Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Lupus Rex || Finnea


Three weeks after Day of Landing

The Day of Landing left its mark.

When the liege of the Ascendancy vowed that they would embark on a new voyage, Yeshua never anticipated that change would erupt so quickly. Yet, as soon as the festivities quieted down and the people returned to their normal lives, the military was alive with news. Direction had come from the Throne itself - organization to better suit the Ascendancy's future had come at last. Ever since the original Day of Landing, it felt as though they had been fighting an uphill battle. At least, if Yeshua's opinion had been taken on the matter. Their battles raged against foes on all sides, with no end in sight. And while ground had been taken, holding it was far more difficult than the initial victory.

So it was that, before the festivities, the crew of the Jericho had flown from one mission after the next without ceasing. One battle to the next. At least now, their missions would have more staying power.

With his orders in mind, the Vampyre rose from within the quiet of his quarters. The meeting, as had most these days, had been done virtually. The numerous upper officers flocked as holograms before the Dominus' throne, where he passionately laid out his vision. It was...good that Yeshua's mind was placed upon something finite. Good that he had orders to ferry and action to take. For, since the Day of Landing, his mind had been a whirlwind. That had been easy to dismiss all that happened on the numerous swigs of alcohol. Easy to sweep the voyage back to the Jericho under the rug and to file it under "let's not talk about this" when sobriety returned.

What was hard? Maintaining the status quo. A flame had been lit in the Vampyre's mind - and it was exceedingly difficult to ignore it. It was the first time in centuries that Yeshua had even entertained such, but here he was. Here they were. To say things were awkward was an understatement. Thus, Yeshua never asked a single question when his First Mate requested shore leave. He didn't look at the reason given on the request form - though she had said training - but immediately stamped it. Yeshua reasoned that she needed time away, time to deal and he couldn't blame her.

But, with new orders, it was time they spoke. They didn't have a choice, for the battles of tomorow hinged upon their actions today.

Rising, the Vampyre moved onto the bridge and settled into his command throne. "Leave us." he said, dismissing all the personnel, save for the ashen-haired woman. And once the bridge was theirs, he spoke plainly for the first time in weeks.

"We've...much to talk about."

It had been three long weeks since the Day of Landing, and the Ensign had only returned back to Jericho the night before on purpose. She was aware that if he kept an eye out for someone in particular, he'd be able to check who came onboard and when and she was slightly worried that he'd call upon her at her arrival even if she highly doubted that he would. He had been so quick to sign the approval for her leave that it stung her. But perhaps it was just as well, they both needed the space to clear their minds.

Finnea had kept herself quite busy while she was gone, and signing herself up for training wasn't a lie. It just wasn't military training but rather practising control of the force under watchful eyes of the Seer. It had been rough, she'd say it was nearly torture at times but at least she was often kept too busy to think about...him. And that night.
But being back here, entering her quarters, she was just reminded of it. Her dress even laid draped over the floor and the bed was a mess. His perfume was even still in there. She couldn't stay there, and had spent the entire night awake, wandering, keeping herself busy with catching up on the current matter at hand until time was up and she found herself on the bridge alongside the rest of the crew at work when he entered.

She'd do most anything to leave with the others when she heard his voice again, giving them the order to leave, firm and decisive. With her back turned to him, pretending to work, Finnea closed her eyes while she listened to the sound of footsteps leaving the area, counting down the time until she knew his next words would be directed at her and she'd have to face him and speak.

And there it was.

The engineer put down her pad and turned around to face him, putting her arms behind her back in a military resting posistion while her heart beat so fast she'd risk fainting. "Yes, sir. I know." She spoke so carefully, lifting her gaze to meet his but the vivid memories of his hands on her made the air leave her lungs and she dropped her gaze quickly. It was agony to stand there. Besides, She had already made a few assumptions while gone, one of which was that he would want to transer her which she could easily understand.

Yeshua Yeshua


Aboard the AIV Jericho

For a few precious moments, things appeared to be normal.

Whilst seated in his command throne, a breath away from giving his order, the Vampyre recognized what laid before his eyes. If he did nothing, said nothing, then things would go right back, wouldn't they? Even though a word had not been spoken between them for three weeks, the Engineer faithfully performed her duties like always. With diligence, she attended to her datapad - slinging requisition orders and repair reports to her team. But, as he watched, he found his lips moving on their own accord.

Caught himself almost smiling. Almost.

He exhaled. Normal? What was normal about surviving an apocalypse and then spending seven years fighting slavers, pirates, and raiders? Maybe normal and decorum needed to be tossed aside, if only for a moment. Conflicted as ever, Yeshua heaved a sigh and dismissed the bridge personnel. All except Finnea. She stepped forward and assumed her typical rest position. Addressed him as sir. And for some reason, even that did not sit well in his stomach.

"At ease. Speak freely."

He had only said that ten thousand times at this point. Nearly every time that it was just the two of them over the past seven years. And nearly every time, he'd received the same skeptical expression. The memories alone almost made him smile again - but, the elephant in the room stilled him. "We've received orders from the Throne. Direction. Reorganization. The Dominus wants to call us the Regnum Star Legion." His hand moved absently as he spoke. He was arguing with himself silently and using the latest news to do so.

"With that comes a refresh of our rank system. Your new title is Decurion, and it comes with a pay increase to boot."

Yeshua would have afforded himself a chuckle there, if circumstances were normal. Yet...Feth normal. He rose from his command throne and advanced a step. "I...When last we saw each other, we..." His voice trailed off. They both knew what had happened, why, and how. It was burned into their memories. And they were good memories. "I don't know where to go from here. Don't know whether to leave the line in the dust or not. Don't know if that's even what you want. But."

He inhaled, nostrils flaring slightly.

"What I do know is you've been sorely missed."

At ease, speak freely.

How many times had she hears that phrase by now? And still she pulled the same expression. Perhaps it was just habit by now. She readied herself mentally for what was to come but the vampyre didn't adress the elephant in the room, rather he spoke of the reorganisation and Regnum star legion. It made the engineers eyes widen slightly as she believed fully that he would not care to talk about... that night. Why did it sting so badly that he ignored it? She immediately felt all kinds of foolish. Dumb and embarrassed. Her eyes slowly closed so that she could handle herself emotionally as he spoke and she barely listened by now.
Why. Why, of all people, did she open up to him, the commander onboard and how could they have been so stupid as to

A new title. Increase in her pay. Finnea nodded, but she didn't care. "...Thank you, commander." She spoke shortly, staring at the floor between them in full concentration, clearly ready to leave once he'd let her.

The sound of him getting up followed and finally he mentioned the last time they saw eachother and now he had her attention. The wise commander was now at loss it seemed, not knowing how to approach her in the matter just like she had no idea how to do so either. She was on the brim of displaying strong and mixed emotions when he let her know she was sorely missed. She quickly turned her back to him to hide how her eyes watered. It was good to hear that she was missed, but it ment more this time. "I've missed you too, sir" Finnea spoke quietly with her back turned, hands now free and busy wiping incoming tears from her eyes. "Yeshua." She corrected herself in the same quiet tone, forcing herself to face him again, wanting to approach him so badly but didn't know if she could do so.
"Y-you don't have to.. I mean.. " What was she even trying to say? That if he'd like to go on and forget this, just concentrate on their important task, she'd be ok with that? But she wouldn't be ok, How could she possibly? " was...a mistake" She hated to say it was, it made it sound like bad thing.

"And I'd make that same mistake over and over again if i could." There. She said it.

Her expression was so familiar.

Though it had been seven years, the response was always the same. At ease, speak freely painted the woman's face with a look that could shattered even his most foul moods. This, of course, was a well-kept secret; and today, he simply flew into the nation's update after giving the directive. Yet...the news was not pleasing to hear. Judging by Finnea's expression, that is. Any other time, he might have missed the minute details Now he was clinging onto every word. Every breath. Every blink.

Her eyes widened as he spoke, then closed with finality. As if steeling herself. Thank you, Commander. she said. That was a red flag if ever there was one. She seldom called him by rank when speaking freely. Yeshua swallowed, but rose nonetheless. The elephant in the room was...quickly laid bare by the Vampyre's words. He spoke true and she turned away. For but a millisecond, Yeshua's heart froze in terror. Was this...not what she wanted to hear?

Relief came in the next breath. She felt the same. A steadying breath fell from his lips as her hand moved to her face. Yeshua. She spoke his name. This was normal. Ah, but the circumstances around them were anything but. She began to speak, unsure at first. She called that night a mistake - which was as a stake through his chest. But...then light. Relief once more. Hope? Yeshua's heart thundered away in his chest suddenly.

"I..." he began, lips stammering for the right words. Instead, he breached the distance between them. Action spoke louder, yes? His dominant hand rose and settled lightly upon her shoulder. "I wouldn't even call it a mistake." he began. His fingers gave a light squeeze whilst his lips curved into a smile.

"I've never felt wanted before. And I'd trade a thousand lifetimes to feel that again. With you." From the second they shared the first drink to the dawn of the next day, the Day of Landing had been burned into Yeshua's memories. What he felt - what he wanted was pure as day.​

Oh, a part of her really wanted to step out of his reach so he wouldn't be able to put his hand on her again, but that was only her ridiculous need to protect herself emotionally, the side that wanted to build a wall again, never open back up and be alone. That side of her had no power around Yeshua and when his hand seeked her shoulder, the engineer even leaned into his touch, craving it desperately. Not a mistake. He smiled and so did she for a second, closing her eyes to enjoy the relief she felt. He didn't regret what happened, he wasn't about to toss her aside and go on with his life as if it was nothing.

All their years together had built a special bond between the two, learned to know eachother on a deep level, he brought her peace and only around him, had she stopped flinching at every sudden move. She would easily have stepped in between him and a bullet at this point.

She reached up to touch his hand, another breath of relief escaped her at his words. "Hah... you have no idea how much I want you." She spoke silently but truthfully, scared that if she raised her voice, she'd crack and start crying for real. "You scared me.. I thought you wanted me gone, that.. you didn't want me around as a reminder of.. " She smiled instead of speaking the words, allowing herself to come a little closer. "I think about it constantly. About you." Finnea didn't dare look up, but rather focused at his chest in front of herself. "You've surely known I'm only yours for a long time already.."

The Vampyre felt the warmth of the Engineer's hand. Felt how she leaned into his touch like a rose seeking daylight. Felt how his heart fluttered when she affirmed how she felt. Though her words were quiet, they were sincere and marked his very soul. But then, remorse. Yeshua felt terrible for a moment. She shared how she was once afraid that he did not feel for her. Afraid that he would eagerly cast her aside. Yeshua shook his head and gave her shoulder a light squeeze.

"No no, far from it. When you gave me the leave request, I thought it was because you needed space. I didn't want to get in the way of of what you needed." he began, matching her smile. "And remind me of what?"

He let the question linger as she spoke again, reaffirming how she felt about that night and about him. Yeshua swallowed and chuckled lightly. "I...In my soul I knew, but my mind couldn't accept it. I've not known someone like this in..." he hesitated to use the word centuries. " long."

But the question yet lingered in the corner of his mind. The question of where from here. The elephant in the room yet persisted, morphing into something different. Yeshua removed his hand from her shoulder and instead reached for her own hand. "I suppose 'at ease, speak freely' will mean something different now.."

Of course. Of course he had stamped her request for shoreleave immediately because she asked for it in the first place and yes, at the time she needed that distance. Perhaps it would have been stranger if he didn't grant her the leave. And who knows how long she would have stayed away if she wasn't called back when she was."Of course.. it.. was needed at the time, to think cleary." She nodded briefly with understanding, relaxed in his presence. His hand slipped from her shoulder and seeked her own hand and she gladly gave it to him.

Finnea gave him a careful smile, of course the vampyre once would have known another but as far as she knew the commander didn't have anyone for the seven years they had known eachother. And neighter did she, all her time was spent working or studying and when she thought of it, the very few occasions they had spent together sharing a quick meal, sparring or exchanging information was the best days. Especially after days on end doing repairs, often sitting alone with her thoughts, adjusting intricate wiring that needed an upgrade. 'At ease, speak freely'. Her favourite phrase but also the most confusing one as other superiors were usually very blunt and cut to the chase.

The phrase had changed it's meaning, in her mind, some time ago. No longer said to make the engineer open up and share her thoughts and ideas but to let her know work wasn't all he was open to listen to, even if she seldom shared anything deeper than her feelings regarding eggs... which she didn't like very much.

"Hasn't it already changed it's meaning?" Finnea gave their surroundings a quick look, suddenly aware of where they were. On the bridge, and although they were completely alone, it felt not quite right to be holding the commanders hand up here.
"..we should talk. But perhaps this is not the place?" She asked softly, looking up at him. Time was not on their side today, she was well aware of the upcoming battle tomorrow but... right now, after several weeks away from him, she couldn't care less.
Holding her hand felt forbidden.

The intersection of decorum and desire was right there on the bridge. As the Vampyre's fingers wrapped about her own, Yeshua genuinely regarded his wants and needs as a priority for the first time. For so long, even before the Fall, he had been duty bound. Always serving, always doing correctly. That was his penance, after all. For all those sins committed a lifetime ago. But now, he questioned his repentance. Was it wrong of him to want these things? To want at all?

No. It was not. And so he would have what he wanted. His mind was made up the second she gave her hand.

For a moment, he mused about the changed meaning of at ease, speak freely - but the Engineer was right in her thoughts. For years now, that phrase meant more than the absence of military bearing. No, it meant that they could be their truest selves around one another. "You're so right. It's been different for awhile now." Now, while Yeshua was content to stand there as long as they chose, Finnea wanted to speak...elsewhere. Which, in terms of decorum, made perfect sense.

The Vampyre gave her hand a light squeeze before relinquishing it.

"You're right. Come, we'll continue in my quarters." Yeshua then folded his hands behind his back, assuming his own for of being at attention. He gave her a nod before calling the bridge crew back. Briefly, he explained to them all the changes - that they were now apart of the Regnum Star Legion and that their compensation packages would be updated. That the morrow had a dangerous mission awaiting them. Afterwards, he gave them all an early break - which allowed Finnea and Yeshua the time to step away into his quarters.

Yeshua's living space was...meticulously organized. Upon entering, he shrugged off his overcoat and slipped it onto a waiting coat rack. His desk resided on the far side of the room, before a wall of transparisteel that offered a fantastic view of the stars. He had enough room for a sofa, bed, and plenty of cabinetry. All of which was neat, organized, and damn near spotless. "Make yourself at home." he said, before sliding unceremoniously onto one of his sofa cushions.

"Tell me. What's on your mind?"

Only when he let her hand go, did the engineer withdraw her own hands to let them meet behind her back once more as she took a solid step backwards as if to let the commander have his space when he was about to call the bridge crew back up. The stern expression she carried didn't reveal a single thought the new decurion carried, not even the news of her promotion which she had yet to properly thank him for. But at the time it was announced to her only moments ago, she wasn't in the right mind to properly let it sink in as there was one more pressing matter that concerned her on a deeper level emotionally.

Finnea followed Yeshua when he signaled for her to do so, walking slightly behind him out of old habit with her mind in a whirwind, not able to stick to one thought at the time. Only when the doors to his private quarters closed behind him did her serious features soften and she allowed herself the oportunity to slowly walk across the room towards the large wall of transparisteel that revealed an amazing view. It wasn't like she couldn't go stargazing whenever she wanted or neede to do so, the ship had several spots where one could let the mind drift for a while if needed, but it was different to see such a view from inside one of the private quarters. She then took notice of how incredibly tidy the place was and her immediate thought was that the man had probably very little time to actually spend in here seeing as how much time he put into work.

The engineer now made her way slowly over to the sofa where she took a seat with some space between the two of them, sitting rather stiffly because she didn't know how to sit in this one. If she leaned too far back, she'd come across too comfortable and if she kept sitting stiffly it would appear she was uncomfortable around him. Perhaps she put too much thought into a simple thing like taking a seat in a sofa.
She decided to turn herself towards him and get to the point of being here in the first place. "Yeshua, I don't know where to start with you." she began after having deeply inhaled, bracing herself for the conversation. "With us." she corrected herself shortly. "Because the weeks I spent away I desperately tried to assure myself that what happened that night was just us finding company in eachother and that it didn't have to ruin the professionalism onboard between us. But I couldn't, because what I've come to realise is that..." Finnea looked down into her lap for a moment, then watched him with concern for what she was about to say. "...No one else has ever made me feel like this. You make me feel like I matter, that I'm an actual person and not another piece of the ship. That I can allow myself to open up and share my thoughts and more importantly, my feelings. I feel more happy whenever I see you, even if you irritate me by making me step out of my comfort zone ever so often." she gave him a smile to let him know she was attempting a joke at the end.

" know what I am trying to tell you?"
Yeshua, I don't know where to start with you.

The journey from the bridge to his quarters had, honestly, been a blur. The freshly-appointed Centurion was focused - and for the first time, it wasn't on something work-related. His time of penance was slowly coming to a conclusion, for he would actually consider his wants. And that was all thanks to the ashen-haired woman who shifted quite a bit before settling upon the sofa beside him. There was a decent amount of distance between them, physically that is. For there were still questions that needed to be answered.

Still a question of what they wanted to do and be.

When Finnea began to speak, she inhaled deeply and shared her thoughts. Yeshua listened intently as she spoke of their time apart and the realization that she had. She spoke of how happy he made her; even despite his nudging ehr out of her comfort zone. All of this caused the Vampyre to smile - even as she asked if he understood what she was getting at.

"I do." he said simply.

He sat up slightly and turned so that he could properly face her. "This began well before that night. It's been growing, because we've been watering it. You do matter to me, for one." He then looked away for but a moment. "And me what it's like to be human."

"I've been alone for...centuries. I've kept everyone and everything away, but've ventured where no one else has. I'm happy to just be in your presence. But..." He reached out, placing his dominant hand upon her knee. "I don't want to go back to before that night. To how things were. I want more. And, if I'm not mad, I think you do too.So let us be more. We'll have to keep up appearances on the clock, sure, but...You already know I'm yours."

True, this had began way before that night, they just didn't know it. Watering an mutual care for one another and deeper feelings growing very slowly but strong. So slow over so many years that it completely slipped past their consciousness, only lit when they could step away from their important work and let loose enough to see eachother properly. And that night had been so memorable and good, she could hardly think about it without blushing.

It was hard to picture what it must have felt like being alone for centuries. Her years didn't measure up, but she imagined what that must have been like and felt relieved that she could ignite that soul of his. His hand reached over to her knee, but his new decurion didn't find that to be enough seeing how they were so awfully correct about eachother, and she allowed herself to pick his hand up from her knee and move close to the vampyre, placing his hand at the side of her face instead, keeping it there by holding it.

"You are very far from mad, of course I want more too" She smiled up at him with relief written in her eyes. Relief that he wanted her and not just the other way around which would have been painful. "Of course we do have to keep up appearance but just know that I am yours for as long as you want me to be, Yeshua. And I've already been for quite sometime."
Finnea turned her head slightly and kissed the inside of his hand softly

Yeshua Yeshua
Her lips graced the inside of his palm.

The Vampyre hadn't smiled this much in quite some time. He felt...warm. Excited. Even though they had a laundry list of battles on the horizon, there was something bright to look forward to. "Well, that settles it then." he began, chuckling ever so slightly. "You've got yourself a partner." It felt strange saying that word. Partner. For one who had been alone for...his entire existence in fact, having someone this close was new. Foreign.

And thus, he'd give it his all.

"We'll take things slow. At our own pace. Discover all of this together." he mused, before placing a kiss upon the back of her hand. T'was then that a thoughtful expression claimed his features. A somber exhale fell from his lips. "But, if you're to be with me, then you must know what I was. How it differs from who I am."

"I say this because I do not wish for there to be any secrets. Nor skeletons in the closet. I want us to know one another, wholly and completely. Trust one another, more than we already do. that alright?"


A partner

Finnea had to look down, covering her lips with her free hand as a bright smile that she had no control over took over her face. It was strange how that word and it's meaning ment so much to the engineer. Or maybe it wasn't. After all, she had been alone her whole life. Unwanted, sent from place to place, feeling rootless and without a personal goal. To find someone that made this place feel like what she believed a home should feel like, and making her feel wanted for more than just her talent was truly making her heart flutter.

His lips graced her hand and it made her lift her gaze again, smiling softly up at him, comfortable in his presence. At least until that thoughtful expression claimed his features, warning her of a serious question which made her hold onto his hand a little tighter.

What he was?

Did it matter? The way he put it made her look into her own background and life and if she had anothing to explain. She had never been an open person, but fully agreed with him that they ought to know everything that was to know about eachother from the get go, or else trust would be hard to maintain. And of there was one thing she needed, it was just that - trust.

"I'd like that... slow and steady. Its not like we're in a hurry." Finnea started and shifted a bit in her seat, still watching the vampyre before her. "Yes, of course it is ok with me, it's a wise decision for us both. Even if you worry me by putting it like that?" She tilted her head slightly in curiosity, wondering what his past truly held, why it seemed so important for him to tell her about it if he was going to be her partner. "Well?"
The Vampyre drew a deep breath.

He watched as she shifted in her seat, yet agreed nonetheless. Slow and steady was the best pace for them. And sharing who they were was a good idea. No secrets. No surprises. No skeletons in the closet to ruin their happiness down the road. Thus, Yeshua turned and placed his hands gingerly upon her cheeks. His lips met hers for a moment before he rose from the couch. "Almost two hundred years ago..." he began, moving his hands as he spoke.

"The Galaxy was still recovering from the Gulag Plague. There was no Galactic Alliance. No Sith Empires. Nothing that could protect people en masse. And so...the worlds were ripe for the taking." his tone darkened ever so slightly as he began to pace before her. The memories caused a sour expression to form on his face.

"I was young, then. A newborn by Vampyre standards. My coven and I decided to take. We...conquered worlds. And we were not kind. We...made the Khanate look like a band of children." They burned. Slayed. Conquered. And enjoyed every minute of it. Yeshua sighed lightly and faced her once more.

"In time, as the Galaxy recovered and nations formed, our actions were held to account. I was captured. Sentenced. And made to rot inside a prison. My cellmate was an old Jedi named Yusef. He changed my perspective on the Galaxy. Helped remind me to fight with purpose and that kindness existed. Even my name, Yeshua, was a gift from that man."

Yeshua lowered himself back down upon the couch, almost afraid to meet her eyes. "And from that point on, I lived alone. I was - am - a monster, Finnea. I carry those sins on my shoulders each and every day. Someday, the sons of those I've harmed may seek vengeance...and should that day come, I don't want you to wonder why."

"...and I understand cannot love a beast."

For a second, Finnea nearly withdrew herself from his tender approach as she knew by the way he had spoken and his worried features that what would follow his kiss would be quite serious. But she couldn't, she had secretly longed for his kiss for the entirety of her time away and she welcomed it, wanting it to last, but alas...

The vampyre rose and Finnea allowed herself to pick both her legs up into the couch to sit on he started his uneasy pace. It was a tell-tale of the chaos within the man and she felt a knot in her stomach as she awaited his story. As he spoke, the engineers features grew harder as the knot inside swelled by every word. She was well aware of how the Khanate operated, she had seen them in action and they repulsed her. She felt nothing but relief whenever they successfully took down one of their ships. And now she learned in his past, the man she fell for, had taken part in far worse actions. She didn't dare picture what gruesome things he might have done, or how he might have felt about it then before he got captured. What if the young man inside him only regretted getting captured?

Yeshua sat down, their eyes met. His were heavy with the burden of his past, hers were hard and didn't reveal a single thought be it good or bad. A few moments passed after he sat down before she shot up herself, and walked quickly to the transparisteel wall, looking out at the open space head while her mind churned. She already knew she was lost in him entirely, even with a dark past. She just needed a minute to process it, making the idea of a vile and gruesome man, No, a monster, subside. That was not who she had met. Finnea turned around, her arms crossed as her expression now softened and she slowly walked back towards him. "They should have decapitated you for your gruesome actions and made a show of how the people were now safe from the actions of you and your kin." she started, rather harshly. "But by the Gods am I grateful they did not!" she assured him and had a few more steps to close the gap between them, slowly sitting down once more. "I entirely believe you when you tell me how the meeting with the Jedi changed you, because I have never seen a monster in you."

"You'll carry the regret of knowing what you did for eternity, and that is quite a burden to bear for one man through centuries. I can see the true regret in your eyes, I see the pain."
she came to place herself in his lap, caressing his cheek. "Monsters are incapable of hiding their true thoughts, you can see the pleasure they feel from causing chaos in their eyes." she smiled shortly. "I am not in love with a beast, I am in love with a man who has a past darker than most. But we cannot alter the past, no matter how much we desire it."

Yeshua Yeshua
The story...was a lot.

Yeshua knew this, knew that anyone would be taken aback by his history. But when Finnea quickly rose from the couch, he had to admit that it stung. It was a perfectly normal reaction, but he couldn't help but feel shame all the more. His gaze followed her as she moved from the transparisteel wall back towards the chair. Her voice was...harsh...despite how gentle her expression seemed. She spoke about what he deserved...but also how glad she was that they did not exact true justice. Yeshua released a pent up sigh that he did not realize he was holding as he listened.

"I'll admit...I was terrified that you'd walk out that door..." he began, offering a light chuckle as she settled onto his lap. He smiled as she smiled, placing his own hand over hers. "And you are right. I carry this burden and will do so for the end of my days. I cannot change the past - I can only be better because of it. And I have learned to be better. I am better."

Having said this all, the Vampyre felt...lighter. As if the burden of his past was lifted from his shoulders - at least when it came to their budding relationship. There was nothing else that he had lying in wait inside his closet. No secrets. No skeletons. "Thankfully, that is all. No other skeletons, save for a light addiction to breakfast foods." he quipped, attempting to lighten the mood.

"What of you? Anything I should know?"

He was afraid she'd walk out that door and she could see how that could easily have been the reaction for some. But no, she fully believed him when he expressed his utter regret for his past and she could not sense anything of the monster he had described he was now. If she was wrong in trusting him, she would not trust a single soul ever again...
"I know you are better. I have seen it every day since I first met you."
Finnea laughed a little at his admission to having an addiction to breakfast foods.

'Anything I should know?'

Her smile vanished right away and was replaced with horror. She just realised that she too should share her background, a past she found both humiliating and painful. And she had never spoken of it before, always kept her story a well kept secret. But for him to tell her of his outright monsterous past, then she should muster up the courage to share hers with him as well.

" I haven't spoken my past out loud before. It has shapen me into who I am, as everyone elses past has." she started and backed hersel off of him to rather sit on her legs on the couch beside him just to have a little room to think.
"So. I was born on Arkania as the result of an assult. I guess my proud family couldn't stand looking at me as I reminded them of that but my grandfather took me in to live with him until I was old enough to be sent off to a military academy. I don't particularily want to talk about by time there, it was a hell-hole, but I was hand picked from the academy by siths due to my extraordinary talents with tech and mechanics." Finnea watched Yeshua with a stern expression.

"At the time, I didn't care where I was. I was alone, nobody were looking for me and all I was good for was my job. And I did my job very well onboard one of the largest ships of the Sith Empire until I woke up. I can't explain it any better than that. I learned what they did, what we did to innocent people and the more I learned the worse I felt and then, one day during the downfall of the Sith Empire, I was overwhelmed by the situation and I..." Finnea lookd down into her own lap for a moment. "I set one of the battleships up for self destruction within the hangar, taking down several ships and causing massive damage and set backs. And by a miracle I escaped." she shrugged off.

"I was on the run when I was picked up by the Confedaracy and given protection. I was so sure I wouldn't stay long, the idea of having officers around angered me, made me sick. I was assigned to CNS Jericho and... well." she gave him a little smile.

"A few years back, however, sometime after the disaster when I discovered I was force sensitive and after our talk, I was on a brief mission to pick up some parts for one of the reactors when a man approached me at a market that had sensed my distress and unstable control of the force. He offered to teach me how to control and use the force. To become strong. They call him 'The Seer'. There is a temple on Icarus where the Dominion of Shadow keeps to, and that is where I go when I am not here. To learn, to become stronger." she looked up at him, her heart beating faster than usual for some reason. Perhaps it was just the idea of having let herself open up for the first time, revealing who the otherwise proud, mystic and intelligent engineer was.
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I have seen it every day since I first met you.

The smile which she inspired to claim his face felt like it would last a lifetime. For the first time in literal centuries, Yeshua felt...validated. He was worthy of care, worthy of consideration. He wasn't a monster. And he resolved to live up to the wonderful partner who sat before him. For a moment, they shared a quite moment of joy, smiling at one another. Yet, when the Vampyre posed his own question, her joy wavered.

She moved, creating space between them on the couch while she collected her thoughts. Yeshua did not follow, but rather sat up more in his seat. His gaze was intent as she began. For the most part, their stories were vastly different. Her family was dismissive of the gift they had been given - in part due to it occurring hand in hand with a tragedy. Thus, she was dismissed to a military school. And no, he wasn't allowed to ask about it. The Vampyre nodded, as he understood.

She then recounted her time among the Sith and, though she looked down - almost with shame at her actions - Yeshua uttered a loud ha! "And that's how it's done." he said, pride oozing from every syllable. "I didn't think it was possible for you to be even more attractive. Yet, here you are, telling me all about how you lit the Sith on fire from the inside, and I cannot help but find myself intoxicated." Part of him was being dead serious. Part of him was attempting to restore that smile that had wavered upon speaking about her past.

In part, it seemed, he succeeded, as she spoke about the Jericho - and meeting him. A smile small apppeared. She then shared where she had been going for training and that the mysterious Seer had been helping her learn on Icarus. The Vampyre had never heard of these worlds, but nodded nonetheless. "All jests've lived a life that is hard. A life that is beautiful. And I'm grateful to be apart of it." he began, choosing now to scoot ever so slightly closer.

"I will say, your training is certainly paying off. You feel stronger each time you return. When we first met, your presence was a light breeze on a summer's day. But now? There's a tempest within you." His lips curved into a fang-y smile. "Perhaps someday you'll catch up with me."

His reaction to her telling him about how she caused massive damage for the Sith empire almost lured her into returning an amused smile, but she was not done telling so the smile would have to wait a little while longer. But it had encouraged her to keep speaking as he hadn't become thoughtful or grim. One could never know, some people might have found it alarming to have a crew member with a past that included sabotage.

He told her how he only found her more attractive which made her face warm and lured the otherwise stone faced and emotionally withdrawn engineer to smile. For only him her guard was entirely broken down. A wall she had built sturdy and tall with no way in. She had protected herself so well for ages but Yeshua had picked it apart without even meaning to. Perhaps it was the ground work of showing her that he was not vile or irrational but steady and considerate. He had taken her under his wing at showed her that he was worthy of her trust.

Finnea let him scoot close to herself, smiling up at the Vampyre as he spoke, praising her of how much stronger she felt in her presence of the force, even daring to throw in a subtle challenge at the end. Had his voice always been this good to listen to? Hah. She realized that this man could tell her to drink poison and she would do it. "I feel much more in control now, his lessons are good. Even if I don't always agree, some of his ways are harder than others, I've always pulled some lesson from it." she saw those fangs as his lips curled into a grin, making her raise an eyebrow at him. "Maybe. Someday." she smiled back, studying his features closely now that she felt like she was allowed to look at him for more than a few seconds at the time.

"Isn't it sad. I can't just convince you to run away with me. Take a ship and vanish instead of facing another big battle that we don't know the outcome of." she caressed his cheek with a small hand

Yeshua Yeshua

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