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Approved Tech Mark 8 katarn armor

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Four different paint schemes for Mark 8 Katarn armor


  • Intent: To Sub a standard Medium Armor for the Silver Jedi army
  • Image Source: Gears of War
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Katarn armor
  • Manufacturer: Silver Jedi order
  • Model: Mark 8 Katarn armor
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market, Silver Jedi Order
  • Modularity: Yes: backpack and utility belt can have different items mounted on them; also camouflage schemes can be modified for different mission profiles
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Armorweave, Duraplast, transparisteel, electronics
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: 15kg
  • Quality: 7
  • Magno-grip soles
  • Grav boots
  • Temperature regulator; climate control
  • Digitial Life Support System
  • Broadband antenna; comlink (right wrist)
  • Environmental filter, rebreather, oxygen filtration system, nutrient/water dispenser, oxygen tank (30 minute supply)
  • Copper Faraday cage
  • Lightsaber socket
  • Ion flares (3)
  • HUD
  • IFF transponder
  • Demolition sensor
  • Thermal and night vision
  • Grappling hook launchers (2), high tension wire
  • Combat de-ionizer, blast energy sinks
  • Energy rations, canteen, medpacs (2)
  • Adjustable backpack: can receive a variety of equipment or supplies
The Mark 8 Katarn armor is borne from the need to provide the Silver Jedi army with a new suit of armor since the last supplier's contract was terminated, especially since they were regularly fighting the Sith armies on multiple fronts. The design of the joints, which not only leave wearers vulnerable at the joints, also restrict range of movement somewhat, makes mobility a concern, as would the need to manually change the camouflage scheme, which is a time-consuming process that cannot be done in battle. In addition, a modular backpack allows its wearer to outfit various pieces of equipment. Also, demolition sensors allow their wearers to stay out of minefields' way or from improvised explosive devices.

A host of systems allow its wearer to enjoy a wide array of capability on the field. In the boots, are located two items that are useful in different capacities and are meant to be used in specific situations: the magno-grip soles are to be used mostly when one needs to grip at objects made of magnetic materials so that the wearer would not fall off (in a gravity field) or fly (without gravity), while the grav boots would activate in a fall in order to reduce the shock incurred. To ensure the comfort and survival of the wearer in hostile environments, a sophisticated climate control system has been implemented with temperature regulator, as well as a number of environmental features that allow it to enhance the survival in toxic environments. To round out the survival equipment, the energy rations, canteen and medpacs are also included. In combat, a blast energy sink and a combat de-ionizer is also added to help withstand blast effects and ion/EMP attacks respectively. Also, a few sockets have been installed, allowing ion flares to be used in an emergency, as well as the lightsaber socket. And, of course, the communications equipment, such as a broadband antenna and a wrist-mounted comlink, has been fitted. Because NFUs are expected to form the bulk of the Silver Jedi's armies, a HUD, thermal and night vision have been added to this suit of armor.

  • Blaster Resistant
  • Vacuum Proof
  • Can outfit a wide array of equipment for different mission profiles
  • Can detect battlefield hazards such as mines and IEDs
  • EMP resistance
  • Camouflage schemes must be manually changed
  • Joint design limits range of mobility somewhat
  • Vulnerable in joints of armor
  • Vulnerable to kinetic impacts (including, but not limited to, slugthrowers, grenades)
  • No Force-resistance


Well-Known Member
Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.


Well-Known Member
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Jessica Med-Beq said:
Copper Faraday cage
Raziel said:
(Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths. )
  • Like the template clearly states, notable Special Features should be listed under Strengths. Please add the EMP/Ion resistance.
Jessica Med-Beq said:
Vulnerable to anti-matériel weapons
  • Saying that anti-vehicle grade weapons will demolish a personal armor is utterly redundant, and therefore an empty Weakness.
  • Due to the materials used and the Quality rating listed, please change this Weakness to include high-impact and kinetic energy as well. Slugthrowers, grenades, heavy melee weapons, etc. should have no problem piercing the armor and/or turning the wearer into a pulp. The submission should reflect this.
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