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Approved Tech M-20.8 BOAR-D Rail Gun

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

Intent: To create an effective long range rail gun rifle that can deal with Force Users as well as other artillery for the Mandalorians. Slug throwers sometimes are just too slow, and only fire on one trajectory. This gun is intended for firing at maximum six in one shot.

Development Thread: If requested

  • Manufacturer: Mythosaur Customs and Arms
  • Model: M-20.8 BOAR-D
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian
  • Modularity: Difference between ammunition (see below*)
  • Production: Mass Produced
  • Material: Durasteel / Duraplast

Description: The BOAR-D is a two-handed box shaped rail-gun rifle that is crafted to be mobile without needing a tri-pod stand or external battery pack in order to use. A removable scope is also available for this model. Each magazine can carry a total of sixty shots. The whole design is manufactured to be compact, utilizing the rail gun abilities to launch the projectiles at exponentially high speed. Both sides feature a bar to graph the amount of charge time. Bar blinks red to indicate cool down. The front of the barrel hosts a trigger-able light, as well as a laser emitter at the bottom for accuracy.

  • Strengths:
    ​​​Can fire 2,4, or 6 shots at once depending on the length of charge.​
  • 5mm rounds can go exponentially faster than regular ammunition, giving them a greater distance at high speeds.
  • Portable design allows for carrying in your person, and engaging within seconds.
  • Dependant upon the type of ammunition, the effects of the projectiles are versatile.
  • Tight grouping ensures that a hit will result in far more damage, doubled with every increase of shots per burst.

  • Charge time dependant on amounts per shot. (3 seconds 2 round burst, 6 seconds for a 4 round burst, and 10 seconds for the full 6 round burst.)
  • Mandatory 5 second cool down per charge.
  • Power cell is drained faster with full charges, cutting the maximum bursts down to only 20 per cell. (40 bursts for a 4 shot, and a full 60 bursts for the 2 round shot)
  • Medium re-coil for a rifle it's size.
  • A high pitched whine indicating charge. (Not very stealthy if nearby)

  • Classification: Rail Gun Rifle
  • Size: Handheld (two handed)
  • Status: Limited to Mandalorians only
  • Length: 0.7 meters
  • Weight: 4.45 kg
  • Power Supply: One compartment in rear
  • Ammunition Type: 5mm (*can be exchanged for 5mm tracer rounds or 5mm Incendirary rounds)
  • Ammunition Capacity: Clip of 60 5mm
  • Effective Range: 1-1.2 kilometers
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