Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for some help

So like the title says, I'm looking for some help in develop my company's immense project for advancement to Tier VI. The current idea is to develop a 2900~ meter Battlecruiser along the lines of the Resurgent-class ship from TFA, but to cram as much modern technology and power into this thing as much as 300 posts or so of development can put in it. If interested, I would be willing to make contract threads with different companies to help them with their tier up obligations and/or provide materials or goods they might desire.

Post below if interested and I'll get in touch with you if a working relationship between our companies will benefit us both.
Munin said:
Big ships are boring and a dime a dozen. I suggest doing something more original.
Like an Immortal?

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
Archangel would be willing to assist. We have construction droids and can assist with shipyards.

Jed Kerkov

Family? Who needs family when you got credits!
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

The Banking Federation would be more than happy to help fund this wonderful project,

I'd be more than happy to help get those 300 posts.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
I've got several corporations and tier-up obligations, both of which are aimed at growing to tier-5.

Tier-4 Star Tours: delivery of materials and components ([member="Dunames Lopez"])

Tier-4 Ringovinda StarYards: sale of mobile drydocks (large enough to build substantial sections each on it; [member="Charzon Loulan"])

Tier-2 Ringovinda Systems: ship-wide neural net, Summer heavy mass driver and other components (check Marketplace for other components of interests, may be best to split into two separate contracts for 10 posts apiece - I should warn you, if you want it to be able to land on planets, you also need both variable-geometry landing gear and repulsorlift generators; Charzon Loulan or [member="Jessica Med-Beq"])

If for some reason real estate is a necessity, you may also ask for [member="Cathul Thuku"] or [member="Ugohr Poof"] (however if you choose to thread with Ugohr he will be on remand at this time and hence you will have to visit him in prison)

If foodstuffs are necessary, treat Pizza Hutt as you would a tier-3 corporation. (Charzon)

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
[member="Valashu Elahad"] While the OP asked for assistance for their own elevation, I identified in which ways I could have helped the OP, such operations are best conducted when it is mutually beneficial to all parties.

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