Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for a Jedi Master

A blind Jedi, who is the age of 14, has ran across the galaxy to find a master, a master who will teach him the ways of the force, as he has no experience, and needs to learn How to see,
[member="Ronen Jerik"] [member="Keran Kojo"]

Well Tydus is traveling to an ancient Jensaarai enclave. He was went there by the force to start his training in the few force arts that are left. I have already gotten permission from the old owner to use it, and if you guys would like, you can join him. Tydus lets off a very different vibe within the force, more of a grey energy then light or dark. So you guys can say you were following a mysterious sensation you both were interesting in investigating.
[member="Ronen Jerik"]

Ight but Before we continue bro, you might wana hit that @Mention button under my picture so it notifies me of when your posting. I've got a few threads so I'll miss it otherwise.

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