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Lucien Shorn

Lucien Shorn, The Ignorant Son
"I can't act as if there isn't a man-sized corpse between us!"

  • Name: Lucien Shorn
  • Alias: Luce
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Force Rank: Apprentice, Untrained
  • Species: Human
  • Race: --
  • Planet of Birth: Unknown
  • Age: 16
  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 142lbs
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Complexion: Pale Caucasian
  • Force Sensitive: Neutral, Untrained
  • Not Applicable

+ Telekinetic Potential: While he is not as well trained or honed in the talent as his Father before him, or his prodige of a sister, Lucien has the potential to be a strong wielder of the Force... However, in his ignorance concerning his heritage, Luce as of yet has no desire to meddle with the mystical arts.

+ Saber Rake: Sent by some unnamed sponsor to train among the Tapani Youth, Lucien is well versed in the use of a Lightfoil and has had a greater education than he would ever care to admit.

+/- Entitled: While he may seek to reject it, Lucien was born and raised with certain privileges that others do not have; his short time with the Tapani Nobles highlights the extent of this entitlement, however it has made proving himself in his own right almost impossible since running away.

+/- Ignorance is Bliss: The extent of Lucien's knowledge concerning his family begins and ends with his twin sister, Katya. Since they were split up Luce has had no contact with any of his family and doesn't even know his parent's names. Were he to find out the identity of his Father there is a good chance that Luce may choose to follow in his footsteps, which isn't the safest of aspirations.

- Speed-Growth: To the greater Galaxy, the children of Mikhail Shorn should not be more than eight years old... However, due to their time spent in the Bubble, both Luce and his sister Katya are twice that. Age does not equate to experience or knowledge, however, and being that his upbringing in the Bubble was so isolated, he's not as socially adjusted as others in his age bracket.

- Force? Pfft: His natural affinity with the Lightfoil revealed Luce to be Force Sensitive, however aside from his Saber Rake training he has rejected this aspect of himself and has never sought to utilize the Force in any conscious way.


Shortly after birth Lucien and his twin Katya became orphaned when both their mother and father were killed. Both children were smuggled away from the eyes of the Galaxy by the ever loyal Bucket and their Godfather, whom Lucien was named after. Believing that the children would be safer if they were older their destination was a spatial anomaly - the Chiloon Rift - where they were to spend the next ten years of their life in isolation. Unbeknownst to the children, outside the Galaxy had barely aged at all and so it was that just two years after the death of their parents, and Lucien and Katya's birth, the pair emerged from the Rift having experienced a decade of life.

Split up for their own safety, Lucien was sent away to the Tapani Sector where his education and somewhat extravagant lifestyle was paid for in full by an anonymous sponsor. While he was not informed of such, the man happened to be the self-same Godfather who had helped to save the life of the twins. Lucien was given the best education money could buy and gained several great friends who would join in with the plotting of great pranks against their tutors and fellow students. Yet the ten isolated years with just Bucket and Katya for company weighed on the boy, who was noted as being quiet and reserved for the most part.

Still his friends stuck by him, and as they grew they each became part of the Saber Rake fad. Saving up some of his monthly allowance, Lucien was able to afford a beautiful Lightfoil and became rather well versed in utilizing it; each evening the boys would practice their dueling, the kata similar to that of a Makashi practitioner, yet one evening one of the older boys thought it would be funny to mess with the intensity settings of one of the foils. What should have been a stinging graze ended in the death of one of Lucien's closest friends. Terrified of the consequences, and miserable for his loss, Lucien fled from the Sector in a stolen starfighter.

He wasn't able to get too far, however, before provisions and fuel ran low. Ending up along the Mara Corridor he made the hasty decision to pilot the ship to nearby Nal Hutta where he ended up stranded and penniless. Having always felt out of place among the life of a Noble, he decided that this would be the chance at a fresh start and thus began his descent into low-life criminal activity. Acquiring a blaster he was, at first, a terrible shot. With time and patience his prowess as a marksman grew until he gained the attention of a Bounty Hunter; the man could tell that Lucien came from money, and was at first reluctant to take him on, even with his keen shot, and so it fell to Lucien to prove himself.

Taking on small time jobs his confidence grew with each success, yet still his peers looked down on him. All the same, he was able to rake in enough credits to purchase more fuel and supplies for his ship, and while he tries at all cost to forget his time as a Tapani Youth he still carries upon his person the self same Lightfoil that terminated his innocence. Still looking to prove himself, Lucien took to space to find bigger game and make a name for himself across the stars.


1. Not Your (God) Father's Son
2. Becoming A Patient Wolf
3. Setting The Patient Wolf Among The Sheep
4. The Bitter Taste of Vengeance
5. The Shadow of Shorn

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