Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking to Meet Some New People


Saint of the Damned
Most of the recent RPs I've been apart of have involved criminal maniacs and corrupt politicians, and I'll soon have a Sith Lord to teach me the ways of the Force, and since I'm still kind of new here, I was wanting to meet a wider variety of people. The relationships between our characters don't have to be positive (Lark's not a good dude), and even though I said I wanted to meet new people, if you're involved in the criminal side of things, I'd still love to RP with you! Like the title says, I just want to meet some new people! Anyone interested? I don't really have an idea for a story in mind, but we can figure that out.


Well-Known Member
I see well although am sort affiliated with lightside jedi atm ( though he still transitioning to it from being a rogue) open meet new people to interact with. Could maybe some sort misadventure where they unexpectedly meet and work together get out of?

Or if you want to got a couple other alts that could work......who are non-force users. One with some criminal background....and a couple with or some connection with the law.


Saint of the Damned
[member="Leo Vandermolen"] I posted in the Nevermore thread, so chances are we'll end up meeting there.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"] I'd be down to figure something out. Unfortunately, I am not very creative and have no idea what.


Well-Known Member

Hmm,well how about something do with black market goods? Seeing as Ronin in the market to fix the old clunker of a ship he found.


Well-Known Member

Should be a start of a plan then as seeing what am might be looking to are a non-commercial civilian type of gear. Which might be something of interest we can work on.....


Saint of the Damned
[member="Ronin Wendigo"] Lark could probably be in the market for a weapon of some kind. Or information. We could work together to get what we both need.

[member="Panzer"] I was on some Naruto site awhile ago, but I don't think I used Lark. I probably tried to but it was taken.


Well-Known Member

yeah, they could maybe break into some research facility.... with Ron using some his tech and force ability while you supply the intel and get away plan. Could we set this a bit back during his early time and return to the order?


Well-Known Member

Lark said:
[member="Ronin Wendigo"] When were you wanting to start?
Can start am open rp atm though there might be bit slow up during the holiday to come.

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