Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mandalorians & Systems Authority Nov2014

Major Faction Monthly Check-In
  • Please check in only with active characters that are being role-played. All characters require a bio.
  • You must post the complete, full name of the Major Faction you're checking in for with zero misspelling. (Do not use acronyms.)
  • When replying to the Monthly Check-In thread, please list the Major Faction your character represents. Each character may represent only one Major Faction.
  • Each character must post in their own account. One may not post with just one account for all sub-accounts.
  • The requirement for Major Factions is 7 unique members.
  • You must have more than 50 posts to check in for a Major Faction.
  • You must have been actively roleplaying in the past month to qualify.



[member="Freanne"] - The Opening Post says no acronyms. Would be advised to correct your post so that it's a valid count for your faction.

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