Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mallory "Mouse" Gugina


NAME: Mallory “Mouse” Gugina
RANK: Slicer
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’ 7”
WEIGHT: 140 Ilbs
EYES: Green
SKIN: White


+Master Slicer/hacker

-Has no real means of defense if ever caught or discovered

Mouse tends to wear whatever she can, usually casual clothes like sweatpants and an undershirt, while sporting her glasses. Obviously she’s confined to her wheelchair which is obviously always on her person.

Originally born on Bespin Mallory was the only daughter of a rich couple, the Guginas, who had been raised into lives of privilege together. Her mother, Amanda, was an heiress to one of the mining companies while her father, Jason, had owned a small but wealthy trading company. Growing up, however, Mallory was never one to seem like she’d come from the higher classes of citizens in Bespin.

Mallory, for one thing, never liked her more upper-class sounding name. She would often find nicknames for herself, or those given by her friends in school, and would prefer to be referred to by them; at least with anyone who wasn’t her parents. She never liked being dressed all fancy for an occasion, like the banquets and such her parents either hosted or were invited to, and she never felt as though she fit with the more uptight feel of the company her parents kept. Her parents felt, given the sort of friends she had, that she was acting too reckless, but being a young teenager obviously meant she wasn’t keen to listen.

And then, when she was fourteen, Mallory had met with a near-fatal speeder accident with her friends. She survived but it had left her a permanent cripple. Her parents had done what they could to get her the best medicine possible but the damage was beyond repair at this point. The option for cybernetic implants had been considered but Mallory didn’t want it, not wanting to be a “freak”.

Heartbroken for the longest time Mallory had lost contact with her friends, feeling the fact she could no longer do the same things she’d done with them or anyone as before when she could move. She stayed in her room and only viewed news and the like via the holonet and her parents had opted to hire a private tutor for Mallory to finish her studies.

Her tutor, a twi’lek named Gorin Mool, had tried to sympathize with Mallory’s condition but instead she felt no one would; since many would’ve taken the cybernetic treatment and avoided this like her. Wanting to help her Gorin had decided to show Mallory something she would be able to use to hopefully help her see the outside world without needing legs: slicing. He revealed to her he had spent many years as a programmer and defense system operator before changing his life to teaching. Interested he showed her the skills of bypassing security systems and being able to hack into cameras and even, if lucky, the optics of droids to see everything they saw. Over the years Mallory became more and more engrossed in learning slicing, becoming as much of an expert as Gorin by the time she turned seventeen.

As great as things started to turn for Mallory, as she now had access to almost any holonet server and the like thanks to her slicing skills and her family’s money to provide for advanced enough technology, she could not have known how things would soon turn sour. Years ago, in order to compensate for the medicals bills for his daughter, Mallory’s father had taken money out of his own business which he needed to take back. He found it through making deals with an underground mob in Bespin that provided him the money while wanting repayment and part of his own funds brought to them in return. Only now, after so many years of embezzlement, Jason Gugina wanted out. The head of the mob, Jordin Mossk, didn’t like that.

One day Jason returned to find his family being held captive by Mossk and his men, he telling him that he didn’t like people “turning tail” on him. Mallory watched as her own mother and father were killed in front of her eyes before Mossk had left her to die, telling her it was really her father’s fault for all of this. His men set her household on fire leaving her out of her chair and with no means of escape. Luckily Mallory was saved thanks to Gorin, who’d come to see her for more lessons, and managed to get her out before being burned alive.

Now the only survivor of this attack Mallory, of course, wanted revenge on Mossk for what he’d done. Gorin tried to talk her out of it, but Mallory knew how to deal with him to where he would never know it was her. Using her skills in slicing Mallory managed to hack into Mossk’s private files and expose them to the authorities. With enough evidence to convict him Mossk was sentenced to life imprisonment, not knowing who had managed to ratted him out.

Even with that accomplished Mallory had wanted to do more, help more people who were being kept down by crime and the like. Even after Gorin warned her how bad things would go if she were ever caught Mallory knew it was better than nothing. With her families remaining wealth Mallory moved to the planet Utapau where she bought an apartment and plenty of slicing equipment and the like to set up her own personal, private sanctum.

Over the years Mallory had used her slicing skills to help those in need while bringing in criminals. She had set up the alias “Mouse”, in reference to how she manages to hack people right under their noses, and continues to work as something of a freelance slicing vigilante throughout the galaxy.




Interesting character! I am not sure we have many cripples (excuse me for the term) on this site and Mouse sounds like someone I would sorta want to meet.... As long as it wasn't with one of my droids XD. Hope to do an rp with you one day, and I am very interested to see what will transpire with this Slicer of yours! :p

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