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Looking for Sith FU

Cavris Lyran

Looking for a bodyguard?

Want someone to kill that pesky Jedi stalker for you?

Want to show off your powerful, trained guard to all your friends?

Look no further, one insane, easy to instruct soldier ready to serve!


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
[member="Cavris Lyran"]

Colored me intrigued. I might consider this under two stipulations. The first is simple, join the Sith Ascendancy, The second, every Faction/Public thread I join, you join with me.

Cavris Lyran

[member="Darth Sarcophago"] Well I think make sense to be on your every thread, and I could be tempted to join TSA if I could remain in the GE as well

[member="Vengeance"] Okay, I accept this... Shall we say pet that you call bodyguard for their ego?

[member="Darth Abyss"] Same rules as Sarcophago?
[member="Cavris Lyran"] Abyss doesn't really needs a bodyguard, and he deals and acts in the shadows a lot where one would be more an obstacle than an advantage. But at every battlefield or public appearance you would be required to tag along.

Yet being part of the GE could be a problem, as Abyss and the GE aren't really best friends lol.

in case you still want him to be Abyss bodyguard I would be up to creating a unique armor (and maybe a weapon as well) for Cavris to meet Abyss aesthetic

Cavris Lyran

[member="Darth Abyss"] I appreciate the interest but I think might be better for me to go with Sarcophago, but can help you out when you want if you need someone to shoot some Jedi scum! :D

[member="Darth Sarcophago"] Well I then accept your offer, want me to set up a meet up thread?


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
[member="Blake Morrigan"]

Peasants? The only reason you are not tongue cleaning my boots is because you can't keep up with me moving through the galaxy; taking one life at a time. LOL
[member="Cavris Lyran"]

You don't want to know how I treat pets. Trust me on that.

[member="Darth Sarcophago"] [member="Blake Morrigan"]

Ladies, Ladies.

Where is your sense of pride and self respect?

I will put a half million credits on the cannibalistic Knight anybody want in on the action?

Cavris Lyran

Hmmmmmm... Okay, well loyal servant then? @Vengence

And I think I'm on the cannibal side, eating flesh tends to make things interesting.
[member="Cavris Lyran"]

I suppose I could covert my NPC Regiment Commander into a PC. It would involve leading a unit of 4 to 5k troops in open warfare every time Vengeance decides to invade a world for the Ascendency.

That is if the Cannibal Knight is not your cup of tea. ;)

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