Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking For Weebs to Write Some Weeb Shi-

Ryv Ryv

Also there is the atrisian character starter pack

Atrisian Common Threads: civilian clothing
Atrisian Academy Uniforms: If they attend one of the academies

Kirano Interface: Standard augmented reality communicator for different functions
Makie Class Droid: Personal droid given to all citizens for basic functions

The planet for lore and its two moons
note that there has been more lore crafted and added not in the sub. Shoma and me wait until we have around 100 lore subs to update and add more to the history
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ryv Ryv

Also there is the atrisian character starter pack

Atrisian Common Threads: civilian clothing
Atrisian Academy Uniforms: If they attend one of the academies

Kirano Interface: Standard augmented reality communicator for different functions
Makie Class Droid: Personal droid given to all citizens for basic functions

The planet for lore and its two moons
note that there has been more lore crafted and added not in the sub. Shoma and me wait until we have around 100 lore subs to update and add more to the history

Do you guys have a discord? Or do you?

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