Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Making a type of "sonic screwdriver"

I'd like to make a "sonic screwdriver" type of weapon , that is able to disable droids , weapons pretty much anything that is eletronic from a range , using a crystal and wave emitters/amplifiers.
Do you guys have any tips on how to do this?

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
@Enduri Jaii

I'd recommend using the Sonic Servodriver. It fits the mold of what you're doing, and if you find it's not enough for what you want to do you can use it for a few threads and then use your familiarity, successes and failures with the product as dev threads for a new, more powerful, and unique product.

That's pretty much a weaker sonic. I don't want a sonic , I want a weapon , but thanks for the suggestion and if I can't think of anything else, I'll probably use it.

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
You could make a multi-tool that could hack via a wireless connection, or get a wired connections to systems, but both would require sophisticated hacking software or some type of AI companion that has advanced hacking capabilities... as well as a good deal of stealth or luck.

By the way, nice playby @Enduri Jaii
[member="Aerin Kath"]

Thanks for the suggestions , I'll see what I can use out of that , thought I'm not sure if this char would be the right one to make that.

Also what's a playby?

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