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Character Lucian Vestex

Lucian Vestex




Disciple of despair

NAME: Lucian Vestex
FACTION: The Sith Order
RANK: Apprentice, Assassin
AGE: Mid twenties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 185 cm
WEIGHT: 89 kg
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Charcoal
SKIN: Pale

1. Stealth
2. Mental manipulation
3. Deceptive combat techniques

1. Overwhelming anger, grief, guilt
2. Below average physical strength
3. Reacts before thinking, easily provoked

Sokan, Tràkata, Force illusion, Force cloak

Dark, brooding, forlorn. Pale skin, sunken yellow eyes. Black clothing, black boots. Lucian prefers to move in the shadows and avoid detection; he's seen when he wants to be. Equipment includes a red lightsaber, dagger, and mask.

Origins: Unknown
Lucian's story begins as a happy-go-lucky spacer. His crew was his life; including his jovial best friend Ren and beloved girlfriend Charlotte. The group kept afloat running shipments in the Outer Rim for the Rimward Trade League. Their cargo consisted of mostly essential supplies for territories suffering from the Second Great Hyperspace War. Lucian was Force sensitive and knew it, though it was only known among his crew. He would often amuse them with acts of telekensis.

One day while transporting supplies along the edge of the Outer Rim, Lucian and his group were attacked and boarded by pirates. The crew knew not to fight back, the pirates were only there for the goods. But the leader went too far and attempted to take Charlotte with them. Ren ran forward to stop them but was immediately fired upon and killed. A firefight ensued. Lucian watched as his crew were mercilessly cut down. His bestfriend was dead. His beloved girlfriend was dead, too... and their unborn child. The pirates suffered few, if any, casualties.

Lucian was injured, suffering several blaster shots, but he managed to crawl to an escape pod and jettison away. He violently landed on an unnamed mountainous planet, the ship crashing through the ceiling of a cave. It was here he discovered an abandoned Sith holocron, lightsaber, and small ship. Lucian spent months mourning the loss of his family, the dark side nexus in the cave slowly corrupting his weakened state; his desire for revenge the perfect catalyst. He eventually succumbed and learned what he could from the ancient holocron, having been left behind eons ago.

When Lucian was ready, he took the ship and stalked the Outer Rim trade route where the pirates had attacked. He waited months to track them down. When he finally did, he silently boarded their ship and slaughtered them without remorse. It had been a satisfying act of revenge. As the ship fell silent, the dark figured disignited his lightsaber. With this act of vengence, the dark side had fully corrupted his heart. Lucian was dead, only a Sith remained.

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