Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Lost and Alone on Vile Streets (Leehak Tano-Bonteri)

(Sorry for the late replay been really busy)

Riku listened and watched and she looked at the thread she had pulled as he was trying to encourage it to grow through the strand was fighting to pull from her grip it wasn't able to make a connection she let it go and watched it zip back to the plant and it almost instantly started to come back. "Interesting" she looked to Leehak Tano-Bonteri Leehak Tano-Bonteri then gripped the thread that was coming from him and she focused on it and he felt a great energy a welling since to save the universe but great darkness seeing destruction whirling around and creation all at once. She let go and touch the plants and focused and they seemed to go through their life cycle multiple times tell she let go and they were just starting to bloom.
Riku reached out and touched the thread again and looked at the plant as it slowly started to close up retreating into the soil tell it was just a seed. "now for the hard part." she said and her hand shifting along the thread and shifted it her hand moving ever so slightly and the seed started to grow and she brought it back to being just a bulb. and then shifted her hand again and the bud started to open and she stopped just as the bud started to split. She was sweating.
By the time he had asked the question she had passed back out but the plants were growing at a slightly faster pace enough to be noticeable but not enough to cause concern just yet.

She was out like this for weeks before waking up and stretching. "how long did I sleep?" she asked looking around the room.

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