Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for a Partner

Werah is currently leading the TU remnants, based on Lirra. I am looking for someone to join me there, and travel with Werah across the galaxy. Anyone will do, though I would prefer a more...humanoid person. (No 20-eyed elephants.) ;)
[member="Werah Unon"]

The TU still around, alive and kicking I see. I'll be more then willing to pitch in a few post to help you out. Of course Jaster will need instinctive to help out the reminds of some old rivals.

OOC: I've been away for a few months so I'm a bit lost on the times. I think this would be a good fit for my character to get more Intel on what has happened since I was last on. Is that cool with you?
Jaster of Clan Awaud said:
The TU still around, alive and kicking I see.
The TU is dead. They have relinquished control over all the worlds they own, and all there resources have been merged with that of the free planets. Werah is currently leading a small army based on Lirra, which call themselves "The Techno Remenant". I need people to help with this, as doing a bunch of threads by yourself isn't that fun.

Jaster of Clan Awaud said:
Is that cool with you?
[member="Werah Unon"]

I can't say I'll join the Techno Remnant, but I have no problem RP with you or your member. I'm in the middle of rebuilding my faction bit of you need anything just go ahead and hit me up.

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