Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for Master

After a lot of contemplation over what I want out of Jansal, I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw this out there; additional role-play is always welcome and seeing if anyone would be interested in helping him learn the ways of the Force might offer additional layers to his character. Be it Jedi, Witch, Sith, etcetera I'm willing to accept any offer provided by an interested writer, so long as they, in turn, don't mind teaching an apprentice with a messy history.

Edit: Accepted an offer, thank you for your consideration!
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Forgot this thread was still up. x.x

Thank you for your offer, but I've already been stolen. :cool: However, regardless of whoever will teach my character the ways of the Force, I look forward to meeting your character sometime; thanks again!

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