Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking for a few new threads if possible.

Looking for a few threads, it doesn't matter what it is. I am little bored and with like some threads on the side while I wait for the others to continue. anyone wish to start a thread by chance or few people actually ?

Even groups or even one on one threads would do. Someone cure my boredom :p
can’t say much now (mobile and busy) but I’ll get on later today to toss a frw ideas up, see if those are interesting.

Ok back Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa

Well what kind of things might you be looking for? I have a good few characters I'm throwing around right now.

Salis: Zweihander Union Major, dark side master, greatly enjoys violence but mostly just does whatever she wants at the time, may seem benevolent, may seem cold. Oldest account, second oldest character. She also has a daughter who might be worth using. Technically two, but the other one I haven't written as it was intended for another user and they aren't on the site anymore.

Rocho Krul: Trandoshan force user Merc/Hunter. Mostly out for the Jagannath points. His sense of 'honor' is certainly a quite thwarted but he's definitely a better person than Salis morally, not that it's saying a whole lot. Oldest character.

Kovhorn: Basically Mandalorian tank, aggressively hates the Sith. Works more as a merc than a bounty hunter, though he has taken bounty hunting jobs it's a lot more rare. Will hunt animals if he believes they will provide a sufficient challenge and learning experience.

Walker: Worse than Salis morally, though less capable as far as combat goes. He's a dark side alchemist/biologist, those two tend to mix a lot for him. He's quite insane and preforms a wide range of experiments, as well as tends to have ties with pirates and slavers, because experiments. Always out for knowledge or self gain.

Shavara: Vran alchemist/biologist like Walker, but on the good side. Much younger, far less experienced in combat or manipulation, but very powerful. She's mostly just trying to help though she does have a legitimate job of exploration and study. She also doubles under another name for helping the Eternal Empires rebellion.

Mariah: Older human, though she neither looks nor feels it most of the time. Not force sensitive unlike most of mine, I guess everyone listed here but Kovhorn. But she does have a special item she wears that prevents her from aging. Has had a lot of jobs and still goes from one to another, tech expert type but has done just about everything. She does avoid being in combat herself though, and even has a droid she can command directly to be in her place if needed. As well as a lot of drones. On the better side of things, not as moral as Shavara but more so than almost everyone else I've listed here.

I do have others but they may not fit as well right now.
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Always up for some threads. Kat is a Knight that has strong prowess in combat with Echani background and is currently dedicated to healing and supporting others through the Force.

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