Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mallory Pryde-1.0

Mallory "Ivy" Pryde

NAME: Mallory Pryde
Callsign: Ivy
FACTION: SJO/Mandolorians/Rebels/BHG. (the last 3 are not her priority, but she will be a member nonetheless.)
RANK: Rogue Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Half Diathim/Unknown (later revelation about the second half of her DNA structure)
AGE: 17 galactic years old. (human years)
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: about 5'4"
WEIGHT: approximately 110 lbs (athletic)
EYES: Light Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Natural tan complexion (Olive skin tone)
FORCE SENSITIVE: She is rather weak due to an abnormally low midi-chlorian count.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


1, Fighter
2. Seer (natural force affinity)
3. Agility (Ivy's agility is wickedly-sickening, with it she can outlast or out jump/fight just about anyone)
4. Pyro-Sadist-Masichist (Due to her childhood she often loves to burn up her own flesh until there is nothing but a badly charred bone, it is like therapy.. makes the pain soften or disappear. This also allows her a sickening immunity to fire, and extreme heat.)


1. The force. (non seer)
2. Bloodlust, Wanderlust.
3. Pyro-Sadist-Masichist: Due to being prone to burn her flesh down to the bone due to severe stress, or pain she is seen by most as being a mental case who needs a straight jacket and padded room. Ivy has a good side to her, she does want to protect the galaxy, and does feel compassion for victims, and sorrow for the fallen. her own sadism is not only her strength, but also a main weakness.


Mallory has a more athletic build, with natural blond hair and an olive complexion. Due to her Diathim bloodline her skin has an abnormal hue to it during the night time which often makes her appear to be angelic, or demonic depending upon who is telling the tale of it.

She usually wears her hair over one shoulder, but can often be seen with it flowing or in a tail. She often will wear a blue jean outfit, but whenever she is nightcapping it as a vigilante she wears a more unique look wiht orange pants, a white top and white athletic shoes.

Her arm dons a tribal sleeve that she got when she was in her early teens on an outer rim world, shortly after the sleeve was imprinted on her arm she came down with a sudden chill and fell into a deep slumber for a few months, the doctos tried there best to reverse the illness that had plagued her but there was barely anything they could do due to the sleeve itself being poison, they also couldn't remove it without amputating her arm which was not going to happen. After wakiing several months later she found the damage had been life changing, she was different, more sadistic in nature yet kept to her protective nature.. it only facinated her more and made her become more.. of a rogue.

Two years later she returned to the old tattoo parlor and got her face tatt'ed and then executed the entire tattoo parlor with her rapid fire "hell" canons. It felt good at the time, but later she resented even killing them which to her and possibly others seems to be a serious contradiction to her own nature. Somehow she was remade into a sadistic fighter, but kept her soul and conscience.


Ivy was born to the self proclaimed Prate Queen of the galaxy, Haven and an unknown male sired the only heir to a dark fortune, after Mallory was born Haven ran to her contacts known as the "underworld" and handed her off with instruction to tell her nothing of where she came, they did as Haven had instructed and kept her safely hidden within their hidden network. Ivy grew up knowing she was not one of them, but truly knew not of who she really was, or who her own parents were.. often she felt conflicted, and empty. An orphan who was abandoned due to selfish, and cruel parental figures.

She never knew the reasons, and suspected neither did her "protectors" within the network. As years passed by she started to question her own bloodline as she felt this unnerving connection to an inner darkness that pulled at her soul, it spoke to her with bitter-sweet words that to her seemed to be candy coated sweetness, she didn't know it is what most would consider to be the Darkside of the force, a malevolent energy source that fueled the sith and their tyrannical empire yet she also felt the solemn, and parental echoes of the lightside almost singing to her like the hollowed voices of the angels.

it was often that both sides would either sing to her, or try and flirt with her.. and often enough she inheritely listened to both trying to figure it all out.. The lightsided echoes of song was faint, and distant while the darksides candied words were soft but.. close to her heart.
When she first encountered this she was seven years old, it was an odd thing but it only peaked her curiosity for what lie outside her imprisonment.

it wasn't for several years she finally was informed by a templar about the truth of her mother, yet they knew very little of her father other than going as far to state he was the reason Haven wanted so badly to keep her own daughter safely hidden away from the galaxy. This troubled her since she knew it might have been for the best, but why would her own father.. the man who helped bring life, her life into the galaxy want to harm her or her own mother? what does this mean for me? she often pondered what it meant but could never discern the little bit of information she was able to gain from slicing terminals on the backwater world she was stuck on, granted they had a library but it was not the best since it didn't constantly update its holo-archives of data, She was able to get some information from it about Haven Pryde, but not alot.

She did however learn Haven Pryde, her mother, once worked for an Omega Protectorate, and Rebel Alliance and even ran with a rather shady crowd.. one of them being a dashing pirate lord calling himself Captain Jack Sparrow, but that partnership in crime was short lived.
The next thing she found out is that her own crew were killed during a botched operation shortly after she met someone named Noah Corek, and it resulted in her breaking up with him due to being closer to her crew than she could ever get with him.

After that the information ran cold and stale since it was comprised of nonesense and stupidity, she left the library and allowed her own mind to sift through what she learned and process it all.. some of it made her even more curious, her being just into her teenage years made it more....difficult for her to comprehend, why would her mother run with seedy pirate lords, and be considered a lawful person? it all was confusing, and dumfounding.

The date of her birth and the dates of those partnerships proved that this Noah Corek and Jack Sparrow could be ruled off the list of possible fathers.. they just didn't match up or coincide with Ivy's birthdate. It all just was secondary information to her, but also made her want to know more about who Haven Pryde truly was and why she needed Ivy to remain hidden from whoever this monster of a father she had.

A year later, age 14, she decided she needed to find it out, it couldn't remain in a past long forgotten; she needed to understand why Haven wanted her own daughter to live as a prisoner and why Ivy's own father seemed like so much a threat to even her. Saying her goodbye's to her friends within the network she departed in a small freighter they gifted her and left the backwater world heading straight into the galaxy, her first stop being the smugglers moon to try and locate an infochant, or library of some type she could obtain information from.

Upon her arrival she saw an aged man standing at the spaceport walk way seemingly staring her ship down, the old man seemingly waiting for...something to arrive. When she exited she found him smiling at her with rotted teeth, and cold eyes.. this old man, whoever he was, sorta creeping her out. Taking an alternate route she found the stairs to be relaxing and allowing her mind to process the information more, yet the serene environment changed rapidly as she found herself being hunted by a would-be kidnapper, and someone apparently having a death wish.

This is when she first learned she can summon the flames of hell themselves, the old man continued to stalk her, and when he finally showed his ugly scarred face she was thrust up agaisnt a wall and in her enraged blackout she summoned enough fire to roast him alive, when she regained her calm nature she reawoke to a burning corpse lieing in the ground, and swallowing hard out of surprise and then quickly walking away like nothing had happened, ever since that day she has never been able to summon as much flame as she somehow did; mostly because she has never blacked out like she did that day.

her entire time on the smugglers moon was spent trying to find a library which she never came across sadly, or an infochant she could sweet talk into giving her info, and sadly none of them were that gullible, altho a few had their groins attacked for thinking she would give it up for the info she needed.. sadly mistaken morons.

After about a week she left the moon in search of other libraries, often finding them and finding her slicing skills were apparently not enough to get the info that was obviously for some mysterious reason secured behind a security clearance, only to find if she were to try and hack the security system it would force an alarm and then the tedious escape before the authorities were able to arrive was a little recharging. Eventually she gave up trying to slice her way into the info, and decided it was time for find somewhere to belong, within a few years she joined the Silver Jedi.. hopefully one day she will find out who she truly is, and figure out why her mother abandoned her to better protect her from her sleemo father.

(will finish this, just its taking time due to the fact I haven't done this in a long time)


For now her ship is whatever the SJO are willing to assign her, maybe later she will purchase a personal vessel.
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

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Preminition (<- Natural Force Gift)
Blink (<- Strong, force gift)


Force Throw
Psychometry (current state of ability: Sense)
Force Agility


Force speed
Droid Disable
Protection Bubble
Force Deflection
Force Grip
Force Crush
-Natural Skills-Non Force-

Ivy is a Natural when it comes to Parkhour and "Wall Running"

Being a Thrill Seeker, Daredevil, and Danger Junkie Ivy will more than likely do something if you tell her not to, or that its either too dangerous or impossible.

Rebel with an Attitude: Yea, sorta self explanatory.

Street Fighter/Brawler: Ivy is self taught but naturally gifted with both of these fighting styles.
A Pimp Named Magoo said:
[member="Haven Pryde"]
did you redo your character because I was too scary for you. Didn't think I couldn't find you?
-chuckles- Not a chance big boi.. Haven is technically a character whom is MIA, in an rp sense THIS is her daughter.

But if you wanna continue to run yer mouth I can find a slug to make that pie hole of yours BIGGER -winks-
@A Pimp Named Magoo
Haven Pryde* said:
-chuckles- Not a chance big boi.. Haven is technically a character whom is MIA, in an rp sense THIS is her daughter.

But if you wanna continue to run yer mouth I can find a slug to make that pie hole of yours BIGGER -winks-
@A Pimp Named Magoo
I got a beef with your moms, I got beef with you. Even if you could find me, I would highly doubt you would have the guts to shoot an innocent pimp.
A Pimp Named Magoo said:
I would highly doubt you would have the guts to shoot an innocent pimp.
Apparently you need to search the dicitonary for the term Innocent's true meaning my friend... I can assure you it wont have the job title of "pimp" as being an "innocent", Unless you're looking through the hip hop industries ridiculous fake dictionary.
Haven Pryde* said:
Apparently you need to search the dicitonary for the term Innocent's true meaning my friend... I can assure you it wont have the job title of "pimp" as being an "innocent", Unless you're looking through the hip hop industries ridiculous fake dictionary.
Innocent until proven guilty.
Valiens Nantaris said:
Why does the character have an * in their name?
This character was going to have the associated accounts transfered to this new writer account, but I decided to rewrite the entire character and waiting on the name change to be approved. Tis why there are two different names associated at this time for it.

Sorry for the confusion [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

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