord was commissioned for construction for a particular individual within the One Sith, deemed worthy by the hierarchy and more importantly, the Dark Lord. First and foremost, the mask was created as a self enclosed mask that entraps the users head. Tied into the wearers force presence, the Mask can complete two tasks after permanently binding with their specific signature. First and foremost, the shifting presentation and metalurgy of the mask allows for it's appearance to change, depending on the desire of the wearer. Simply put, the mask responds to a projection of the force by the wielder married to a desired presence (a visualization). Over the course of less than a minute, the mask can modify it's own appearance to reflect the desires of the wielder, changing the appearance of the face to give a realistic and strikingly accurate depiction of the desired face. Simply put, this allows a user to change their facial appearance nearly at will though time is needed for the shift.

The second property is a supplementation of force concealment, caused by the initial sapping of force power to form the transition in appearance. The mask aids the force user in concealing their force presence, though in no way replaces the need to actually have knowledge of the power. Simply put, a force user trained in force concealment might feel a slight reduction in concentration needed to maintain the power.

[+] Can modify the appearance of the wearer to any desired visage.
[+] Can assist the user in concealing their force presence
[+] Retains the properties of common sith alchemic items, meaning a resistant to damage including lightsabers, slugs, and blasters.

[-] Constant, yet minuscule drain on the force.
[-] Binding: Once given to the original intended user, the item binds to said individual. It is unusable by any other wearer and will have the basic appearance of the above picture.
[-] Electricity and the force: The mask provides no protection against electricity, or any other force powers, despite being alchemized.

Primary Source: Rudis of the Dark Lord (for example of binding)

Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

Pending initial review

Pending Initial review

Pending Inital review

Reverance said:
[-] Force concealment is constant. While wearing the mask, it is impossible for the user to project their presence, though this has no impact on actual force utilization.

Reverance said:
[+] Can conceal the force presence of the wearer.
These... these are rough, especially without development. Its a constant concealment of the Force with no negative impact on the user's ability to use the Force.

Reverance said:
[-] Constant, yet minuscule drain on the force. This can be overcome by those with persistence presence or training with the mask.
Lets just remove that last sentence from this one.

I would also like to see a good solid 20 posts put into this for this set of abilities.
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