Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for work

Master Tracker looking for work, be it people or objects you seek, Larisa can find them.

Looking for anything, be it tracking down a bounty for someone, or finding a loved one lost in a war. I'm open for pretty much anything.
Final Dawn Central Command
[member="Larisa Young"] [member="Kal Sarn"] My Main Character ([member="Maracel Yorkell II"]) is willing to pay handsomely if you could help me in this thread

Jakob Benson

[member="Larisa Young"]

The Bounty Board in the Marketplace has some candidates for you to track.
[member="Kal Sarn"] Totally down for that, Larisa is not a fighter per say so a partnership would be beneficial if I'm to look at the Bounty Board as [member="Jakob Benson"] has suggested.

[member="The Legend 27"] what aid would you be looking for in that thread? My character is already their because she wants to question the group you're trying to kill
Final Dawn Central Command
[member="Larisa Young"] Well right now i just need you to try to help me force my opponents back to the moon of Pijal and then capture them

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