Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking for mentors kinda...

I say "kinda" cause I'm not exactly looking to get Loomi some new skills, more so get her talking to people who can give her some guidance as far as feeling comfortable in her own skin goes. She has a master already, which definately helps, but she needs an individual who is a supportive adult figure to help her figure out the more mundane. Uh, in short I'm looking for someone to adopt her lol. Not like actually, but more surrogate I guess. A lil thingo to give her another system of support and start getting her interacting with more adults, cause she basically exclusively hangs out with children who have just as many problems as her. I'd say a focus on Jedi, but I'm open to having that individual be a normal person as long as they are GA aligned.

So idk, if that sounds like fun hmu. That's my lil pitch or whatever.
Well I wouldn’t call a Mandalorian normal heh but Minerva is GA aligned, especially since she’s no longer tied with the Enclave. Since Loomi and her have just became friends Minerva could act as a mentor outside of the Jedi perspective.

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