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Approved NPC Lord Dirus

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Darth Atrox

dark lord of the sith

  • Intent: To create a master for Darth Iskios, as I cannot find threads with the character I originally wrote with. To also create a puppet master pulling the strings behind Iskios' IC actions. To create a possible plot in the future.
  • ​Image Credit: [x]
  • Role: Darth Iskios' Sith Master.
  • Links: Darth Iskios [x]
  • Age: 62
  • Force Sensitivity: Master - Sith Lord
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Lord Dirus exclusively wears a Sith Robe which drapes his whole body in darkness and mystery - just how he likes it. The Sith's face is almost never exposed, and as such is pale white, with visible Dark Side corruption features as a result of his decades in service of the Darkness. In times where his face is illuminated, the most striking feature is his magmatic, abhorrent eyes, tainted by the Dark Side.
  • Name(s): (unknown)
    ​Sith Moniker: Darth Dirus
  • Alias: (Lord) Dirus.

[*]Loyalties: Himself
[*]Wealth: Moderately wealthy.
[*]Notable Possessions: No notable possessions.
[*]Skills: Master of Tutaminis, Force Lightning and telekinetic attacks, Close-range teleportation.
[*]Personality: Lord Dirus is a cold character, who prefers isolation over socialisation. He has no friends, and no bonds to speak of bar his most trusted apprentice, Darth Iskios, whom he has begun to trust.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Force. Dirus avoids combat and uses his several pawns to fight for him.
  • Combat Function: Darth Dirus is no longer a fighter, for he deems himself above such frivolous displays of power. However, if forced into a battle, he would use Djem So to beat down his opponent, and finish them with his Force powers.
Should this fail, he would simply teleport away and resume the battle from another position.

Lord Dirus had always been an unholy soul, even since his birth over half a century ago upon the forest world of Dantooine. He grew up in an average home, with average parents and an average education, but the young male was far from average. The Force surrounded him, and provided him with reflexes nobody in his area could rival.

His parents knew that he was Force-Sensitive, but they held a dislike for the Jedi. So he was hidden away from the grasping hands of the Light, and isolated from the rest of his kinsmen to save him from the whispers and prejudice he was to suffer from the other children and adults alike.

These would be his first steps to a life of loneliness, and from that moment a single seed of hatred was sewn, and it would blossom into a mighty tree of greed, hatred, jealousy and strength. It was Darth Dirus' destiny to become Sith.

Unfortunately, however hard his parents tried to keep their precious son away from the life of a Jedi, they eventually discovered him and sent him away to be trained as a Jedi Knight in some far corner of the Galaxy, lightyears away from the only place he had ever lived. Dirus resented the Jedi's way of life, and he craved more. He saw his Jedi 'friends' as no more than pathetic fools, intent on discovering peace in a galaxy full of Chaos. He saw past the lies of the Jedi, and during his years as a Jedi Padawan, Darth Dirus would come to the conclusion that the Jedi was not the place for him.

He yearned for a greater galaxy than the one wanted by the Jedi. A galaxy under his command, and under his authority. Dirus figured that the only place that he could become the galactic power he dreamt of was under a different name. The Sith. In a heartbeat he abandoned the Order, and set course for an unknown planet where he would learn the nature of the Dark Side, and would truly abandon the Light.

The Sith saw Dirus as an excellent canvas to paint their ideals upon, and twist his mind past his own desires and replace it with their own so that they could make the young man into a vessel of evil. The seeds his parents had unwillingly planted were quickly discovered after a few weeks, days even into his time with the Sith. His hate for his parents was what he was forced to act upon on his first assignment, designed to sever him from any past affiliates he had.

Dirus, as he was quickly becoming known as, was ordered to travel to Dantooine and murder his village, including his family, in a brutal demonstration of Dark Side power. Like a puppet, he did what his masters asked, and was often sent across the galaxy to deal with the enemies of his superiors once his power had begun to increase.

Dirus ascended to a Sith Knight quickly, and was a respected by his fellow Sith as both a force to be reckoned with and an intelligent fountain of Sith Knowledge, for he had dedicated most of his spare time to studying the ancient Sith, from Darth Sidious to Darth Bane. It was during this time that Dirus had become fascinated with the Rule of Two, an ancient Sith Doctrine where there were only ever two Sith in existence at one time - a master and an apprentice.

As he once had with the Jedi, he saw the flaws of a united Sith, and how, just as Darth Bane had, the Sith cannot truly work together in great numbers without rivalry and death. Dirus knew he wasn't powerful enough to carry out his will, and so, in silence he continued his training until he received the title of Sith Lord, and his Sith Moniker.

Lord Dirus did not want to be apart of an Order. Lord Dirus wanted to be the Sith his subjects worshipped, much like some of the Sith already operating in the Galaxy. Now was the time to strike, and kindle the embers which one day could turn into an inferno. Could.

He quickly left his small order, slaying all of those within it with ease and fled into hiding. However, his isolation was not in vain, and all the while his eye was trained upon a young Zabrak Sith within the One Sith, and he tracked him down to the world of Dathomir where the Sith Knight had gone into exile after the fall of the One Sith. Upon Dathomir, Lord Dirus offered training to Atrox, now Darth Iskios in exchange for loyalty. Darth Iskios would become the Hand of Dirus and his Sith Apprentice, and he further taught the Zabrak in the ways of the Sith, and drilled his own ideals just as his old Order had once done with him.

The legacy of Lord Dirus had begun with Darth Iskios, who was modelled to serve his bidding even if it lead him to his death. The reality was most likely different from the image in Dirus' mind.
Darth Iskios said:

This is pretty much the only thing that could be an issue with this submission. Even most player characters can't/don't use teleportation mainly because it's often used in bad taste. If you can provide some solid reasoning to why Lord Dirus should have such a power, I'll stamp this. If you can't, I'll ask you to remove it and then stamp.

Tag me when you're done.

Darth Atrox

Lord Dirus would not be able to do extreme feats of teleportation, such as teleporting across a planet or across a galaxy. Instead, he would use it to travel to a place in reasonable proximity to him to simply intimidate his subjects. Think of Darth Jadus.

The sub has been edited to clarify his ability. :)

Darth Iskios said:
Close-range teleportation.
[member="Marcus Itera"]
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