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Approved Tech Mandalorian High Security Deterrent Collar

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Intent: To create a collar used for High Security or High Risk prisoners held within Mandalorian Prisons that is designed to deter escaping prisoners and/or terminate prisoners who have escaped the prison premises.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Affiliation: Mandalorians
Modularity: The collar can be adjusted, both in size, comm range, and explosive payload for specific prisoners
Production: Limited
Material: Beskar, durasteel, commlink, remote transceiver, high explosives

The High Security Deterrent Collar, affectionately nicknamed the "Head Popper" and "Bomb Collar" by Mandalorian prison personnel, is designed to deter potential prison escapees from attempting a breakout, either by themselves or with external/internal aid. In the event of an escape, the bomb collar is activated in one of two ways: Manually or Automatically.

Automatic mode is a passive, constantly active setting that can only be deactivated by the Prison Control Room. In this mode, should the prisoner leave the transponding range of the built in commlink, the collar will automatically explode. Manual mode is a manually activated pulse sent from the Prison Control Room that activates the collar on command, detonating the collar and killing the prisoner. Also, the collar will automatically detonate should the proper comm code stop transmitting or becomes jammed for any reason.

The collar is made of a tough, Beskar shell within which high explosives are placed. The inner lining of the collar, which faces the neck of the prisoner, is a thin plating of durasteel designed to blow apart into shrapnel should the collar detonate. In the rear of the collar is the commlink transceiver within a thumbprint scanner locked, beskar plated housing, making tampering nigh impossible and unlocking the device even more difficult. The collar is designed to be fit snugly around the neck of the prisoner so as to prevent potential tampering and escape. The beskar housing serves two purposes. First, the metal is known to contain even the most powerful of Force users. Second, it can withstand the detonating high explosives, allowing the collar itself to be rearmed and reused.

The device is not without it's downfalls, however. The collar is susceptible to comm jamming, though doing such would detonate the collar and obviously kill the prisoner. Also, the collar is heavy and bulky, making storage in a large scale difficult and can become very uncomfortable upon the prisoner. The collar is also complex and difficult to remove due to the failsafes and locks featured upon the device. The collar can be tampered with, however this is generally inadvisable as tampering could potentially, and often will, disrupt the comm signal causing the collar to detonate. In the event of an EMP, the comm signal will cease and the collar may explode, though this depends upon the strength of the EMP as the detonation module is electrically based. Finally, the Manual detonation mode can only be initiated by the proper officials such as the prison Warden and higher (i.e. Field Marshals and above unless another is designated officially as the Prison Warden in command of the complex). This is to prevent lower ranking guards and personnel from finding entertainment from detonating prisoner collars unsurpervised.

Weight: 10kg
Length: Varies from Prisoner to Prisoner as the collar is adjustable.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Arrbi Betna"] - Yeah, it'll take some ingenuity to get out of this. Seems realistic and fair, assuming this only gets used on legitimate prisoners and nobody ever thinks that they can just walk up to someone in a fight and clamp this around their necks. Approved pending secondary.
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