Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Making a Deal with a Gardener [The Family + Open]

Factory Judge
Lower City

Recruitment day. At the very least, that is what you would call it. A few rumors have been going around on Nar Shaddaa, likely planted by them, that there would be an opening for many members for their branch on the Hutt space planet. The planet was crime filled to begin with, and having an organized crime syndicate meant that even your lowly thug, could one day become a top man. While it was doubtful for most, the potential was there.

For that, it seemed many had come to a little pawn shop that was out of the way. Quite a few of the people were very shifty looking. A number dressing in Mando-designed, armor or smugglers that were slippery on the hand. I smiled lightly as I walked around the little shop I had. Making my rounds and looking over some people. A sly little Pantoran lass thought she was quick. Trying to slip some blaster energy cells into her jacket pocket when I grabbed her hand.

"I would suggest that you pay for those, and leave, or you can come with me to see my family."
"Your family?"
"Lets just say, we favor people who know what they are doing."

The lass thought it over quite a bit. My hand still holding her wrist tightly over her pocket as she clutched with white knuckles on the energy cell. She ducked her head quietly, and slowly removed the energy cells from her pockets and handed them to me. Nodding my head, I placed them back on the little shelf they belonged on, and led her towards the counter. Handing her off to one of the Torchers that stood in the back room.

"Keep an eye on her hands. She is a little frisky."
"I did it to survive. Not because I wanted to."
"I understand. Just keep your hand to yourself, and we will help you pass the necessity to steal in order to survive, and even thrive. A couple more people may be meeting us soon, so sit tight. Sounds good?"
"I will see. If I don't like it, then you will let me leave?"
"Leave yes, with anything? No."

The girl quickly understood what I meant. You could never truly leave the family once you started. The thing was, she attempted to steal. While we did such things ourselves, Anyone who attempted against us, would be met with punishment.

Walking back into the shop, I adjusted my dress vest. My shirt was tucked in nicely and I situated myself from the little incident I had as I walked back out. A number were walking in the door to either check our blackmarket wares, or to find out about this "Family"

[member="Darth Venatus"],

OOC: If anyone would like to join the Family, or just check us out and see if their character could work, go ahead and post to the thread, or contact me VIA pm or Discord.



Atlas, just coming from this stressful experience, and being the first ever one of his species to ever set foot off the abandoned planet that he was born on, was slightly startled as this Equinox character's ship landed on a planet that was very far away. The voice in the ship that had flew him there said "you'll need to get to know somone here in a small pawn shop, his name in Shaun, this could be the last time that you'll see this ship, but Equinox willed it before he passed away". Atlas let out a small wimper and bowed his head to think that the first human he ever saw, that he developed such a deep bond with in just ten minutes was dead already.

Atlas then morphed back into a human and left the ship, wondering around in human form to try and find a pawn shop nearby. It took him almost an hour before he saw an old pawn shop. He headed towards it to enter the shop. He quickly looked around to see an interesting character behind a counter. "Are you Shaun? Your friend Equinox sent me here in his ship. I can't fly but it lead me here and said Equinox wanted me to join The Family because i'm the first ever one of my species to come of the planet."

Atlas felt that he was overwhelming the figure in front of him and then paused before saying. "That Equinox person passed away. I think. He seemed powerful but I don't suppose he could have survived my pack". He whimpered even in human form, and then remembered that people would work out something if he kept doing it, so he resisted the urge to do it again. And then he waited for a response.
[member="Shaun Castanic"] [member="Atlas."]

Though Dayne's nickname was Digits, she was beginning to wonder if it should be changed to "Guard." Considering how often she found herself on security detail.

Not that she was complaining. It was simple, easy, and gave her an even better reason to have her guns beyond her usual "I like to shoot things when the opportunity arises." In fact, should things go south, the hitman found herself in the position to (justifiably) shoot things. Usually living things.

Preferably living things.

Underneath her mask, the corner of her mouth curled upwards ever so slightly. Yeah, definitely living things. Though, Dayne had to admit that shooting explosives were often just as pleasurable to experience.

For now, though, she was leaning against one of the support pillars in the pawn shop, occupying herself by counting all of the individuals present. Right now, she was at twenty-six, but the number was hard to pin down definitively due to the masses continuing to shift and move. Brown eyes flitting between the crowd, they finally settled on one curious newcomer. A massive man (approximately 7.2178 feet, or 2.20 meters, and heavyset - definitely upwards of 136kg in terms of muscle mass) came walking in, his features...curious. He looked human, to be sure-- but there was something about his appearance, his demeanor, the way he carried himself that nagged at her.

Dayne straightened up, tapping her left ear to stop the music playing softly through her bud. (Hey, it was quiet enough that she'd still be able to hear everything if she had two, not one, buds in her ears, and besides it was the only thing keeping her focused right now.) Yeah, he was going to be added to her "persons of interest" list.

At least, until she could figure out whether or not he was worth focusing on.


The door to the pawn shop opened, a tall man in a shimmering trench coat walked in, and it closed once again. The humanoid's bright blue eyes took in the surroundings, noting the assortment of criminals and hunters, before ignoring them and proceeding toward the counter of the establishment. With a swagger that belied the man's capabilities, he flicked a single sabacc card upward, spinning it, only to catch it between thumb and forefinger again repeatedly. It was simply an automated motion, a habit, at this point and the man took little notice or care of the card itself, instead using it as a distraction while he continued to take in details and observe as he did. By the time the humanoid arrived at the counter, he had worked out the threat of several individuals present, as well as found the person he needed to speak with.

"The name's Hal Sal-Solus, you might know me, you might not, doesn't matter either way initially," The tall man said, his words quite quick, as he introduced himself. He nodded his head to the humanoid known as Shaun Castanic. "If you need some time to check me out with your people, by all means, I can mill around with the chaff... alternatively, if you do know me, I'm more than happy to cut the line and get down to business."

Catching the sabacc card, Hal flipped it in hand before holding it up to Shaun's face. The idiot was there, possibly taunting, possibly insulting, but who could say. Hal let it sit there a few moments more as he simply smirked, watching, taking it all in...

"Do you play? Sabacc, I mean," The tall man asked eventually, clarifying. "An excellent game. High stakes, luck, a need to read your opponent and to outplay them. Not too dissimilar to other card games, really, but with one unique difference - with a simple command, everything can change, entire hands and decks are wiped out and removed and replaced... that's why I like to keep this particular card with me, 'the Idiot', because when all is said and done, it alone still holds the power to outplay every other hand. And the more chaos the better the chances."

Flicking the card into the air, Hal kept his stare with Shaun, before he reached out and caught the spinning object between two fingers.

"If you put this card into your deck, I can promise it will do its job."

Hal stepped back, sliding the card into his coat pocket. He inclined his head, glancing to the armored guard not far away, before adopting a casual and comfortable stance and proceeded to wait...

[member="Shaun Castanic"]​
Factory Judge
Fishy fishy. The gunslinger guard who I had come to known as Dayne, or Digit due to the information sent to be by Ivory, was attempting to look around and to act as though she were a real customer, when she was here to help keep an eye on the store while I dealt with new recruits. I just smiled and shook my head as a peculiar near-human walked in. He walked almost directly too me. Almost as though he knew me right from the get go. Whimpering even when he explained that he was the last of his "Pack" with Equinox sending him my way. Nodding my head, I motioned to the door behind the counter.

"Go ahead and enter the storeroom. Others are already there. I will address you all there."

As he was heading into the back per my request, the door opened once more with the familiar chime. Oh I could tell the near plastic looking skin upon him. It seemed almost reflective in his coat. Was this a kind of shimmering cloak I had only heard of thus far, or was he something else? Maybe both. Either way, I quickly noticed the card he had on him. As soon as I saw the card, my eyes flew over his body and frame. The slight bulge on his side alluding to a firearm. A glove over one hand, and yet not one on the other.

Gunslinger, and a quickdraw. He knew his way at a table with the abrasive behavior and in your face attitude he carried. I could see him going far, but not sure how far he would get in this trap of an existence called Life. The Idiot card was played in my face while he continued to flip it and toss it about. Card Mechanic? Many Casinos had people come in that knew how people could cheat at cards and would even practice at cheating so they could create ways to catch the people who attempted to earn a little more than they should. The deft hands, the flicking of the card, and the slight thought of his ability to control a single card, as well as a firearm, only gave me all the information I needed about him. Even if I did not know his name, or face.

Placing both hands on the counter in front of him, leaning ever so slightly towards him with a smirk on my lips, and nodding in his general direction.

"Name and face mean nothing to me. Reputations may proceed you, but also can be deceitful. Fast one with a card, but are you as fast with your pistol?"

Shaking my head as the question was rhetorical, I motioned for him to join me in the storeroom as well.

"As it so happens, I need all the cards I can get. Maybe we can get you the full Idiot's Array."

[member="Hal"], [member="Dayne Inck'ha"], [member="Atlas."],

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