Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for Jedi Mentor/Master

Kirill is in search for a jedi master. Not looking for a friend, looking for a guide, a mentor someone that will properly train the Cathar in the ways of the force. Train him in the arts of the saber. What it means to be a Jedi. Now, I do not want to be mean, but we have to be compatible as writers. I am not pushy when it comes to posting and I highly respect those that have lives. I expect the same in return. I am also looking for a writer that can produce at the very least a proper paragraph for a post if not more. So if all you do is one sentence wonders, please look else where.

Now the relationship between master and padawan is special, binding almost. But, don't worry, this cathar is not looking for love. He honestly wants to be mentored to his fullest potential, starting from the basic building blocks of training. I as a writer want this character to earn his force stripes properly.

I have found a master for Kirill, thank you [member="Meeristali Peradun"]

Still room for mentors!

Well I have a question for you. Do they need to be a jedi or even jedi trained themselves? I ask because Gray is light leaning force user, although most of his skils are rather neutral in nature, and he could train Kirill.
[member="Gray Raxis"] you can be a mentor for sure. Takes a village to raise a force user. lol. But when it comes down to a single person to be a dedicated master, i am looking for a Jedi knight or Jedi Master.

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