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Approved Species Marsh Oona

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  • Intent: To create an agricultural grain
  • Image Credit: X
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Arsenae
  • Name: Marsh Oona
  • Origins: Arsenae
  • Other Locations: N/A
  • Classification: Agricultural grain
  • Average Growth Cycle: 4 standard months
  • Viability: Marsh Oona, as the name implies, grows in the shallow waters of freshwater marshes. As a marsh plant, it requires large amounts of water, preferably enough to submerge the roots during it growing period. Oona requires warmer temperatures of 21 to 32 degrees Celsius, as to keep the plants roots warm. Oona seeds are viable for roughly sixty standard years and I stored properly, they can last over a hundred standard years.
  • Description: A tall marsh plant that grows in fertile mud of freshwater marshes. Oona has a long green stem and long narrow leaves. The panicle of the Oona may contain several hundred seeds, while each plant will have an upwards of ten panicle's per plant. When ready to harvest, the plants go from green to a golden brown.
  • Average Height: 2 meters
  • Average Length: N/A
  • Color: Green when growing, golden brown when ready to harvest.
  • Nutritional Value: Major source of starch, energy, vitamin B, calcium, dietary fiber, iron and several other minerals and vitamins.
  • Toxicity: None
  • Other Effects: None
  • Distinctions: Unlike other major grains grown on Arsenae, Oona is the only one that can grow when it's completely submerged in water. In fact, that's the only way it can grow. Seeds from the Marsh Oona drop into the water and drift away from the parent plant, after several days it'll become waterlogged and sink to the fertile mud below. The seeds will rapidly grow into a two meter tall plant, a height that keeps most of the plant out of water, and will produce over a thousands of seeds. In some places, Oona can be grown year round. During harvest time, the Oona goes from green to golden brown.
  • Water loving: The Marsh Oona is unique in a sense that it grows in water. This removes any risk of having to worry about forms of root rot.
  • Large output: A single Oona plant can produce more seeds than any other grain on Arsenae.
  • Drought: Marsh Oona thrives in water, but can't take prolonged periods of drought. When the marsh dries up, it only has a few days before it begins to die.
  • Insects/disease: Like all plants, Oona suffers from different types of diseases or insect infestations. Oona itself has very few diseases that effect it. What damages it the most are insects, mainly stem boring beetles that lay their eggs inside the stems of the Oona plant.

Marsh Oona is a unique water loving plant found in marshes along the equator of Arsenae. These tall plants are a staple food of fishing villages that rest on the banks of swamps and marshes. A very old plant that has no true recorded history but has had an oral history amongst small villages that have dated back as far as 20,000 BBY. The plant itself has no true domesticated verity, rather people who farm it let it grow naturally. Most of the plants limited equatorial range allow it to grow year round in natural or large fields that have been flooded and turned into marshes. These large farm marshes always have fish, shrimp or krill living in them. In this way the fish or crustaceans provide nature fertilizer and eat harmful insects, while the plants provide shelter. The addition of fish and crustaceans also provides extra income for the farmers. Despite its large grain yield, Oona is only the second most productive grain on the planet. That is mainly due to Arsenae being a semi arid and the only marshes that can support Oona lies along the equatorial regions of the planet.
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