Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Main - QEF] The Journey Begins

OOC Note:
This is to everyone. Post your location above your RP post every time you reply, so everyone is aware of where you’re.

If you’re Non-Republic, you still may reply here. Just simply post what your character is doing at the time of this event, whether he is watching from a high-rise in coruscant as the fleet departs, or on a distant planet sitting in a bar watching the holonews. RP does not have to be at the location stated below.

Coruscant, Military Sector Three, Naval Base C.

Three immense Capital Warships squatted above the planet-city in low orbit. One was distinguishable among the others, a mobile Command Centre the size of which dwarfed entire cities. Freighters often had crews in the 10s, cruisers in the hundreds, but these. These numbered in the thousands. They were floating cities capable of unthinkable death and destruction. Though at the head of the Jalor Section, was Captain Hallu. A Jedi Padawan, and a traditionalist. Violence was his last resort, and killing was all but unthinkable for him. Though these ideals were fundamental in his personality, he knew what his job was. If necessary, he would defend the Republic with his life.

Hasjo Hallu marched along a descending walkway. His mind was elsewhere as he moved down the rampart and into the bowels of an aircraft garage. He was taking his Section - a sub-group of an overall fleet - along the Republic / Mandalorian border. After the Mandalorians had parked their fleet above Coruscant, it had become necessary to increase border protection. Such a threat to the Republic had come easy for the Mandalorians. Never again. The border was a huge swath of space, and many planets would become temporary homes for Hallu’s small band of ships as they made their way along the frontier.

Hasjo glanced up, shrouded in a thick brown woollen cloak. A LAAW gunship sat with it’s guts strewn open. There within stood an entourage of bridge personnel. They all brooded quietly in grey suits, their faces weathered with age. Shoulder to shoulder, a deadly quiet overtook them. None of them were looking forward to living on a ship for a few weeks. Not many were fond of such an experience, but it was their job, and they did it damn fine. Hasjo was proud to call them his comrades.

The Jedi Nautolan placed his boot onto the gunship and stepped inside. His large, clawed, green webbed hand curled around a hand railing. Air Control Officer Jal’Jamai ordered the launch. The doors slid back, covering the gunships exposed belly. Everything suddenly turned black. A Republic pilot could be heard over the intercom "Preparing for lift off.” Hasjo’s stomach suddenly jerked as the ship took to the air. He reflected on the crew around him.

Jal’Jamai was an outstanding man from the Unknown Region, belonging to the race known as the Chiss. With his piercing red gaze, smooth blue skin and slicked obsidian black hair. He was quite the intimidating sight. Communication Officer Lily Black was a human from Naboo. Sandy blonde hair, fair of skin, bright blue eyes and horribly skinny. She could bark down even the hardiest of commanders as though she were a mother scolding a child. The voice of the ships incarnate. Weapons Officer Makala Shiala, a Mon Calamari that had served in First Fleet for a dozen years before transferring to a smaller unit. He believed his old age was setting him back compared to modern standards, but Hasjo thought otherwise. Navigational Officers Haylee and Hayley, identical twins from Coruscant. Corellian. Their black hair and bleached white skin gave them the appearance of ghosts as they wandered the halls, always in pairs. They were never apart.

The rest of the gunship was filled with personal assistants, old and new, that Hasjo had never had the time to make acquaintances with. Before he knew it, the doors slid back once more. Light piercing Hasjo’s great, dark eyes. He flinched for the briefest of moments. The officers waited for Hasjo to step out and into the hanger of the Justicar-Class Command Centre known as Bite The Bullet, before they themselves swarmed out to join the masses of ensembles crew. There were hundreds of species, and thousands of people cramped in the hangar. Crew stood at huge doors, slowly letting them trickle into the corridors of the ship after they checked their identification tags.

It would be an hour later before Hasjo arrived on the bridge of the ship. Having travelled through the maze of elevators to bring him there. The crew were slowly moving into place. Hasjo turned to Lily Black “Activate an open channel with all on-ship communications.
Yes, sir” she responded, tapping away at the computer controls before her. She turned to him, giving him a nod and thumbs up. Hasjo shrugged off his cloak, standing in the Naval uniform of a Republic Officer. The only time he didn’t wear his Jedi attire, was when he was commanding a ship. “Attention all personnel, this is Captain Hallu. Prepare for Hyperspace” Hasjo said in a calm seriousness he was so well known for. Lily cut the announcement after he had finished. Glancing over his shoulder, the Nautolan ordered the Navigation Officers to exit orbit.

The Command Centre began to rise, the propulsion drives giving off a brilliant blue flame. The Stormhold and Rowany, Star Defenders, followed in pursuit. As they began to travel through the vacuum of space, both Hayley and Haylee gripped a hand level. On Hasjo’s mark, they slammed it forward. For a moment, the ship seemed to halt. Becoming perfectly still, and then everything exploded. Stars suddenly became streaks of white on the horizon as they rocketed through hyperspace. Hasjo nodded to the First Officer, giving him command of the ship. Fleeing down a flight of stairs, the Nautolan took a train cart to the assembly hall where military personnel were awaiting his arrival.

He entered the assembly hall on an elevated platform. Thousands stood before him, all looking up. When he had first become Captain, such assemblies were disturbing and induced severe anxiety. He thought he would choke up during a speech. His race was an aquatic species, and speaking in basic was not typically easy, let alone the thought of speaking to such a crowd. But time had given him wear, he was now accustomed to this. Though he reflected on how Admirals must feel, not before thousands, not tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands. It was mind-boggling.

His voice boomed loud and clear. All murmurs quietened down, heads snapping to listen. Though there were some in the crowd that didn’t cease. Two pools of onyx stared out at the crowd as Hasjo moved his ever-watchful gaze. “Welcome, recruits and veterans. I am Captain of this ship, and Commander of this mission. We’ve been ordered to patrol the Republic - Mandalorian after rising tensions between our people. Though I pray there will be no conflict, you should not let your guard down. And remember, do not fire unless fired upon. Your platoon leaders should also remind you this. We’re not here to start a war. We’re here to maintain peace.” He had strained that last word, emphasising just how important it was to him. “Republic Troopers, report to your Platoon leaders immediately. Starfighers, await orders from the First Officer. Transport pilots, likewise report to Platoon leaders. Another announcement, Foxtrot Platoon has a new leader. Give a round of applause for First Lieutenant Les Hender.” Hasjo allowed a moment for those to applaud. “All Jedi as members of Army personnel are to report to Les Hender for squad assignment. Afterwards, I request all Jedi, Naval and Army, including Army and Naval officers to report for immediate briefing in the Officers Hall for our first planetary assignment. May the Force be with you all.” Hasjo retreated quietly from the room, hulking towards the closest elevator.

@[member="Nellja"] | @[member="HK-36"] | @[member="Strider Garon"] | @[member="Krest"] | @[member="Kung Seilois"] | @[member="Aedan Miles"] | @[member="Davik Tren"] | @[member="Sirak Kolar"] | @[member="Nolan Detta"] | @[member="Mia Monroe"] | @[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | @[member="Minna"] | @[member="Cabur Aranar"] | @[member="Marrik Aloxum"]


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
Naval Base B.
Boarding Republic Ship.


Even if she wasn't assigned to a master, Nellja knew how to get around.

With the permission of the Jedi Council, Padawan Nellja Noxburry waited to board the main ship which would be scouting the territory between the Republic and Mandalorian space. Thus, with three suitcases,l behind her, her lightsabers on her belt, and her sniper rifle on her back, the Tantibus entered the Republic Cruiser.


Nellja was walking towards the bridge, where she would report her place on the mission to whoever was leaving. If there already was a reporting meeting that took place, Nellja had no idea since she came in late.

However, in one of the many happs, she noted an alien man just leave an elevator... and he had a lightsaber.

Nellja beamed and raced towards him, "Heeellloooooo!" She called. After coming right up to him, she gave the Jedi a formal bow, "Fellow Padawan? I hope. Hey, do you know who the leader of this ship is?"

[member="Hasjo Hallu"]
(I will be Co-Running this with Hasjo)

Bite the Bullet
Command Centre/Bridge
First Officer Viktor Onikov

[Hasjo nodded to the First Officer, giving him command of the ship.
Hasjo retreated quietly from the room, hulking towards the closest elevator]

Viktor looked out at the streaks of white, blue, and black that was hyperspace. It was really beautiful. But duty called. He couldn't spend too much more time sightseeing. He would get to see it plenty again later. He walked over to Hayley and Haylee, the two navigational officers. "Is the course locking?" Viktor asked.

"Yes sir." Hayley said, like a robot.
"Any obstructions?" Viktor continued to inquire.
"No sir." Haylee said.

"Excellent. Officers, sit tight. I'll be with each of you in a moment." Viktor turned around and looked to his datapad. It had all the information about everyone crewing the ship.
Viktor wasn't a stranger to the responsibility of command. He was actually the Captain of another Jalor Ship, the Stormhold, but since Hasjo wanted him here, Viktor left his First Officer as acting captain. Then Viktor saw something weird. It was a little red dot on the map of the ship. It was in the galley. Odd. Viktor dismissed it and looked left, waiting for Hasjo, or more so nothing in particular.
Hasjo turned as he heard the voice of [member="Nellja"]. Nellja beamed and raced towards him, "Heeellloooooo!" She called. After coming right up to him, she gave the Jedi a formal bow, "Fellow Padawan? I hope. Hey, do you know who the leader of this ship is?"
The Nautolan stood in the garb of a Naval Officer of the Republic, an insignia denoting him as Captain, but yet there was a lightsaber hilt at his waistline. He looked to the woman and nodded greetings, clasping his palms together behind his back. He answered formally as ever "Padawan Hasjo Hallu of the Jedi Order, apprentice to Master Sochi Ru. I am the Captain of this vessel, and commander of this mission. Briefing in five, if you would follow me." He invited her into the elevator for them to make way to the Officers Mess Hall.
Bite the Bullet
Crew Quarters, Deck 3, Room 1C​
Dak sat on the edge of his bunk, turning his helmet over in his hands. He'd say he was waiting for the fight to start, but even he didn't think it would come to that. Thus, he found himself in a situation so dull, he wished for something, anything to happen, even the patrols he so hated before this assignment.

"So, Platoon lead, eh Les?" He asked, looking to the Bunk across from him. "'Bout time they stopped shoving you aside. Now you even get to boss Jedi around. Must be nice."

Dak gave Les a coy grin.

"How many backsides did you have to kiss to get that gig?"

Les Hender

Bite the Bullet
Crew Quarters, Deck 3, Room 1C

"How many backsides did you have to kiss to get that gig?"
"Enough that I lost my tongue" he said through his bionic voice. He would have flashed him a cheeky grin but he was wearing his helmet. He always was, and very few ever saw his face unless he was changing clothes or showering. He hated the small devices he had to place down his throat and into his ears to listen and talk without his helmet, so he always wore his armour. He fell down onto his bunk bed, spreading his legs and placing his hand between them and under the bed itself. He pulled out a folder "I've got a meeting, you're to come along. You're my Second in Command."

@[member="Dak Va'shaden"]
Bite the Bullet

Crew Quarters, Deck 3, Room 1C

"Damn it... now I feel bad." Dak scoffed, plopping his helmet onto his head, and standing up, nearly bashing his head on the bunk above his. "I'm not saying I need a full-scale war, but a little, just a LITTLE action would be nice. Score a few kills, nab a few medals, FINALLY break out of being a Sergeant..." He looked over to Les, who seemed none-too-interested in his rant. "After you, Sir."

@[member="Les Hender"]

Les Hender

Bite the Bullet

Crew Quarters, Deck 3, Room 1C

Les gave him a quick look. It was hard to display emotion with a helmet covering his face, but sometimes it worked in his favour. "Kills don't get you promotions, Sergeant." He said it perhaps a little too harsh. His bionic voice couldn't translate emotions in his voice, but the way he had worded it left the imagination to wonder. He heaved the folder under his arm and stood, marching for the door and into the corridors where swarms of troopers shoved past, and a battalion of B2 Battle Droids. Not many people were fond of the droids, but the Captain had bought them a few months back. They have proved useful a few times, but other times they just got in the way of things. He thumbed the elevator alert and moments later the door opened. They stepped inside. "You never know though" his voice said "You just may see some action after-all. You never know."

@[member="Dak Va'shaden"]
Bite the Bullet
In transit to briefing room.​

"Kills don't get you promotions, Sergeant."

"Of course not. They just help." Dak replied, a grin under his helmet. "I'm sure you racked up a fair number before you hit Ell Tee. I'd wager a month's credits you wouldn't get that far without them. Promotions at war are based on actions. Promotions at peace, are all Political, And I know for a fact, you don't have friends that high up in the chain of command. You EARNED those bars, Les."

Dak followed him into the elevator, leaning against the back wall.

"You just may see some action after-all. You never know."

"With a Jedi in command? It'll be tea and biscuits before those pansies sack up enough to actually have us fight." Dak glanced away. "If it does come to combat, I guarantee, good men are going to die before the Jedi's even so much as touch those glorified glow sticks of theirs. They always think they can reach peaceful conclusions, until they realize the enemy's decimated half their forces."

@[member="Les Hender"]

Les Hender

Bite the Bullet
In transit to briefing room.​
"I'm sure you racked up a fair number before you hit Ell Tee. I'd wager a month's credits you wouldn't get that far without them. Promotions at war are based on actions. Promotions at peace, are all Political, And I know for a fact, you don't have friends that high up in the chain of command. You EARNED those bars, Les."
[background=#080808]"[/background][background=#080808]Yeah, well, it wasn't just kills. It was good looks too. I'm good at that, standing around and looking pretty. Y'know?[/background][background=#080808]"[/background] Les gave him a quick look.
"With a Jedi in command? It'll be tea and biscuits before those pansies sack up enough to actually have us fight." Dak glanced away. "If it does come to combat, I guarantee, good men are going to die before the Jedi's even so much as touch those glorified glow sticks of theirs. They always think they can reach peaceful conclusions, until they realize the enemy's decimated half their forces."

"Our Captain may be a sissy who thinks 'all life is sacred', but he's not going to let his men die. And he's got quite the combat record if you ask me." Les left the elevator as it made it's stop. The coridors were painted a matte grey with few lights illuminating the path. This is where the Officers belonged. Republic Trooper officers in armour and Naval officers in suits marched up and down the corridors. It was cramped. Les began to shove his way past the junior officers and avoided the senior, not wanting to risk their wrath.
@[member="Dak Va'shaden"]


Clone Out of Time
Derelict CIS Cruiser Advance

It's amazing how well technology survives the test of time. Even floating through space for thousands of years, there is still some power in it keeping it alive. However that is soon coming to an end. While it has been falling apart drifting in space, it still manages to hold an atmosphere. The engines have long died though so there was no way to stop it from heading into the sun. There was still time though. Failsafes were triggered in the ancient system and in an effort to protect the sole organic thing in the ship by sending out a distress call. The carbon freezing chamber, long out of use, croaked as power stroked through the long disused circuits. The single occupant of the ship was trapped in carbonite and now was the time to free him in some last ditch effort to save the only thing of worth before it was burned forever.
And so Sirak sat.

The meeting room sat empty, except for solely this single Zabrak. He could feel the energy of his long time company begin his trek towards the room, and so he decided to find himself a seat near the metallic table. There were numerous seats in the room, nearly enough to encompass nearly everyone that would come in, and a holoprojector overhead to simulate certain peoples company. The room itself was rather large, but awfully cold and bland for what it was, nothing like the Jedi Academy he was so used to.

"So this is what it's like to be military...", he slowly spoke.

Sighing, he rocked in his chair, quietly watching the door as he waits for it to open, fully expecting to see his friends face and newly found commander behind the sliding door.


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
[member="Hasjo Hallu"]

Nellka briefly bounced in excitement as she followed him into the elevator... and kept on talking...

"So you're the commander? Cool! How did they let a Padawan do it? Whatever happened it's awesome! My name is Nellja Noxburry, proud Jedi apprentice. Do you by chance have any coffee creamers and sugars in the cafeteria? I can't live without coffee. Anyways, I know what we're doing! We're scouting the Mandalorian slash Republic borders and making sure no violent happens! But if that does happen I can 'peace-keep' in a jiffy! I could also sow for you? Do you need any new clothes? Gloves to help you sort through pricker bushes? Though, what would a pricker bush be doing here? That's just stupid! Anyhow, I'm happy to do everything I can to make sure this mission is successful and battle-free. So yeah, do you have coffee? I need coffee... I haven't had any since this last hour! Yeah... coffee would be great... -Oh! I do hope I'm not annoying you. I talk a lot, as you can tell, but I try not to be annoying. Just give me a cup of coffee and I'm good for like, an hour or so... Hey, did I mention I like coffee?"

And *ding*, they reached the next stop.


Bite the Bullet
Corridors and Officer's Hall

Kiyron opened an eye. Briefing in the officer's hall. Finally. It was good to do something other than deal with the nausea that always accompanied the beginning of a voyage. He grabbed his jacket and swung it over his shoulders, securing it to meet basic military requirements, but no more, before striding through the door and maze of passageways, slipping from side to side to avoid hitting any of the others in the corridors. He ignored the skeptical, suspicious looks others threw at him once they saw his Spec Ops insignia. So be it. He'd gotten used to being slightly outside standard military culture, or standard culture for that matter. It happened with being from a backwater planet. He paused outside the door, and pause to straighten his uniform and polish his lieutenant bars. Well, it'd be interesting to see what came next. The door slid open with a hiss.
He stepped in, surveying the nearly empty room. Excellent. He gave a nod to the only one there, [member="Sirak Kolar"]. "Seems we've beaten our fearless leader here."
Bite the Bullet
En route to briefing room.

Hasjo turned, clamping his two hands on her shoulders. "Slow down, Padawan" he said, turning to face the elevator doors and exiting into the corridor, marching towards the briefing room. "They let a Padawan such as myself become Captain because the Military is not a part of the Jedi Order, and therefore my status as a Padawan does rarely ever apply here." He entered the room as the door slid opening, seeing the familiar face of his dear friend Sirak. "We only have coffee in the Officers mess. Officers Only." He didn't say it harshly, but placing emphasis that it was for those that were Officers. He welcomed [member="Nellja"] into the room, motioning for her to take a seat.

Hasjo walked around, clapping [member="Sirak"]'s shoulder as he did. He took a seat at the far end of the table, near the holoprojector. The Nautolan nodded to the other officer; [member="Kiyron"] and spoke to the three present "We'll await for the arrival of the others before continuing."


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
Nellja gasped when [member="Hasjo Hallu"] placed his hands on her, not even hearing the rest of what he say. All she did was... panic.

"NO!" She close to screamed, her life long phobia taking control, "Don't touch me!!"

She raced out of the elevator and slumped into her seat, "Please don't..."

The fact that physical touch was a phobia was clear as rain. The irrational fear, her uptight body, the way she eyed the captain... She was suddenly terrified.
"Seems we've beaten our fearless leader here."

"Infact we have. Odd how that works, the leader being late."

He does not speak further, instead closing his eyes as he meditates. His mind filled with not only memories but numerous times he had trained, each second of the fight transpiring before him like a slow motion replay of any pod race anyone saw as a child. He thought of the way his foot was partially off that led to an attack, or the way the others sword failed them when he swung towards them. The way the force echoed their movements, even before they made them...

Jerking from his thought as the Captain grabbed his shoulder, turning to him as he sat next to him. Sighing, he listened closely to Nellja as she moved with fear. He could feel it, not only through her facial emotions but from the subtle differences the emotion made in the room. He nearly felt comfort in the emotion, far different from most of the Master he had taught with and his own friend Hasjo.

"We'll await for the arrival of the others before continuing."

He couldn't help but to continue staring at Nellja, only to avert his eyes if she were to look to him. He was lost as much in her emotion as she was.
Briefing Room

From the corner of the room came the small, green Padawan. Minna used her walking stick to support the short journey to a seat. Her eyes looked to [member="Nellja"] considering sitting by her, but her sudden outburst of fear made her decide not to. Instead, she slowly made her way nearer the Zabrak, choosing a seat not far from him. Giving [member="Sirak Kolar"] a nod and a smile out of kindness. Minna then placed her walking stick so that it leaned on the chair inbetween her legs. She noticed the Zabrak looking at the girl. "Lost, she seems. Emotions, she must control." The small Jedi then looked towards the entrance to the room, waiting for any others to arrive.
Red Legion Barracks

He had been on the range keeping up on his training, Marrik heard the Holonet buzz with excitement about the republic sending out their armada to patrol the borders between the Madalorians and the Republic. He wasn't interested in polititcs, which he was sure this was about and continued to fire his energy bow until an alarm sounded for all Legionnaires to report to the main hall. Marrik folded down his bow and replaced it on the sling in his lower back. As he ran he cam upon his commander [member="Aedan Miles"] who was suiting up for the alert.
Red Legion Barracks
Aedan Miles strode along the halls calmly his eyes gleaming as he wore his armor. They had received word that the Red Legion would be shipping out with other Mandalorian forces. They would be acting as a barrier between the Republic and the rest of Mandalorian space and he was the leader of the Red Legion. As he was met by [member="Marrik Aloxum"] he nodded Aedan needed to choose a few men to give ranks Marrik could be a good choice as a commander that would give him a portion of the men Aedan commanded to lead. Maybe @Plogg would be a good one Aedan knew about Cragmoloids they were good soldiers when it was called upon. He nodded to himself as the walked into the briefing room and he gestured Marrk forward so that he was near the front.

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