Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Mag Seeawayae


]NAME: Mag Unit Seewayae

FACTION: Catharian Hegemony

RANK: Chapter Master

SPECIES: Zeltron

AGE: 24

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 310 lb

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Pink


Slave or low class languages
Dosh (to a degree)
Twi’leki (to a degree)
Huttese (to a degree)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-Dancer: Mag is an excellent dancer and has often been told to “Teach the Twi’leks how it’s done.” for more recent joiners
-Built: Mag is in unbelievable physical shape and it shows intentionally to attract even more, as a result, he is also incredibly strong and has been used as a Bouncer more then once as a result.
-Talking: As a slave Mag’s done plenty of talking and conversing and has become quite good at it in some areas, as a result he knows or is somewhat knowledgeable on many languages.
-Sticky fingers: In spite of his general bulk, he’s able to actually slip out credits, identification, and various other items with incredible ease and swiftness without someone noticing.
-Acting: Regardless of how one feels, gotta know how to smile or frown, speak with a stutter or with power.

Enhanced body: Through modifications made by the Catharian Hegemony Mag has become 10 feet tall and possess the strength of a Krayt dragon. He is incredibly fast and has even become smarter as a result.

-Very high metabolism
-Two livers
-Limited telepathy/empathy to both sense and project emotions with others
-Can produce powerful pheromones which can increase likability and attractability
-May look familiar to people even if they’ve never met before.

-Lack of self power: Mag doesn’t really recognize that he can make his own choices and is essentially totally respondent to orders of his owner.
-A big target: Mag was already fairly tall. However during gene modification he was increased to ten feet tall. This makes him a much easier to notice individual. It also makes almost any kind of urban stealth impossible.

Mag is a very tall, very built, Zeltron man, having pink skin with recognizable muscles. Overall he would be deemed a rather attractive individual to most individuals both due to appearance and the pheromones he produces as a Zeltron.

Mag was born to a slave mother after she had been captured. He grew up knowing only his mother and the slave life, but after only a few years, his mother was taken away from him. He was left to serve her previous owner who soon put him to work tending the bar or cleaning the club. However as he became older, the owner realized as a Zeltron he could be put to better use. He had the dancers teach him, how to entertain people, and mainly how to get their money.

Over time he became a figure for the store, building up muscle to attract more people, mainly women. And his sheer size and ability to sense emotions also made him a somewhat good bouncer for if someone was causing too much trouble, and when he did have a fight, they found it could be rather entertaining.

As a result of having to interact with so many individuals, Mag is incredibly versed in different languages, especially among slaves, smugglers, and bounty hunters.

Mag was eventually freed by the Catharian Hegemony during an attack on a slave trade operation. In the process he was able to assist and help free a group of them. He was then offered a position as a Chapter Master of a group of Space Marines. Changing his body and granting him authority, training, and weaponry, that he'd never seen before. Making him a much more powerful, but very different, man.

Catharian Chapter Master Power Armor MK-3CM





A day in the club
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