Kana Truden
Wandering Healer

Image Source: Here
Intent: To create a light-weight personal armor made for Kana Truden to prevent minimal amounts of damage.
Development Thread: A Swift Blow to the Phrik
Manufacturer: Kana Truden (with help from [member="Camellia Swift"])
Model: Lumen - Mk. I
Affiliation: Kana Truden (Personal)
Modularity: You can always not wear a part.
Production: Unique
Material: Phrik
Classification: Protective Plates
Weight: 7kg
Quality: 4
Special Features: Mild Lightsaber Resistance, Mild Blaster Resistance, Protection from smaller blades
The idea was always simple. As much as a more covering armor could serve Kana well the idea of limiting the amount of coverage her ‘armor’ provided struck her as a fair trade-off to maintain some form of eased movement. The plates are thin and only cover as much as what would count as a bare minimum. Front and back has a thicker layer of protection to it while the leg pieces only cover the knees and front. The back and insides of her legs are left unarmored. The arm pieces cover the top of her arms and extends into a fingerless glove-like bracer but leaves the underside of her arms open for attack.
All in all the areas that are left unprotected is:
- Legs - Backside
- Arms - Underside
- Butt - Butt
It was built to be concealed underneath a robe or jumpsuit and can only withstand a few hits from a lightsaber as repeated abuse will see the plates breakdown rather rapidly. Blaster fire still hurts but enough thickness has been applied in the chestpiece to prevent any real damage to occur. The same principle still stands though and repeated hits would render even the chestpiece useless after a while.
It comes with no pockets or room for a ‘toolbelt’ or similar. The only way you could really stash an item away would be with the designated clip-on designed for holding lightsabers hilts in case the armor would come to be worn while not concealed.
Mild resistance to blasters
Mild resistance to sabers
Ease of movement
Not very durable
Still rather unprotected
Primary Source: Unique… Hopefully.
NOTE: It's my first "big" submission. I have no idea what I am doing here.