Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Averted his gaze to the skies, the fractured and blackened clouds danced from above, it's presence was abysmal, and it was a testament to the warring factions power. His home, Taris had been broken, but he knew why, his father once said. "When elephants fight, the grass get's trampled." Many were guilty for their destruction, fighting from both sides turned the once vividly green pastures into a tundra of destruction and despair.

"RAH!!!!!!!!" He'd unsheathe his dagger which was bounded by the leg strap on his right leg. He plunged the implement into the soil unearthing clumps of stone and grass. He'd grasp the coarse stones, it's surface was hard, and it was painted with the ever recognizable shade of red, much like everything in Taris.

"I sense... A presence......." He'd crane his head slightly to the left towards where he thought the culprit of this disturbance lay.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra's eyes shot up from the destruction that she to had been looking at, with her mind reaching out as someone else made their presence obvious to her. She rose slowly and looked at the ruins as the stood shattered around her, the planet's surface contained many areas of dangerous fumes and fluids, poisons and radiation that Alexandra took extra care to avoid. That and the Rakghouls that could still be found here and there, but the problem being that they attempted to infect her when there was no possible chance of such happening, she was far to careful for that to happen.

After a good dozen minutes of walking on she saw the man, a zabrak, who seemed to be standing there with his head turned in the direction she had come from. "Well, hello there." [member="Maleus"]
Returned the greeting with a look of malice, the first thing that would be noted from the young Zabrakian was his marred appearance. Scars adorned his body like a finely woven suit, he'd shift his hand forward towards the woman. The metallic forearm had seen it's fair-share of battles, as it was dented as well. "What do you want?" His voice held an aggressive edge, as if it was a somewhat sub-vocalized challenge.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She raised her brow and approached the man slowly, her eyes running over him carefully and slowly. Her hands remained crossed behind her with a cloak of pure white pulled tight around her body, hiding the robes under and any chance of knowing what she carried, her hood remained down though and her eyes focused as she stopped only a meter from him, a scar on her cheek and forehead visible now from this distance. "That depends on why you are here?" [member="Maleus"]
His form grew rigid, along with his demeanor, his words were dangerously calm, it was very odd that this young Zabrakian refrained from showing emotion. He drew his arms forward in a passive manner, though, his body language still remained unsettling. His hands climbed to the hilt of the steel pike which was affixed to his back, though he attempted to obscure his bodily machinations by passively pacing back and forth. "This hell-hole is my home, but I don't know why you ask me such a question. Why do you wish to know?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She tapped her fingers hidden under her cloak into their respective opposites and smiled as she watched him. "You are quite tense, why are you such, i am but a cloaked pregnant woman, likely no danger to you or your home." She started walking fforward again and moved around Maleus slowly, studying him very closely at the man. Studying both him physically and reaching out with her mind to probe his own, seeing how well he keeps out the feeling of intrusion, though it is unknown to her if he could trace it. [member="Maleus"]
The fact of the matter was that Maleus was extremely vulnerable to force based attacks or any force based moves for that matter. His once coiled persona inverted on itself as he felt a cloud consume his sub-conscious. If one was truly attuned to the force they would be able feel the massive spikes of fear that encompassed his being. His knowledge would become her own, she would feel his pain as he continued throughout his life. She would feel his innate fear for the force, it was his greatest fear. She saw the battle that cost the young Zabrakian his arm, she would be able to tell of his undertaking of sith based teachings. She could feel all these things and more. Maleus felt the disturbance which forced him to his knees, he attempted to drag himself away from the womens presence, he'd draw his arms over his heads undertaking a fetal position. "Have mercy...... You dabble in the dark-arts.... I did not know..."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Her intrusion immediately stopped as he drew his arms over his head, she had been tempted by the man's fear to continue but causing him pain had not been her purpose. She stepped forward and brought a soft, careful hand out of her cloak and rested it on his arm. "Im sorry, i didnt mean to intrude, i was attempting to see what you had as barriers. I would not and will not harm you mentally or physically in any way, nor do i dabble in the dark arts that you have spoken of, atleast none that i have shown as of yet nor will i use on someone who is not deserving of such." [member="Maleus"]
Countenance grew stoic once more, though from the inside he was quivering with fear. The force, although tangible, it couldn't be felt. It could be manipulated but it could not be tamed, it could be used to kill, but you could not kill it. This immortal vibrancy that so many jedi and sith harnessed was truly frightening. The woman that stood before him stood as a harbinger to death itself, or so it seemed to him. "No, you are not to be trusted...." He forced himself upright, all the while he'd bring his battle pike forward. He'd shift his right leg forward while drawing his left leg back and then aligning his two arms towards the base of his torso. It's point was angled towards the woman though his hold on the object was hardly there. His arms trembled so much so, it was truly a pitiful sight, but his eyes still remained full of hatred. "I shall slay you, come no further..."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She remained calm, her voice soft and kind as she moved to touch the side of the pike, her eyes remaining as soft as her voice as it flowed from her. "I mean you no danger or harm, i am not trying to do anything to destroy you or cause you further pain." As she spoke she projected out a feeling of calm and peace, letting it flow towards him and into him, trying to get him to relax and calm, trying to make him see that she did not mean him any pain or harm in the least bit. [member="Maleus"]
Felt at peace, it was if this enigmatic woman exuded serenity just be how she presented herself. Her delicate voice soothed his troubled mind enough for him to relinquish his grip on the pike. And for but a second his eyes softened, it was as if he saw something in this woman that reminded him of someone. Then, just as quickly reality reared it's ugly head once more, fear galloped into the fray which was clearly exposed by his demeanor. He knew by how she carried herself that she was not to be trifled with, and he also noticed that she seemed to want something from him.
"M'Lord, I- Forgive me , it's only that you surprised me. " He'd force himself to kneel before her presence which was a real oddity, it was a very rare occasion that this Zabrakian showed any modicum for respect for anything, or anyone. This was a testament to her power, he felt only an inkling yet he knew she was much more than what she appeared.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She binked and knelt down beside him and shook her head, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, dont worry, i have no intent to harm you or bring you pain. Further, you dont have to call me lord, my name is Alex." She remained as she was, letting him think over what she said while she continued to try and calm him down if she could. [member="Maleus"]
"I don't understand, I sense your connection to the force, it is strong. Yet, you are kind, and you give off the aura of being serene." He shifted his eyes to the tarnished top-soil as he continued to speak. "I'm Maleus, this is my home Alex." He shifted his metallic forearm inside the manifolds of his cloak, it was truly a disgrace to have an artificial limb as could be noted by his demeanor as his arm passed his optics. "So what brings you to this planet Alex....?

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She watched him calmly and sat down on the ruined earth that lay dead on the ground with her upon it. "Im just here to study the wounds that accompany this planet, much of it is merely rubble still but there are a few enclaves on the planet... how come you are not at such an enclave and live out here alone then Maleus?" She crossed her hands on her lap and remained calm though the aura lessened to let him form his own calmness and confidence that she meant no pain. [member="Maleus"]
"My people fear me for, they think me to be Sith." His words held a distance to them, as if his mind was back-tracking to subsequent events in his past. His eyes encompassed her stature as he continued to analyze her mannerisms, his gaze remained passive but it was a calculated affair, his mental processes were hard at work as he tried to piece together this puzzle. "So you've come to witness our strife first hand, Well, this is it. Welcome to Taris.."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Feels very homely, might build myself a summer home here, nice shack by the beach, swimming in the toxic lakes after a good Rakghoul steak. You know, a regular summer day on Taris." She smiled once more, not at her joke but at his studying of her to which she was more than familiar with and had done herself, though her studying had been done in a much quicker faction which had seemed to cripple him... so probably not a good idea again. "Why not leave the planet then, find a place where you are liked?" [member="Maleus"]
Chuckled at Alex's humor, there were few who had such a skill anymore. "I have no money, no ship, I have nothing save my title. Champion of Taris.... But I suppose that was forgotten long ago, at least to my people..." His eyes swept across the horizon as errant debris swirled defiantly in the skies, the suns rays seeped through the edifices in the sky-line illuminating the ground in a distinct crimson. The acrid aroma of carrion filled his nostrils. "Plus, my people are not wrong in their assumption, I have been studying the Sith, at least their ways. I've even dueled a fellow Acolyte but failed when he resorted to petty tricks."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra thought for a moment and tapped her fingers on her leg as she watched him silently. Then her smile returned and she held out her hand as if to shake his. "Well, if ytou so wish we can always get you somewhere where your talents wouldnt be scorned. Sorry if the offer is a surprise but no one should need to live like this and i can provide a home and tutelage if you so wish, and there will be no pain involved like what the sith offer." [member="Maleus"]
Pain, he knew it well, his body was decorated his scars of his past, both physical and mental scars that probed his sanity, day in and out. Even the high ranking members of the Sith didn't trust Maleus, and for good reason. The bout in which the Mandalorian native Erebus spoke of honor he couldn't help but be tickled to his core. He mocked the empire and their pseudo-centrist hierarchy, they were glorified killers he knew that, and they knew that. He was punished for his flippant tongue in spades,the pain, oh so much pain, it is what he knew and if he continued bowing to the sith it would eventually consume him until he was a herald of death himself. He looked deep into Alexandra trying to ascertain her intentions. She seemed genuine, something he had rarely seen in the midst of humanity. He'd drop to his knees once more below Alex's feet. "Yes, if you would allow it, I wish to learn from you my master."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She smiled and brought him back up, a hand on his shoulder as she knelt instead to him after she had him standing. "You will not need to kneel to me without expecting me to do the same, i am not one that demands you feed my ego like a hungry kath hound [member="Maleus"], nor do i ever expect you to do so." She rose slowly, significantly shorter by a full nine inches than him, causing her to look upwards slightly.

"Now with all the formalities over, come on, we have a flight to catch if you want to leave here and start learning in the gift you have been given, after all, the force does not wait for us." She spoke in a clear, soft tone that ran from her, she wanted him to be comfortable not a sniveling student that had to kneel and go 'master this, master that'. No she wanted him to become independent unlike the Jedi and Sith command of their students, she wanted him and any others to learn that kneeling is not the only path.

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