Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Many things take place

Sliding the blade into the sheath, the katana was facing with the blade up. The clip sound came as I tightened the belt a little around my waist. The sword Storm, would need to be replaced sometime soon if I wanted a better weapon. One that would be more suited for my strengths, and flush out my weaknesses. The blue battle wrap of cloth around the grip was worn and dirty. When I first received it, the dark blue was almost bright to look at. Now the cord is so dirty it is black and has a hue of red from dried blood that couldn't be taken out.

I stood on the field. Practicing my Kendo, and Igami tactics. I smiled as for now I would take a rest. Watching the others. All the while, Hiding myself to look much like a new acolyte as to not draw too much attention. Seeing how well the new recruits were doing, as well as what the next generation of Sith will bring.

Taking a sip of water, I closed up the bottle and simply watched and learned of their mistakes. Their foot placement and much more. Each second was more information I gathered. A smile formed on my lips as I watched a particular few who were doing rather well.

Maybe one of them could survive my training.

[member="Pel Duval"],
Pel swung down with his massive arms, long, red lightsaber headed for his opponent. The other boy, one a lot smaller than him, was an acolyte like himself. The giant had found this place. He had no idea what they called themselves, or where they were, exactly. He didn't care, though. All he knew was they were the ones to give him power, to teach him how to wield it. That, and they called themselves Sith.

The boy Pel was engaged with brought his saber up to block, and even with both hands on his hilt, was forced back by the beast in front of him. Pel came on relentlessly, sending powerful strike after powerful strike. In realty, he was playing with his food. What was best was, the boy, as well as the teacher watching them, both knew it. Finally, sick of the game, Pel brought down his most powerful strike, forcing the boy to crouch to absorb more of the hit. Pel sent out a kick, and the boy flew backwards. The ex-slave was on him in an instant, thick saber piercing his chest.

Pel grinned as he watched the life fade from the boys eyes. Never in his life had he felt such enjoyment. He pulled back, and turned off his saber. He looked to the teacher. "Well, there goes another one. Go, shoo, while I find an Acolyte who can handle you." The teacher waved a hand, and sighed. Pel growled under his breath as he walked away.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Hmm. Killing one of the Sith in a Training exercise?

Watching the fight between a beast of a man and a child sized acolyte, I only smiled as the Knight ranked man was looking for acolytes. As I stood there, I placed the water down. Drawing the man's attention, I was suddenly a burst of movement against a dummy. The fighting form was called Igami. In short, a very fast draw of the katana with swings and swipes in an order only to be put back into the sheath in less than two seconds.

In my burst of speed, I ran up to a dummy. And with a draw that would rival even Sith drawing a Lightsaber, I had cut the dummy in half then sped back to cut it again into four separate pieces. Cutting up once, and across the second time, I had turned the straw dummy into a sack. In about that time, the master came over to me. Explaining how they were holding a little bout to see who could beat this man. One of the best students on the field. I smiled and nodded my head. Wearing nothing but a pair of black jeans, combat boots, and a cross necklace, I walked up to where this behemoth of a human was.

"You are the best student out here right?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Let me see what you got scrub."

[member="Pel Duval"],
Pel's eyes followed the Knight, the one who thought anyone of these fools could beat him. Well, the teacher certainly wasn't wrong. Pel had barely any training in the normal lightsaber forms, and relied simply on brute strength to win. His attention was naturally drawn to the man who shredded the training dummy, and without a lightsaber no less. Pel growled again, knowing this would finally be a good opponent.

It was strange. Something had awakened itself inside the ex-slave. Something dangerous. He no longer thought of himself as worthless, he thought of himself as a weapon to be wielded by his master. Trouble was, Pel had yet to find someone who he wanted to be a slave to. Little did he know, he was about to find that person. The Knight and the man started walking back towards Pel, and he moved back a little bit, getting back into position. He raised his saber into both of his hands, and even with its massive blade, it looked small in his hands. The taunting was the worst part. At first, other Acolytes had done the same. Each time, it ended in their death. This one, however, didn't seem to care about Pel's record. He carried himself with confidence.

I will show him, Pel thought, determined to put this man down. He rushed forward, letting out a guttural howl. He brought his saber over his head, and swung down at the man before him.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled at the very large man. He could clearly see that I was one that might be a little bit tougher for him. My left hand carried the sheath for the sword in which I was using. My thumb pushed on the hand guard to release the blade only enough for my draw to be that much faster. As well as easier. Big huge brute would likely use pure strength against me since I was so small. Just under average height for a male human. However, that doesn't mean I wasn't strong myself. For my size, I was unnaturally strong. I might even be as strong, or even stronger than this man here. None the less, I smiled as he came at me.

I didn't even draw my sword. Taking a side step, I let the fast sweeping saber to move right past me towards the ground as I send a small force push to smack into his chest. Nothing too powerful to send him flying, nor too weak to simply buff him back, but just enough to send him sliding back about a foot or two.

"Try better than that daisy."

[member="Pel Duval"]
Pel grunted as he rushed past the man, and his saber swung down, clipping the grass. As he turned around he felt a burst of air slam into his chest. He took one step back, and then slid back another foot, his massive boots digging into the ground, and tearing up dirt and grass. He looked shocked at the attack. He assumed it was caused by this, Force, or whatever they called it. His teachers acted like it was some sort of deity that they channeled. The boy had originally laughed at what he thought was foolish fanaticism. Perhaps he was wrong.

Pel twirled his saber again, and brought it back up in the two handed stance they had shown him. He rushed back towards the man, bringing his sword up and over his head. Instead of swinging down, at the last second changed the momentum to the left, and finished his swing there. He was hoping to catch the man off guard. That jump to the side had rather angered him, and he used it to fuel his current attack.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Now that he knew I was fast, he would try a different tactic. I have been in battle long enough to know that if something doesn't work, you don't try it again, you try something else. So likely a different attack, or a fake would come. As he came at me with his hands raised with the saber ready to bring hell down on my day, I smiled as he would be faking. Knowing this, I bent my legs a little more than usual, and as he came at me, jumped into the air.

Jumping up and backwards into a flip where his saber had barely caught the last strands of my long hair to follow. Landing once more on my feet, only this time, I drew my sword and came in. Fast like lightning, my sword came flying in to strike in an uppercut, attempting to slam into his saber and send it flying away and behind him. With the follow through, I had my sword up high in the air, and with a twist of my wrist, came back down with the sword, aiming not to kill him, but simply cut at his tunic enough to open it, and maybe give him a good scratch right down the center of this chest, and stomach.

With the sword pointing down, weither I hit or not, it was then slid back into the sheath as a took a step back to be just out of his arm's and saber's reach should he still have it.

[member="Pel Duval"]
The counter attack was a shock for Pel, to say the least. He grimaced as his saber flipped out of his hand, and flew back. The crimson blade retracted in the air, and the long claws on the black hilt sunk into the ground. Pel had stumbled back with the attack, and was just getting ready for his own counter attack when he felt a sharp pain over his chest and stomach, and a flash of black. He looked down at his black robes, which were stained with the pale white of his skin, and the deep red of his blood. Pel used to the pain from whips, and smaller lightsaber wounds, would have no problem with this. But that wasn't what left him in shock. It was the fact that this man had actually hit him. All day, and no one had even gotten close.

Pel took another second to take in the cut, before dropping to one knee. He bowed his head, and kept both of his hands on his knee that was off of the ground. Finally, he had found someone. Someone who he would be willing to bow to. Until that moment, he had thought he was done with having a master, yet now he knew, he needed one. And he would accept no one but this man. "I am yours." He spoke.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
As I stood there, I relaxed a little as the man was staring at his cut chest. While it was enough to draw blood and cause some minor pains, it was no where near close to kill him. it would scab over in a day or so and then heal right up. maybe leave a scar, but not much of one. And from the man's size, I doubt it really mattered if he had another scar. I was surprised when suddenly the man fell down to his knees and proclaimed that he was mine. It was then I realized exactly what he meant.

Only one type of people instantly fall to their knees. Slaves. He must have been one for a time. I smiled brightly as I let my force become brighter. Revealing myself. Really I was a Sith Lord. One of the few who could control flames so easily. I held my sword out, With the sheath on, and pressed it up against the man's face and pushed up a little. Making him lift his head up. I leaned down just a little to look at him in the eyes.

"You fought a Sith Lord. Don't feel so bad."

Looking to the knight, he realized who I was.
"Imura? I -"
"This man is now my student. You may leave us."

With a curt bow, he looked at me for a second more and left us. Removing the sword from the man's general direction, I held it within my left hand. Looking at him. "Tell me who you are Acolyte?"

[member="Pel Duval"]
Pel blinked as he said he was a Sith Lord. Of course, another one, he thought. Oddly enough, his previous owner was also a Sith Lord. Pel had killed him, however. Imura? Pel caught the quick name the Knight had called this Lord that stood before him. Pel remained bowed during their quick conversation, and once the sheathed sword moved away from his chin, he lowered his head back down. Not as far this time, just enough to show respect, but still be able to look Imura in the eyes if needed. "Pel Duval, Master." The Acolyte stood, up, and looked at his new master. He folded his hands behind his back, as he had been whipped into doing.

"It is an honor to be your student, my Lord. I will not fail you." Pel looked back over his shoulder at his fallen lightsaber, wondering if he should go get it. Not wanting to show disrespect, he quickly turned back around to face Imura. Pel straightened his pose again, and looked at his master, a determined look in his eyes. He'd seen other Acolytes doing one on one lessons, but no one had yet approached him about the subject.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled intently as he stood up. His large form towering over me. However, I had no real fear. My empty hand opened and in came flying his saber. Not much in the way of design, but it was nicely made. I looked it over for a second and then let it float in the air between us. Smiling as it hovered there. my hand now against my side, he promised me that he would not fail me. I gave him a cockeyed look.

"That's right. Because if you fail and return to me, I will end you."

I smiled slightly at Pel. He was a Slave. Standing all formal. He had to be trained in some way. I started to think about him. If he was my slave now, I could use him to my advantage.

"Pel, You will be my Apprentice. We will begin now. Take your lightsaber. Show me what you can do."

[member="Pel Duval"]
Pel watched in awe as his saber floated to the two of them, and then hovered between them. He just nodded at the price of death for failure. Honestly, he would've expected that had Imura not even said it. His massive hand reached out, and grasped the hilt. He would pull it down, and clip it back to his belt, letting it rest there. He tilted his head at showing his master, 'what he could do.' "Do you mean, attack you?" He reached back down for his saber, and shrugged. He stepped back a few feet, and brought his saber up. Pel turned it on, and his face danced with a deep red light.

"As you wish..."

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled as he took the saber. Even more so when he question my motives for telling, no commanding him to attack me. While it may have been stupid at first, I wanted him to so I can see how well trained he was. If he could break through my defenses, then I could trust that he can do well in a battle. Otherwise, I would either have to train him, or leave him in the dust where he will die.

Survival of the fittest.


[member="Pel Duval"]
Pel shrugged. "Alright..." He brought his saber up a bit more. He thought back to his time on Tatooine, watching his mother die. And how much he needed to prove himself to his new master. He felt a surge of energy rush through him, fueling his anger, and his strength. He yelled, and felt himself jumping forward. Farther than he should've been able to from a standstill. He brought his saber down with force, and then spun, attempting another attack from the side. He let himself drop into an instinctual state, let something else guide him, and carried on with more attacks. Coming in from the sides, and down. A few strikes came up, and none were jabbed straight out at Nickolas.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
I smiled as the man yelled. Signifying that he was coming for me. I allowed him to jump into the air with his first strike. However, he should know that if it happens again, I will blow him sky high with my telekinesis powers. Instead, I simply drew my katana and came to parry all of his blows. He was thinking simplistic. While it is a good idea, sometimes, you need a little more to overcome your enemy.

"Give me more. Let me see what you really are."

As his follow through with a downward strike, I cut again at him. Only at his left arm. Once again, just enough to scratch him, and cut clothing, but not to cause severe harm.

"You arm would be off if I were someone else."

[member="Pel Duval"]
Pel frowned each time Imura blocked another on of his strikes. This usually works. Why wasn't it working! His taunt, asking to see the true side of Pel. That pushed Pel over the edge. He felt himself fall into his own body. He lost control of his own thoughts, of his own body. The only thing he remembered were his emotions in that moment.

Pel barely felt the scratch on his arm, and didn't even hear his Master's words. All he could think of was proving himself. Of truly becoming a Sith. He blade came in again, this time, his first attack was a feint, and he followed through with his first quick jab. Because of the blade's length, he was forced to do so at a bit of a distance, but still did it. His next attacks were a series of slashes and jabs. It was obvious Pel was adhering to no style, and was just following what felt natural. It was also obvious, however, that a true lightsaber form could greatly increase his skill as a weapon for Imura.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
There ya go!

Now he was showing me who he was. A rage filled, Instinct driven Sith. Now that is typical. Surprisingly he was fast for his size. He came up to strike at me, and I intended to defend against it, however he faked and went for a stab. Seeing this, I twisted my hips and turned to the side, while my attention was still focused on him. The blade less than an inch from my stomach, my left hand shot a force push at his hand. Enough to bat it away so it wouldn't cut me.

It was then he continued in his furry. Sending strike after strike. In use with the Katana, you needed to have very fast reaction times. That I happened to have, as well as a high endurance. So parrying, blocking or simply avoiding his attacks was easy considering I had been in battles far longer than he had. However if we continued to do this too much, then my knee might start messing up again. and really didn't feel like doing that.

For now, I wanted to see what else he could do. His rage would not be enough to save him, let alone complete a mission.

Learn fast, or you die.

[member="Pel Duval"]
Pel quickly became tired of this game, where they were simply trading blows, and no one was actually taking any hits. He tried to think up a new tactic as he swung down heavily. Then it came to him. All this time, Imura was utilizing one thing Pel had no idea how to access. The Force. Pel continued with his attacks, and allowed each one to fuel his rage more and more. After a final slash, he spun away from Imura, and held out his hand. He felt energy surge through his palm, and outwards, flying towards his master. It would do nothing to knock him down, but if he was prepare, he might move back a few feet.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
More strikes came, more were avoided. Soon it would be where one of us would slip up. However, We wouldn't determine that right now, as after another heavy strike was avoided, I moved to the side, only to see Pel almost come back to punch me. I was ready. Going to dodge it, only when it came, his hand was open, not closed.

And instead of getting punched, I was thrown backwards. it was powerful considering his size. Sliding back, I reached the end, where I sheathed my sword, and stood up straight.

"Good, you did well."

I smiled and stepped forward a bit.

"Tell me which would you like to learn first, Saber or Force?"

[member="Pel Duval"]
Pel nodded at the praise, however little was given. Good, he had at least proven himself worthy, then came the question. Which path he wanted to start on for his training. His answer was a rather simple one. He could train with a blade any old day, but he had just discovered what the Force was capable of, and he wanted to explore. "The Force, Master. Teach me to wield it." He clenched his fists, and realized his saber was still on. He turned it off, and clipped the large hilt back onto his waist.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]

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