Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for a bright centre

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

The twin suns of the Tatoo system were hanging outside the forward viewport, a pair of white eyes blazing up from the black well of space. Like all twins, they were bound together by a tie as unpredictable as it was powerful. Sometimes, the bond boosted their luminosity far beyond that of two normal suns. At other times, it sent waves of ionic discharge pulsing across space to scramble circuits and reorient core-relative compasses. Today, they were benevolent and Sorel was able to enter the atmosphere unmolested by any ion storm.

Fighting thermal updrafts, Sorel cruised under the harsh double suns down to the broiling city of Mos Eisley, the hub of civilisation on this backwater world. Below her, the space-port's towers and low adobe structures shimmered in the afternoon haze. Because of its remote location, Mos Eisley was known throughout the galaxy for attracting thieves, pirates, and smugglers and it seemed, Jedi.

It was a planet she’d visited so many times before and every time it was a different experience. She’d foiled a Sith plot to blame the Silver’s for a massacre and found a Padawan on her last two visits.

She requested clearance and transferred credits for a temporary berth in one of the low-rent docking stalls in the busy traders' district. She preferred this approach, she did not court attention and her ship epitomised that. Externally it was an old freighter. Internally it was state of the art.

After she landed, she shut down her ship's systems and activated the theft-prevention devices — although the best deterrent had always been the its battered appearance.

She stepped out of the dock only to slam into a wall of heat rising from the dusty streets. She tied her dark hair back in a ponytail and kept to the shadows of low buildings, seeking relief from the harsh sunlight as she walked. Of late she’d taken to wearing her bracelet sparingly and twenty metres in wished she’d worn it today. It was a remarkable invention and a present from her Master — one that regulated her temperature amongst other things.

Today the dust was particularly brutal and she breathed through the sleeve of her robes to filter out the worst of it as he looked for the infamous cantina.

After making her way down narrow back alleys, she entered the noise and smells and blessed air-conditioning of the spaceport bar. The Mos Eisley cantina had a long history and quite a reputation, but none was related to cleanliness or fresh air. History told her that in this dark and seedy bar, Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi had first hired Han Solo and Chewbacca for their legendary run to Alderaan.

She suspected nothing quite so historic would happen today, but never knew for sure.

[member="Sage Kennedy"]
For Sage this was just a normal day, she began with her normal chores, those were always boring but who was she to complain. Once she had finished those her mother would turn to her and speak in a gentle voice "Sage my dearest I need some parts to fix our air conditioning could you run into town and retrieve these for me?"

Sage wouldn't think twice as she nodded her head, she always loved going into town though most of the time it wound up her running home humiliated and crying. She would wear simple clothing that had become the standard for living on Tatooine. This helped with the heat, that is also why she kept her hair short. She would grab a scarf and wrap it around her mouth and nose, she knew how bad the dust storms could be and she didn't want to take any chances

After finishing getting ready she would step out into the blistering heat that was tatooine, she would begin her way into town. She would get into her speeder, these were pretty rare on Tatooine, she was blessed to have on. She would start it up and begin she would shift into gear. As she did she released her foot off the brake and put it on the gas, she was on her way.

After about 5 minutes she had made it into the city, she would head to Tosche station and get the parts. On her way home she became parched so she would stop off at the cantina and head in

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was at the cantina for a simple task — to collect some information from a certain informant that preferred to keep a low profile and was never going to meet her within a kilometre of a Jedi temple.

So she’d made her way here and found a free booth and sat down. In her robes, she stood out from the crowd and knew the informant would be able to find her.

As she sat, she scanned the bar. The auras were nondescript — this wasn’t the sort of place a Jedi would frequent given the choice.

And then she sensed a newcomer. She wasn’t in the cantina yet, but she was approaching. Her aura was light and suggested she was a Padawan, or at least not trained. Sorel’s eyes were now trained on the door. One Jedi here was a surprise. Two? That was more than a convenience.

[member="Sage Kennedy"]
Sage would upon entering the cantina look over the room, a few drunks using a holotable and a few business deals being finished up. Nothing out of the ordinary, but something felt off to her. She didn't know what it was but it was weirding her out, she would slowly make her way around the dimly lit room that was the cantina

She would then approach the bar, getting a non-alcoholic drink she would look around for a place to sit, most of the tables were taken. She would look around and suddenly without expecting it her feet would begin to move it would seem on their own, her wings ruffling as if ready to take flight

She would approach the small booth where @Sorel Creiff, sat, upon reaching the booth she would ask "is this seat taken?"

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel saw the young woman enter and watched her as she made her way around the room. Was she looking for someone? Or something? Or maybe she sensed Sorel but was unable to pin-point her? Untrained Force sensitives could often identify something was different — in this case the presence of a Jedi — but not always understand why.

Sorel was intrigued as to why the young woman was here and if the Force was at work in bringing them together. So, to aid the connection, Sorel drew on the Force —which would amplify her aura. It hopefully would act as a beacon.

The plan worked, as Sorel noted the girl was heading slowly but inexorably in her direction. Finally, she was in front of the Jedi Grand Master and she spoke.

Sorel stood and bowed, as was her custom. “No, it’s free. But I suspect that’s not by chance.” Sore, sat back down. “I’m Sorel Crieff by the way, and please call me Sorel. And if you weren’t already aware, I’m a Jedi. Are you familiar with the Order?”

[member="Sage Kennedy"]
Sage would reciprocate the womans bow, she was aware that this was a show of respect. She would then take a seat, this woman seemed to know much about the lightside of the force, and that didn't worry her. She wanted nothing more than to honor her S'kytri roots and become a warrior that would make her ancestors proud.

As she took her seat she would fold her wings tighter than before, this was the only way she could sit fully back against the backrest. Sorel didn't seem to notice or mind that the young girl had blinding white wings on her back. She would hear what the woman had to say

"I am Sage Kennedy, I did not know you were a Jedi in the beginning. But I do now, I have heard rumors but nothing more

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel had met many races before and took each at face value, not judging them by appearance or reputation. So the young woman’s wings were never going to be a topic of conversation that Sorel would bring up.

“Well met Sage. Jedi and Sith are surrounded by rumours, some are true and most are myths at best and lies at worst. In simple terms, I am a peacekeeper and I follow a strict Code. Not every Jedi sees themselves as peacekeepers, many view themselves as warriors. And not all follow all of the Code. In my opinion, these are not truly Jedi, but now we are getting into philosophical semantics.”

“I’d be curious to know what rumours you’ve heard.”

[member="Sage Kennedy"]
"I have heard a great number of things, such as the fact that the Jedi are powerful and all knowing warriors that if they were strong enough in the force could stop time itself. I have also heard that they can move at such speed the could slice a drop of rain as it fell." She said after hearing what the woman had to say.

She was excited and mystified just being in the presence of a Jedi.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel smiled. “As I said, some things are true whereas others are at the very least exaggerated. I know of a Jedi that used to practice with a saber in the rain. Not one drop touched her skin. That takes some practise though.”

“But stopping time? We can move faster than the eye can see, but that is not something I’ve ever seen. I’m not saying it is not in some way possible, but not within the remit of an average Jedi.”

“And talking of averages, you are not a typical local. I’m wondering what brought you here, or more accurately, what keeps you here. And why you’re not looking to develop your own Force abiltiies at an Academy somewhere.”

[member="Sage Kennedy"]
Sage would think on the words the woman had said and was astounded that most of the rumors she had heard were true, she couldn't believe that she had the potential to become one of these ultra powerful beings

She would contemplate the woman's questions of her, she didn't even know that she had the potential of this. Her parents always knew she had something different about her, they never said what but that must have been what it was.

"I had never known that I had this potential."

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel nodded, her face retaining the soft and friendly smile she’d worn since they met. “I wasn’t sure if you knew, and I hope I haven’t shocked or offended you.”

She glanced around the room before returning her gaze to Sage. “People react differently when they find out — often based on what they think being a Jedi means. Some are excited, others afraid. Many have misconceptions about what it means and what their life will become.”

“I suspect you have many questions and I hope I’m as good as anyone to answer them. There is rarely a single response, so I will make sure I cover all of the angles.”

[member="Sage Kennedy"]
"What is the force? I have heard many rumors of Jedi life what is it really? What restrictions does it have and how does this effect the Jedi? When can I get a lightsaber?" She asked these questions in a world wind.

As she asked a man sitting in the booth behind her whom she didn't know at all noticed her wings, he proceeded to grab them and pull on them. Sage didn't appreciate this, nor would anyone with wings themselves. Sage had to hold back from punching him, though it was hard she would turn around and say "Please stop."

Pulling on her wings hurt her extremely for they were a very delicate structure on the body. The man wouldn't stop but continue to do it harder

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel smiled in a friendly manner. “The Force? It can be described as an energy field that connects all living things. Across the whole galaxy. And the power of the Force can be used by anyone who is sensitive to it. Like me…and you.”

“And using the Force grants a number of useful powers, such as the ability to sense impending attacks or to push and lift physical objects. Some can influence the thoughts of others and even see the future. We all have different strengths and gifts, but the basic abilities are used by most Jedi.”

“And to me a Jedi is a peacekeeper. We live normal lives but follow a Code to protect the innocent. Beyond that, most things are possible and permitted. Marriage, children — things that were once forbidden are now seen as quite normal.”

“And your lightsaber can come quickly, once you know how to use one and have learned to Meditate and the ability known as Telekinesis."

As she explained, she was aware of the man bothering Sage and sensed the frustration and pain that the young woman was feeling. When the man did not respond to being asked politely, Sorel rose and walked around, so she was facing the man.

She put her hands on her hips, pushing her robe back and exposing the twin sabers attached to her belt. A smile never left her lips and her tone was friendly but there was an undercurrent of steel in her voice.

“Hello. My name is Sorel. Jedi Grand Master Sorel Crieff to use my full title, which I rarely do. But now feels like an appropriate moment. You have been asked to stop. Politely. I am now asking you equally politely I believe, but more firmly.”

“And I never ask twice.”

[member="Sage Kennedy"]
The man would quickly stop, he feared the jedi for reason of a mistaken belief. He would quickly get up and walk out. The light would reflect off of her ginger hair, her back still hurt, very badly, wings were very delicate and therefore hurt very badly. She would try to calm herself down, she was very shaken by this all. She would think on the matter of all that had been said to her.

She would then look back at Sorel. Tears would have welled up in her eyes, then two would begin to stream down her pale cheeks. She would put her head in her hands and let the rest out

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
The tears would have to flow. Sorel had something she had to share.

“Before we head out, I have one confession. When I said I was Grand Master of the Silver Order, it was true, but from a certain perspective. I was the Grand Master but recently stepped down. I cannot bring myself to work with dark-siders. And I was not prepared to compromise.”

“So you have a choice. You can still join the Order and have me as a Master, or choose one there. Or you can choose to train with me and not follow any Order. There is no pressure either way and I’ll respect your decision. I can even drop you off on Voss if you wish to head there.”

“As I say, the choice is yours.”

[member="Sage Kennedy"]
Sage would listen to the woman, this didnt make a difference to her, she knew the woman was extremely powerful but more than that she was willing to take her on as an apprentice, and this was more than she could eer ask for.

"I will still become your apprentice if you will have me, I will accept your order and take in all you teach me"

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel nodded her appreciation of the young woman’s confidence. “Of course I would be honoured to be your Master and so when we leave here, I will set course for a planet I have been made aware of. One that would serve as an excellent Jedi temple.”

“It is off the charts, and I have only seen it in a dream. A form of Farseeing, to which I am prone. So, I will be asking you to take on two leaps of faith. One was agreeing to be my Apprentice. The second will be to follow me to a planet that the charts do not show. But I know it is there. The Force has shown me.”

[member="Sage Kennedy"]
"I will follow you master, the force is with you and I trust it to guide us safely, I know nothing of maps I have never left this desolate world before." She said ready to follow this woman to the edges of the universe if necessary to get her out of here. "I must retrieve a few belongings from my home but then I shall be ready to proceed off of this world master."

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel smiled. She would regularly check the young girl was sure as they journeyed. It was common for those who had just been told they were Force sensitive to accept the first offer to come along. And also to attach too much importance to the person than told them.

“Please fetch what you need and meet me at my ship.” Sorel shared the directions to the space-port she’d docked in and handed the young woman a few credits. “In case you need to settle any accounts. And whilst I’m waiting, I’ll plan our route.”

And with that, Sorel walked from the bar and back to her ship.

[member="Sage Kennedy"]

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