Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for role-play partners!

Anyone would like to thread with Iceis?

She was born and raised aboard a space fleet and has recently started visiting planets. We can met wherever your characters find more convenient.

I am down for any type of thread, be it something friendly and calm to a full on duel or more action-oriented threads if you'd like.

If you have a plot in mind we can use it. If not, we can make up a new one or let randomness lead the way of our thread.

The idea is to start building relationships and acquaintances for Iceis, relationships of any nature (friends, allies, enemies and the very wide etc.).

Briar Thorn

Life is a game, so why not enjoy yourself?
[member="Iceis Sovereign"]

Well I am up for RPing with you. It might be fun seeing how her and Briar are kind of in kind of the same boat. He grew up as the son of a grain farmer on Lothal and now has gotten himself out into the bigger galaxy. He is a natural mechanic and craftsman, and had been working as a salvager/scavenger lately. They could meet any way you like and he could fix your ship for you or something. So many options!
[member="Iceis Sovereign"]

Looking for an army? Interested in beautiful works of abomination and mindless obedience?
---------Well then hello, dear. Your medium has arrived.

Tell me..can you enchant things? I feel our relationship could be..mutually beneficial.
[member="Briar Thorn"]

I am sure we'll work something up, I'll PM you soon :)

[member="Grudge The Grutt"]

Not a fan of mindless abominations.

And as to what regards the enchanting abilities, it depends.

If you need something frozen solid, then yes.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
[member="Iceis Sovereign"]

If you're not already maxed out, please consider Sorel. Their meeting could happen in her recent back-story (two years of roaming the galaxy) or now, where she's just become a Silver Jedi Padawan :)
[member="Iceis Sovereign"]

I might be interested! I've been wanting to get some threads for this guy for awhile. He's a bit of a wanderer these days. It could be an interesting dynamic between the two, a Neti who is largely unfamiliar with space and technology and a woman who grew up on spaceships. I don't have any specific ideas but I'm sure we could come up with something :)

Felran Natri

[member="Iceis Sovereign"]

[member="Queen Sovereign"] was just a delight to RP with. I would love to RP with her offspring

Felran Natri

[member="Queen Sovereign"] [member="Iceis Sovereign"]

What can I say. I make impressions on people :p

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