Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking for a few GA aligned peeps to thread with.

I'm slowly working on integrating Gatz to the Galactic Alliance, with the (current) intent of making him a Ranger down the line.

But I'd like to start two or three new threads with other Galactic Alliance characters, so that he can start building connections and alliances and what not. Jedi, common soldiers, even politicians — doesn't matter to me what your character does. I'd like to meet them no matter who they are.

To give you a very brief run down on Gatz: he's a former Jedi youngling, turned smuggler, who has given up on crime and has spent the last year trying to make up for that life by lending a helping hand to pretty much whoever needs it. He's also just begun to open himself back up to the Force, though admittedly somewhat reluctantly.

If you're interested, just leave me a comment, and we can brainstorm something.
Hey! I've got a Jedi Padawan, GA Pathfinder Aana Xyston Aana Xyston , and a Captain in the Navy Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)
Those all sound like fun. Do you have a particular character you'd prefer to write with?

Hattori has yet to see anything. Droid manufacturer and company owner, martial arts enthusiast, and lives on Coruscant!
Gatz is on Coruscant pretty often. I could see them meeting randomly at the bar, or maybe Gatz is looking for upgrades for his old astromech unit?

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Thumbs up and points to self
Wanna shoot some things that need shooting?
I'd be interested in both, but I do think it's probably better if Shani doesn't reveal herself as a Jedi Shadow. Gatz has issues with Shadows.
That’ll work. Shani presents herself more as mystic anyways (all the better to protect her secrecy as a shadow) so unless he’s a master mind-reader she’d probably keep it secret anyways.

Shoot me a DM (here or on Discord (#lgmmrm)) when you get the chance and we can brainstorm up a thread for Gatz and one of my chars.

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