Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Long Live [Open To Sith / Bounty Hunters]


An oceanic planet laden with hundreds, if not thousands of islands rather than continents was nestled within the crook of The Sith Empire and The Bryn'adûl. Here one might consider a Jedi taking up isolation dangerously close to an enemy as old as time itself to be reckless at best, and suicidal at worst. But remaining undetected was often easier to accomplish when one kept to themself, sent no transmissions, and made use of both the natural landscape and ecosystem for shelter and food. For months now Jamie had remained on Sanctuary, her ship tucked away deep within a valley, obscured from view by a host of towering trees and further camouflaged by branches and leaves draped over the hull. The reprieve from the galaxy's conflicts had been long overdue. The politics of superpowers, the war between Jedi and Sith. The various interpretations of each code individuals painted to serve their own justifications in order to meet their selfish goals.​
She needed time to reclaim balance in not only the Force, but in herself.​

Home here wasn't lavish as it was back on Naboo. Her lifestyle was simple but pleasant. A small home was built against the face of a cliff overlooking the ocean, towering over a forest and beach below. It blended in well with the natural landscape so not to look abnormal from the air or ground, though close inspection perhaps might make for some questions. There were no natural predators on the island, and the local birds made for delightful serenades during the day. While not the largest island by any stretch, it offered plenty in the way of scenic exploration. From valleys to beaches to plains, and even a modest mountain.​
Prior to Sanctuary Jamie had spent time migrating between colonized worlds within the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions in an attempt to live amongst the locals, to blend in, but the injustices she witnessed on each planet always drove her to reveal herself in order to rescue someone, or prevent an attack of some kind. In the end, her principles and morals forced her to a more permanent isolation where she had only herself to look out for. It was better this way, safer.
That solitude was interrupted however, as luck or the Force would have it, whichever one tended to put more faith in. And though she had managed to defeat the Sith who'd discovered her whereabouts, her refusal to strike down her foe was both an affront to his dignity and a danger to herself, yet she held steadfast in her morals even in the gravest circumstances. The Zabrak she had encountered swore revenge, swore there would be others. Yet as he broke the atmosphere and faded from sight, leaving her on the sandy beach, Jamie couldn't help but feel pity. To be so consumed by hatred must be such a terrible burden to carry.​
Sapphire eyes glanced down to the hilt of the crimson saber she claimed from her victory, allowing the smooth durasteel to roll free of her hand, planting itself emitter first into the sand.

There it would remain, a memorial to what she had hoped to escape.

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

The shadow came down through the atmosphere with scorch marks scattered across its hull from a recent attack. One she had no choice but to flee from. Teresa knew there was a chance that she could have been followed from Lothal but it mattered very little right now. The woman needed rest and the safest place in the system she had jumped to seemed to be this world littered with small islands. This was a world the woman never heard of let alone visited, yet it was close by and that was enough. Moment by moment the ship descended through the clouds and towards an island that would have adequate space to land on. There was many like it that she could see from the cockpit window.

It was not much longer till the ship touched down in an outcropping of trees by a beach. Teresa would lean forwards flicking switches causing the engines to shut off. A long deep exhale rushed out from between her lips, both hands reaching to cover her face. "Kark me." she cursed to herself feeling the tension over her body causing every muscle to ache. The woman rested there for a few minutes before going to change out of her gear into lighter clothing. Teresa began to wonder if the sea was safe to go in yet that caution in her thoughts got pushed aside quickly as she craved it cool water to help relax some.

The past few weeks had been over all tense. It was her first time being involved in a large scale battle that had knocked her out a few days after escaping. Then there was the endless research into Lothal and a spice trader that operated from the world that had an assassination mark out on his head. Little did she actually know that it was a trap. From a guess they wanted assassins because they had little to no ties, they where not to be missed and would not be noticed disappearing. All that though it did not seem much felt like a lot to Teresa. As the woman stood at the exit of her ship waiting for the ramp to lower she'd take in a deep breath of the fresh clean air that rushed in. It was not often she was knocked back by a sight but she could not deny the natural beauty of this place.

In fact it was her first time to a world littered with tropical islands that had not been over developed tourist traps. "This is nice, peaceful. Maybe its fate telling me I need a brake." She said to herself nodding in agreement to the words teresa had just said. As her bare feet touched the sand she could not help but take in the sensory feel as she took her time walking across till finally reaching the edge of the sea. Waves crashed sending water up the beach, the sun felt warm against her pale complexion. Both wings stretched out wide letting the breeze rush through the black feathers till they dropped back down. The little sith walked into the water till reaching up to her waist.

Jamie Pyne Jamie Pyne


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