Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Lords of the Lance


Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Duke Osiris lowered his blast visor after taking a power lance from one of his house's squires. Difficult to balance all that armor astride a swoop bike without practice. He couldn't hear another engine across the tilting field over his own durasteel steed's temperamental roars. That would change soon enough. Although their top acceleration was limited these competitions did not lack risk.

Starting banners waved and Thul felt a squire thump on the swoop chassis. He throttled up enjoying the sudden rush of exhilaration that accompanied being launched into a near collision course at high speeds. It required deceptive strength to lower the heavy lance into an attack posture. Timing was everything in a joust. Enough variables to challenge even his Jedi training. Osiris struck in the blink of an eye, blasting the rival knight off their speeder with a low charge as he passed.

Smoking armor tumbled but after a few seconds the knight groaned and tried to sit up. House Thul's master slowed down enough to toss his lance into the hands of a squire, lifting the blast visor back up as he did so. His eyebrows arched at the sight of a most unexpected new spectator. Duke Osiris took a victory lap around the tilt before cutting engine power and dismounting. He bent down on one knee.

"Your Majesty, this is a rare honor."

"Would this be the moment I hand you the rose of my favor, or was that supposed to be before the match?" The king flashed a characteristically shaded smile.

One moment, he hadn't been there. The next, the dark form of Alicio was standing at the edge of the field, as if he'd never been anywhere else, his cloak swaying in the slight breeze, a brooch of royal chalcedony pinned on his breast. There had been no fanfare, and nothing but a whispering shadow in the Force denoting his presence, though a careful former Jedi may sense a few unseen presences mixed into the crowd.

"Please stand," Alicio said, holding out a sturdy hand to help the Duke up. "I've only been king for a moment. Give me time to ease into the customs."

Once Osiris had gotten to his feet, Alicio would nod to him... then nod past him, toward the man still on the ground. "Walk with me a moment, Duke Thul?"

- Osiris Thul Osiris Thul -
"Star-crossed romance?" Osiris grinned back, "Best to avoid courtly gossip."

His own presence in the Force remained closed off. Leaving the Order was not exactly common, so Duke Thul maintained control of his emotions in public. Good thing he'd been trained to suppress them when necessary. Jedi tradition warned the darkside led to paranoia but Osiris knew he was being watched. King Alicio might be too honorable to spy on him however the SIA likely held no such reservations.

"Please stand," Alicio said, holding out a sturdy hand to help the Duke up. "I've only been king for a moment. Give me time to ease into the customs."

"As you wish, majesty."

Duke Osiris did not take the king's hand, instead straining muscles to lift so much heavy armor of his own proud will. He removed his helm and turned when Alicio acknowledged his defeated opponent to slam a mailed fist across his beast in warrior's salute. Still dazed from their high-speed tumble the fallen knight returned Thul's gesture in more or less their direction. Osiris fell into step beside his king.

"Have you come to gloat, Organa?" he held a solemn look of noble outrage for a few seconds before pursed lips broke into another mischievous crooked smile, "Or shall we discuss the art of war?"
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Osiris rose under his own power.

Alicio had seen as much. But that hadn't stopped him from offering his hand regardless. With knowing grace, he retracted his offer, and let his arm disappear into his cloak, before beginning a ponderous, clipped walk.

Into the field.

"Have you come to gloat, Organa? Or shall we discuss the art of war?"

The new King gave the Duke a raised eyebrow, and a wry smile, wondering just how much of his outburst was in jest, and how much was real. "Do I come across as the boastful type?" Alicio looked ahead, towards the warrior still on the ground. "Even I know there is no man so dangerous as the one who comes in second."

In a moment, Alicio was in front of the fallen knight. Medics were already checking him over- it seemed to be nothing too serious- but that didn't stop Alicio from kneeling, and laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. There was a sigh from the Organa, and with his exhale, the Force shifted. A warm energy connected them for a moment, as Alicio healed the fallen jouster's bruised chest, his rattled head. "Be well," he said, before rising once more, and with a passing look at Osiris, finally made for the exit.

"I plan on making good on my promise to you. And I expect you to do the same."

"What do you envision for the future of the Alderaanian Knights?"

- Osiris Thul Osiris Thul -
Osiris frowned at the characteristic display of mercy but made no comment. His armor rattled with each step at the king's side. They talked, even laughed together but the gulf of mistrust between their houses was vast. Duke Thul did not quite know whether to be flattered by this unexpected audience or insulted that Alicio Organa Alicio Organa would question his oaths once given.

"Our people remember the old civil wars between great houses with shame," he said while both nobles walked together, "It is why we fight so hard for peace, yet sometimes it makes us reluctant to confront great evil."

Aldera's civic heart balanced function with natural splendor. Trees lined the avenues and air traffic was prohibited so close to the royal palace instead confined to city outskirts. From here their view of Appenza Peak towering over everything was unobscured.

"Times have changed and we must modernize. Your new army with their mandalorian training is a good start. Our enemies know these tactics well. You were there during the last war. We threw bodies at the Maw to win and it almost wasn't enough."

Duke Thul turned to meet his liege's eyes ignoring the pedestrians who began to stare at their monarch.

"How much longer can Alderaan afford to deny who we once were?"

Alicio matched Osiris' ponderous pace, his cloak hanging heavy around his form. Perhaps a weaker man would've dismissed the Duke outright, on the grounds of their rivalry for the throne. But Alicio... didn't. He listened, letting the former Jedi's words tumble around in his head.

"It is... a fine balance, between progress and tradition." A songbird caught Alicio's attention, enjoying the greenery in the center of Alderaan's capital city. "I admit, I have a bias for the former, rather than the latter. I've always hoped for a brighter tomorrow, marched ahead to make it so. But there is beauty in the past, too. I know you see it. Which is why I want your help."

"How much longer can Alderaan afford to deny who we once were?"

Alicio let his eyes pass over Osiris. It was his turn to show the shadow of a frown. "You speak as if we're blind to it. Alderaan knows where it came from. But just as any lifespan, with experience comes... perspective."

"Do you believe who we were then is better than who we are now?"

- Osiris Thul Osiris Thul -
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