Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Making an NPC Gang?


Well-Known Member
So, I know there are rules about sizes of NPC squads etcetera, but I view them generally as a means of PvP combat equilibrium. Hence my question of: can I make a story based/driven gang that incorporates several thousand members?

As a disclaimer, they would only ever be enemies or, if someone wished to join their ranks, allies to play with in PvE environs. In no way, and this would be stated repeatedly in the sub, could they ever be used by a PC to attack another PC.

In a story arc that I have going, that has spanned several threads already, Valashu has faced what he thought was a minor group of criminals. However each thread is revealing there is waaaaaaay more than initially believed.

I just want to sub them in case I invite other players, so they have a decent reference to read from.
[member="Valashu Elahad"]
You can use the individual NPC template for more detailed individuals, up to 5.

You can create a unit for larger groups using the unit template. We prefer that such units have a company sized structure, even if it's larger, but have subgroups up to around 150 persons.

For criminals and other toughs, a quality rating of D or at most C is acceptable, especially at the numbers you mention.

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